Review & Excerpt Tour: BLADE: A Bayou Heat Novella by Alexandra Ivy & Laura Wright


BLADE: A Bayou Heat Novella by Alexandra Ivy & Laura Wright

Publication Date: August 8, 2017

Genre: Paranormal Romance


BLADE - coverSexy Suit, Blade was held captive and abused for decades. Benson Enterprises was desperate to use his superior blood to create super soldiers. But when he’s finally rescued, he can’t return to the Wildlands with the other prisoners. Not without the female he was forced to watch being impregnated. The female who has gone missing.

Beautiful and broken, Valli just wants to run away and never look back. But with the shocking news of her pregnancy fresh in her mind, she wonders if that’s even possible. Told by her captors that one of the caged animals assaulted her, she knows she must do everything in her power to keep her unborn child safe. But when a glorious male tracks her down and claims her and her baby as his own, will she have the strength to walk away?



Blade - Tour teaser 2


Walking out of the kitchen with careful steps, Valli wondered if Fran suspected she wasn’t feeling well. Again. If so, the older woman would insist that she go upstairs to bed. It was such a temptation, but it would not only leave Fran alone to deal with both cooking and waiting tables—it would be a reminder of the last time she’d been unwell. And she couldn’t risk losing her job, even if Fran let her stay upstairs while she hired out again. She had to push through.
Once out of the kitchen, she scurried down the short hallway that led to the women’s bathroom. Crossing to the sink, she splashed cold water on her face, taking deep breaths.
After a moment or two the dizziness receded but was replaced by a strange sense of euphoria. As if something, or someone, was filling her with pure joy.
Unnerved by the sensation, Valli rushed out of the bathroom, only to slam into a man who was just entering the hallway.
Dr. Scott Richards reached out to grasp her by the shoulders, preventing her from bouncing away like a pinball.
“Valli, are you okay?” he asked in concern.
She instantly pulled away from his touch. It wasn’t personal. The doctor was young and boy-next-door handsome, with his dark blond hair and bright blue eyes. He even had dimples. But since her return from the clinic she didn’t want anyone touching her. Especially not men.
She forced a smile to her lips. “Sorry, Dr. Richards.”
He clicked his tongue. “How many times do I need to tell you to call me Scott? Dr. Richards was my dad.”
She took another step backward. Since her arrival in Bonne, she sensed that Scott wanted more from her than just a doctor/patient relationship.
“Scott,” she reluctantly offered.
“That’s better.” He flashed his dimples. “Now why don’t you join me for a cup of coffee? You look like you could use some caffeine.”
“I’m fine.”
He frowned. “You’re pale.”
“I’m working a double shift, so it’s been a long day.”
“Hmm.” His gaze studied the shadows she knew marred the skin beneath her eyes before lowering to her loose smock. Did he suspect there was something she was trying to hide? Or was he just surprised in her choice of uniform? “I think you need to come in for a checkup.”
A flush of anxiety moved through Valli at his words. She pressed herself against the wall and began to inch her way toward the back door that served as an emergency exit.
She liked this man. She really did. But there was no way in hell she was allowing him to examine her. No way in hell she was letting him even get close enough to try.
“I told you when I returned to town that I was cured.”


Blade - Tour teaser 1

Cori 4.5 Stars

BLADE is my new favorite in the Bayou Heat series. It had all the danger, suspense and hot romance that I’ve come to expect with the series, but this one also had a really sweet love story. Blade and Valli both survived hell and when they come together it heals both of them. I just really enjoyed this one. I’d recommend reading this series in order, but each novella can be read as a standalone. They’re novellas but they feel like complete stories. I love Alexandra Ivy and Laura Wright’s books and they make a great team when they write together. I highly recommend this series for paranormal romance lovers. 

*Review copy provided by InkslingerPR in exchange for an honest review.


Blade now available

Buy Links

Kindle $2.99 | Amazon Paperback $9.99

Amazon Series Link



About the Author

Alexandra Ivy - headshotAlexandra Ivy is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. From Alexandra: “I’m not exactly sure when I fell in love with books. Probably on my mother’s knee listening to her read Dr. Seuss to me. I do remember that I was barely old enough to cross the street by myself when I discovered the delights of the local library.

Could anything be more wonderful than spending summer days surrounded by stacks of Nancy Drew mysteries? Over the years I fell in love with Victoria Holt, Jane Austen, Agatha Christie, and J.R.R. Tolkien just to name a few. I read poetry, essays, biographies, and plays. In fact, I read anything I could get my hands on.

Years later (no, I’m not admitting how many) I’m still an avid reader, and my tastes are still as varied as they were in my youth, which I suppose helps to explain why I enjoy writing regency historicals under the name of Deborah Raleigh, as well as my contemporary paranormals as Alexandra Ivy. For now that is enough to keep me busy, but who knows what the future might hold!

I do have a few other loves in my life besides reading and writing, the most important being my unbelievably patient husband, David, and my two sons, Chance and Alexander. Without their constant support and belief in me, I never could have been able to follow my dreams. They are truly my heroes.

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Laura Wright - headshotLaura Wright is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. From Laura: “Unlike many of my peers in the writing world, I wasn’t a writer or a reader until I left high school. During my youth I was into theater, song and dance, commercials and boys. I loved romance surely, but I had never read a romance novel until my late teens. With that said, I remember the day I did like it was a moment ago – my aunt gave me the Jude Deveraux novel, Knight in Shining Armor and I couldn’t put it down until the very last word. Then I went straight to the library and got another – then another until I’d read everything she’d ever written. After that, it was McNaught, Howard, Schone, Kleypas, and the Silhouette line, Desire. I instantly loved those emotional, sexy reads, so much so that I began to carve out ideas for my own stories, themes that were unique to me and moved me. In 1997 I enrolled in UCLA extension writing classes, met my mentor and critique partners and since have never stopped writing. I was committed then and I still am now; the need to tell my own romantic stories a full on obsession. My first manuscript was rejected, and though the second one was as well the editor who’d rejected it wanted to see something else from me. I had something (note to authors; always keep working, even after you’ve sent in a proposal) and sent it right away. The day I got the call telling me Desire wanted to buy Cinderella and the Playboy was the best day of my life. That is until I married my husband, and had my two beautiful children. But I must say, writing is much like motherhood – tough, grueling, surprising, delicious and for me, a dream come true.”

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BLADE - Tour banner

Review & Excerpt Tour: KAYDEN/SIMON by Alexandra Ivy & Laura Wright


KAYDEN/SIMON by Alexandra Ivy & Laura Wright, novellas in their Bayou Heat Series brought to you by 1001 Dark Nights, is here!


Kayden/Simon: Bayou Heat Novellas by Alexandra Ivy & Laura Wright

Publication Date: August 9, 2016



Kayden is obsessed with revenge after his parents disappeared when he was just a cub. Now the gorgeous Hunter has discovered the man responsible for betraying them – Joshua Ford – and it’s time for payback. Beginning with the kidnapping of Joshua’s daughter, Bianca. But last thing he expects is to be confronted with the horrifying realization that Bianca is his mate. Will he put revenge before his chance for eternal happiness?


Sexy male model, Simon refuses to give up his exciting life in New York City to return to the slow heat of the Wildlands. For a decade, many pantera have tried to capture the rogue Diplomat and bring him home, but all have failed. Now it’s Tryst’s turn. The hard, brilliant, and gorgeous, Hunter is the ultimate tracker. But can the admitted beast-girl of the Wildlands capture her prey without losing her heart in the process?


Cori 4.5 Stars

I love this series! The Bayou Heat Novellas are short, but contain the whole story. Alexandra Ivy and Laura Wright are two of my favorite authors and together they make a great team. Hot shifters, some danger and sexy romance make these books perfect for paranormal romance lovers looking for some quick reads they can devour. These make great binge reads! I highly recommend the entire series.

*Review copy provided by the authors in exchange for an honest review.




“Did they teach you nothing in Hunter school? When you go outside the Wildlands, you don’t draw attention to yourself and your kind.”
With a curse, she pushed away from him, releasing his wrists. “Get dressed.”
“It’d go faster if you helped.”
She dropped into a chair and snorted. “No interest in touching you.”
“You’re just going to leave me like this?”
“I’m sure it’s not the first time.”
He laughed and pushed away from the door. She was feisty. A true cat. Spitting one moment, purring the next. It was disappointing that he’d never see her again after today. But such was life. Well, his life.
He pulled on his shirt then grabbed his jeans. “Can I ask you something?”
“What?” she practically snarled.
“Why do you love it? The Wildlands?” He zipped up and put on his shoes. “Don’t you feel caged there? Like an…animal?”
“I love being an animal. I wish I had fur on my back right now.”
“That’s right,” he recalled. “No shifting outside the magic of the Wildlands… So…are you in your cat more often than you’re like this?” He walked toward her, his gaze flickering past her for a brief second.
“If I could be in my cat 24/7, I would.”
She stood up. “Can we go now.” It wasn’t a question, and his answer wasn’t a verbal one.
He reached behind her, yanked the chair forward, which made her falter, her butt landing on the cushion once again. He leaned in close, his eyes locked with hers, his face just an inch away. “Cab waiting outside? Or is it a limo? Maybe a horse-drawn carriage? I’m used to grand gestures.”
For a few brief seconds—which was all he needed—the female seemed to consider this. Then her lips twitched and her eyes took on a mocking look. She was damn good at those looks. Made his knees buckle. Almost.
“I’m thinking I’ll just throw you over my shoulder, caveman style.” She batted her eyelashes. “Or cavewoman.”
He groaned. This sucked. “Goddess, you don’t know how good that sounds.” He stood up, exhaling with disappointment. “Another time. I hope.”
She sniffed and rolled her eyes, then started to rise. When she realized she was tied to the chair, her gaze blasted his and she bared her teeth.



Buy Links

Kindle $2.99 | Amazon Paperback $9.99


Kissing couple portrait. Close-up of man and woman

About the Author

Alexandra Ivy - headshotAlexandra Ivy is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. From Alexandra: “I’m not exactly sure when I fell in love with books. Probably on my mother’s knee listening to her read Dr. Seuss to me. I do remember that I was barely old enough to cross the street by myself when I discovered the delights of the local library.

Could anything be more wonderful than spending summer days surrounded by stacks of Nancy Drew mysteries? Over the years I fell in love with Victoria Holt, Jane Austen, Agatha Christie, and J.R.R. Tolkien just to name a few. I read poetry, essays, biographies, and plays. In fact, I read anything I could get my hands on.

Years later (no, I’m not admitting how many) I’m still an avid reader, and my tastes are still as varied as they were in my youth, which I suppose helps to explain why I enjoy writing regency historicals under the name of Deborah Raleigh, as well as my contemporary paranormals as Alexandra Ivy. For now that is enough to keep me busy, but who knows what the future might hold!

I do have a few other loves in my life besides reading and writing, the most important being my unbelievably patient husband, David, and my two sons, Chance and Alexander. Without their constant support and belief in me, I never could have been able to follow my dreams. They are truly my heroes.

Website ** Facebook ** Twitter


Laura Wright - headshotLaura Wright is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. From Laura: “Unlike many of my peers in the writing world, I wasn’t a writer or a reader until I left high school. During my youth I was into theater, song and dance, commercials and boys. I loved romance surely, but I had never read a romance novel until my late teens. With that said, I remember the day I did like it was a moment ago – my aunt gave me the Jude Deveraux novel, Knight in Shining Armor and I couldn’t put it down until the very last word. Then I went straight to the library and got another – then another until I’d read everything she’d ever written. After that, it was McNaught, Howard, Schone, Kleypas, and the Silhouette line, Desire. I instantly loved those emotional, sexy reads, so much so that I began to carve out ideas for my own stories, themes that were unique to me and moved me. In 1997 I enrolled in UCLA extension writing classes, met my mentor and critique partners and since have never stopped writing. I was committed then and I still am now; the need to tell my own romantic stories a full on obsession. My first manuscript was rejected, and though the second one was as well the editor who’d rejected it wanted to see something else from me. I had something (note to authors; always keep working, even after you’ve sent in a proposal) and sent it right away. The day I got the call telling me Desire wanted to buy Cinderella and the Playboy was the best day of my life. That is until I married my husband, and had my two beautiful children. But I must say, writing is much like motherhood – tough, grueling, surprising, delicious and for me, a dream come true.”

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Top Favorite Romances 2015

It’s here! Donna and I spent days trying to cut down our list and we finally got it down to 30(ish) books (we each got 15 picks). These are books that stayed with us long after we turned the last page. Some are new authors and some are long time favorites. We had books we loved that didn’t make the final list. 2015 was a great year and there were so many amazing releases and it looks like 2016 is going to be great too. I have a list of 2016 PRE-ORDERS HERE you can check out. 

Check out our #TopFav2015 list below and and let us know who made your list in 2015. -Cori 




✦Dragonbane (Dark-Hunter Novels) by Sherrilyn Kenyon ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦Born of Betrayal (The League Series) by Sherrilyn Kenyon AMAZON | REVIEW

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✦Searing Ecstasy: A Guardians of the Realms Novel by Setta Jay ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦Chase the Darkness (Alpha Pack) by J D Tyler ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦Mate Bond (Shifters Unbound) by Jennifer Ashley ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦Blood Kiss (Black Dagger Legacy) by J R Ward ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦CAGED MAGIC: A Wing Slayer Novel by Jennifer Lyon ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

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✦Ride Steady by Kristen Ashley ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦The Bourbon Kings by J.R. Ward ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦Reaper’s Fall by Joanna Wylde ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦Strong Enough (Tall, Dark and Dangerous) by M. Leighton ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

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✦The Master (The Game Maker Series, Book 2) by Kresley Cole ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦Call On Me (A Loving on the Edge Novel) by Roni Loren ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦All I Want (Animal Magnetism) by Jill Shalvis ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦Wicked for You (Wicked Lovers) by Shayla Black ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦Rock Hard (Rock Kiss Series, Book 2) by Nalini Singh ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦SCANDAL NEVER SLEEPS (The Perfect Gentlemen, Book 1) by Shayla Black & Lexi Blake ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦Hard Beat (A Driven Novel) by K. Bromberg ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦Fire Me Up (Pine Mountain Book 4) by Kimberly Kincaid ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦All Wrapped Up (Pine Mountain, Book 5) by Kimberly Kincaid ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦When Somebody Loves You (The Southern Belle Book Club) by Shirley Jump ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦Target Engaged (Delta Force Series) by M. L. Buchman ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦Edge of Danger (Deadly Ops) by Katie Reus ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦Primal Force: A K-9 Rescue Novel, Book 3 by D.D. Ayres ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦Hard to Let Go: A Hard Ink Novel by Laura Kaye ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦Bring the Heat: A Sugarland Blue Novel by Jo Davis ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦Too Hard To Handle by Julie Ann Walker ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW

✦Brash: The Cavanaugh Brothers, Book 3 by Laura Wright ➢ AMAZON | REVIEW


Spotlight, Review & Giveaway: Bonded: The Cavanaugh Brothers by Laura Wright


Bonded: The Cavanaugh Brothers by Laura Wright

Publication Date: September 1, 2015


imageThe New York Times bestselling author of Brash returns to the Triple C Ranch in River Black, Texas, for more cowboys, romance, and danger…

Ranch hand Blue Perez’s once simple life is spinning out of control. He’s discovered he has three half-brothers, and they’re not ready to accept his claim on the ranch. Also, Blue’s girlfriend may have betrayed him in the worst way possible. And after one evening of drowning his sorrows at the bar, there’s someone he can’t get out of his mind, a woman who says she’s carrying his child.

Following a night of breathtaking passion in the arms of a man who now rules her dreams, waitress Emily Shiver is contemplating her next step. Blue is determined to be a part of her life, yet she would rather raise the baby on her own. But when she becomes the target of someone’s dark obsession, Emily must let Blue in—to both her heart and her future.

imageI love this series so much and this fourth and final book in Laura Wright’s Cavanaugh Brothers series answers all the questions involving the murder of the Cavanaugh brothers’ sister. Bonded is a story of intrigue, loss and love. I loved every minute of it and fell even more in love with Blue. He struggles to work through all the pain he’s going through and at times I wanted to shake him but he overcomes everything that’s been thrown at him. The chemistry and romance between Blue and Emily was hot and I enjoyed their interactions. If you’ve been reading this series from the beginning you’ll enjoy the conclusion and if you’re haven’t read them yet you should start at the beginning because there is a mystery that spans the series. I highly recommend this sizzling cowboy series.

*Review copy provided by Penguin in exchange for an honest review.



“I want you to know,” he began. “I’m here for you and this baby.”
Her eyes widened, but she didn’t say anything.
“Things started how they did,” he continued, “and that can’t be changed. Hell, wouldn’t want it changed. But like I said last night, I want to be around.”
“I know, Blue.”
What was that? he wondered. In her eyes? Sadness? Worry? He was trying like hell to alleviate some of that. “Not just a few hours here and there either.” His gaze dropped, momentarily settling on her flat stomach. “I want to see it grow. I want to feel it move.”
She released a breath. Weighty. And a sudden softness touched her expression. “I would like that, Blue.”
A bit of her hair had escaped her braid and was sort of covering one eye. She looked so damn beautiful. Without thinking, he reached up and tucked the strand behind her ear, then let his fingers drift down her cheekbone. She had the softest skin.
Her breath caught and she leaned into his touch.
His eyes searched hers. “What? What’s wrong?”
“How do we do this? You? Me? The baby?”
His nostrils flared and his chest expanded. “We’ll figure it out.”
She didn’t say anything.
“Yeah?” he prodded. He needed to know she believed him.
She nodded, her cheeks going pink again. He couldn’t help himself. He ran his thumb over that cheek once again. Oh, yeah. Softest goddamned skin on the planet. Christ, he wanted to kiss her. Just a taste. The bottom lip . . . that full one . . . just one taste; then you let her go. Without thinking too hard on it, he leaned in. Right away, she closed her eyes. Parted her lips. Pink and full, and so ready. Blue stared at her mouth. Seconds ticked by. What was wrong with him? The breeze off the meadow came rushing into the barn. The Triple C’s barn. Shit, what was happening to him? His entire body humming with a need he hadn’t felt since that night . . . that night they’d created the life inside Emily.
Overtaken with far too many emotions he refused to deal with – not now anyway – Blue eased back, releasing her.
Instantly, Emily opened her eyes. And when she realized what had happened—and what hadn’t—she turned bright red.
Blue’s chest tightened. He was such an ass. He wanted to kiss her. Like a drowning man wanted air. And she’d wanted him too. So what was he doing pulling back?
She moved away from him. “I should go.” Her voice was slightly breathless.

image Kindle:
Amazon PBK:

image ✦Book 1: BrandedKindle | B&N | KoboReview 5 Stars
✦Book 2: BrokenKindle | B&N | KoboReview 5 Stars
✦Book 3: BrashKindle | B&N | KoboReview 5 Stars
✦Book 4: BondedKindle | Amazon PBK | B&N | Kobo


Paperback Copy

a Rafflecopter giveaway

image imageNew York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author, Laura Wright is passionate about romantic fiction. Though she has spent most of her life immersed in acting, singing and competitive ballroom dancing, when she found the world of writing and books and endless cups of coffee she knew she was home. Laura is the author of the bestselling Mark of the Vampire series and the USA Today bestselling series, Bayou Heat, which she co-authors with Alexandra Ivy.

Laura lives in Los Angeles with her husband, two young children, and a menagerie of pets.

SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Books

Release Day Launch: Rage/ Killian (Bayou Heat Novellas) by Alexandra Ivy & Laura Wright

RAGE_KILLIAN - Release Day Launch banner

We are so excited to bring you the Release Day Launch for Alexandra Ivy and Laura Wright’s RAGE/KILLIAN! Check out the teasers/ excerpt and grab a copy. I love the Bayou Heat series! -Cori 



Kindle $2.99 | Amazon PBK $8.99




Rage might be an aggressive Hunter by nature, but the gorgeous male has never had a problem charming the females. All except Lucie Gaudet. Of course, the lovely Geek is a born troublemaker, and it was no surprise to Rage when she was kicked out of the Wildlands.

But now the Pantera need a first-class hacker to stop the potential destruction of their people. And it’s up to Rage to convince Lucie to help. Can the two forget the past—and their sizzling attraction—to save the Pantera?


Gorgeous, brutal, aggressive, and human, Killian O’Roarke wants only two things: to get rid of the Pantera DNA he’s been infected with, and get back to the field. But the decorated Army Ranger never bargained on meeting the woman—the female—of his dreams on his mission to the Wildlands.

Rosalie lost her mate to a human, and now the Hunter despises them all. In fact, she thinks they’re good for only one thing: barbeque. But this one she’s guarding is testing her beliefs. He is proud and kind, and also knows the pain of loss. But in a time of war between their species, isn’t any chance of love destined for destruction?

Close image of muscle man torso


“No,” he growled. “No, no, no.”
“I’m sorry.” Parish folded his arms over his chest, the air prickling with the force of his authority. The older male wasn’t the leader of the Hunters because of his sparkling personality. “Did you think that was a request? Because it wasn’t.”
Rage grimaced, deliberately leashing his instinctive aggression. He’d discovered at an early age he could use his natural charm to…encourage people to see things his way. It was only when his cat was provoked to violence that it was obvious why his faction was Hunter instead of Diplomat.
“Please, Parish,” he soothed. “Send someone else.”
“There is no one else.” Parish narrowed his golden eyes. “In case you missed the memo we’ve been having a few disasters lately.”
“Exactly. I should be out searching for the mysterious Christopher,” Rage said, referring to the head of Benson Enterprises, the shadowy corporation that was responsible for stealing Pantera, as well as vulnerable humans. “Or at least hunting down the Frankenstein labs. We still can’t be sure we’ve burned them all.” He pointed toward the window that overlooked the manicured grass of the communal area. Below them a few Pantera mothers were sharing a late lunch while their cubs tumbled across the spongy ground. It was winter in the Wildlands, but the Pantera embraced the brisk air. “Hell, I’ll even spy on the military. Someone needs to discover who can and can’t be trusted in the human government.”
Parish looked far from impressed by his logic. “Are you trying to tell me how to do my job?”
“Christ, no. It’s just…”
Parish frowned. “What?”
Rage hesitated. This was the first time he’d ever questioned a direct order, but there was no way in hell he wanted to deal with Lucie Gaudet.
The female Geek had been a few years younger than Rage, and growing up he’d initially felt sorry for the half-feral creature who’d lived in the outer parts of the swamp. She’d slunk around the edges of town with her hair matted and tangled, and her face covered in dirt. Almost like a fabled wood sprite who flitted among the trees, spreading mist and magic
But as they’d matured, his pity had changed to annoyance.
Instead of growing out of her odd preference for the shadows, she’d continued to lurk at a distance, and worse, she’d used her cunning intelligence to torment others. Including himself.
A born troublemaker.



Alexandra Ivy is a New York Times and USA Todaybestselling author. From Alexandra: “I’m not exactly sure when I fell in love with books. Probably on my mother’s knee listening to her read Dr. Seuss to me. I do remember that I was barely old enough to cross the street by myself when I discovered the delights of the local library.

Could anything be more wonderful than spending summer days surrounded by stacks of Nancy Drew mysteries? Over the years I fell in love with Victoria Holt, Jane Austen, Agatha Christie, and J.R.R. Tolkien just to name a few. I read poetry, essays, biographies, and plays. In fact, I read anything I could get my hands on.

Years later (no, I’m not admitting how many) I’m still an avid reader, and my tastes are still as varied as they were in my youth, which I suppose helps to explain why I enjoy writing regency historicals under the name of Deborah Raleigh, as well as my contemporary paranormals as Alexandra Ivy. For now that is enough to keep me busy, but who knows what the future might hold!

I do have a few other loves in my life besides reading and writing, the most important being my unbelievably patient husband, David, and my two sons, Chance and Alexander. Without their constant support and belief in me, I never could have been able to follow my dreams. They are truly my heroes.

Website**Facebook**Twitter**Author Goodreads**Novella Goodreads**1001 Dark Nights



Laura Wright is a New York Times and USA Todaybestselling author. From Laura: “Unlike many of my peers in the writing world, I wasn’t a writer or a reader until I left high school. During my youth I was into theater, song and dance, commercials and boys. I loved romance surely, but I had never read a romance novel until my late teens. With that said, I remember the day I did like it was a moment ago – my aunt gave me the Jude Deveraux novel, Knight in Shining Armor and I couldn’t put it down until the very last word. Then I went straight to the library and got another – then another until I’d read everything she’d ever written. After that, it was McNaught, Howard, Schone, Kleypas, and the Silhouette line, Desire. I instantly loved those emotional, sexy reads, so much so that I began to carve out ideas for my own stories, themes that were unique to me and moved me. In 1997 I enrolled in UCLA extension writing classes, met my mentor and critique partners and since have never stopped writing. I was committed then and I still am now; the need to tell my own romantic stories a full on obsession. My first manuscript was rejected, and though the second one was as well the editor who’d rejected it wanted to see something else from me. I had something (note to authors; always keep working, even after you’ve sent in a proposal) and sent it right away. The day I got the call telling me Desire wanted to buy Cinderella and the Playboy was the best day of my life. That is until I married my husband, and had my two beautiful children. But I must say, writing is much like motherhood – tough, grueling, surprising, delicious and for me, a dream come true.”

Website**Facebook**Twitter**Author Goodreads**Novella Goodreads**1001 Dark Nights

Hand of female caressed by a man

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Review & Giveaway: Brash: The Cavanaugh Brothers, Book 3 by Laura Wright


Brash: The Cavanaugh Brothers, Book 3 by Laura Wright
Publication Date: March 3, 2015
Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Cori
Rated: 5 Stars

The New York Times bestselling author of the Cavanaugh Brothers novels returns to the Cavanaugh’s Texas Triple C ranch as the brothers confront the painful memories of their childhood and the truth about their sister’s murder…

No matter how many fights UFC champion Cole Cavanaugh wins, he can’t rid himself of the guilt of not having saved his twin sister’s life. Now, not only is he facing his arch enemy in the ring, he’s fighting to uncover the truth about Cass’s death. But will winning both fights truly give him the retribution and absolution he seeks? Or does he need the healing power of love to finally move on with his life?

The mystery surrounding Cass’s murder also haunts veterinarian Grace Hunter. Many believe that her father might hold the key to the truth. Unfortunately the ex-Sheriff’s deteriorating mental state makes it impossible to separate fact from fiction. As Cole persuades Grace to help him unlock the elusive clues, her defenses weaken. She finds the Stetson-wearing fighter irresistible. But while the truth could free Cole’s heart, it could very well end up shattering hers.

This series just keeps getting better! I was so excited to read Cole’s story and it did not disappoint. Laura Wright delivered another amazing book in the Cavanaugh Brothers Series! This series contains a murder mystery and with each book we get closer to finishing out who murdered Cass, the sister of the Cavanaugh brothers. Her death haunts all the brothers, but I think it haunts Cole even more than his brothers. In the third book, Brash, Cole joins the sheriff’s daughter, Grace to investigate and try to uncover who killed his sister. I loved Cole and Grace together and their chemistry scorched the pages of this book. Brash was the hottest book yet in this series. I can’t wait for the next book to release in September. I highly recommend this series! Each book can be read as a standalone, but I recommend you start at the beginning to fully enjoy the series. This was a love story that will stay with me a while. Go grab the books! You won’t be able to put them down. 

*Review copy provided by Berkley/NAL in exchange for an honest review.

Kindle $5.99 | Amazon PBK $7.99 | B&N $7.99 | Kobo $7.99 

✦Book 1: Branded ➢ Kindle | B&N | Kobo
►Review 5 Stars:
✦Book 2: Broken ➢ Kindle | B&N | Kobo
►Review 5 Stars:
✦Book 3: Brash ➢ Kindle | B&N | Kobo
►Review 5 Stars:
✦Book 4: Bonded (September 1, 2015) ➢ Kindle | Amazon PBK



New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author, Laura Wright is passionate about romantic fiction. Though she has spent most of her life immersed in acting, singing and competitive ballroom dancing, when she found the world of writing and books and endless cups of coffee she knew she was home. Laura is the author of the bestselling Mark of the Vampire series and the USA Today bestselling series, Bayou Heat, which she co-authors with Alexandra Ivy.

Laura lives in Los Angeles with her husband, two young children, and a menagerie of pets.



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Review & Giveaway: Broken: The Cavanaugh Brothers, Book 2 by Laura Wright

Broken: The Cavanaugh Brothers, Book 2 by Laura Wright
Publication Date: October 7, 2014
Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Cori
Rated: 5 Stars


The Cavanaugh brothers left behind River Black, Texas, long ago. But after their father dies, bequeathing them the Triple C, a cattle ranch that sustains their small town, they return—and confront the painful memories of their childhood home and the truth about their sister’s murder…

For years, James Cavanaugh has traveled the world as a horse whisperer, but even the millions he’s earned hasn’t healed the pain he hides behind his stoic exterior. Forced to tackle old demons at the ranch, James throws himself into work to avoid his true feelings. Until he meets a woman who shakes the foundations of his well-built walls…

Sheridan O’Neil’s quiet confidence has served her well, except when it comes to romance. Refusing to allow her heard to led her to disaster, she chooses to focus solely on work. But after Sheridan is rescued from a horse stampede by the most beautiful cowboy she’s ever met, her vow to keep her heart penned wavers. Only, as Sheridan uncovers James’s belief that no woman is safe with him, she wonders if such a wounded man could ever give in to love, or if some hearts are too broken to be healed.…

I love this series so much and can’t say enough great things about it. Not only has Laura Wright delivered a sexy cowboy romance, but the series also contains the chilling murder mystery of the sister of the Cavanaugh brothers. We get more insights into the murder in this second installment in the series and I can’t wait for the next book to reveal more. I fell in love with James, the sexy horse whisperer and romantic poet, while reading his story and experiencing his loss and pain. James and Sheridan romance was slow to heat up, but burned up the pages when they did get together. Broken is a story of loss, intrigue, healing and love. I loved every minute of it! I highly recommend this sizzling cowboy romance and can’t wait for Cole’s book, Brash, to release in March 2015. I’ll be devouring it as soon as I can get my hands on it!

*Review copy provided by Berkley/NAL in exchange for an honest review.

Kindle $5.99 | Amazon PBK $7.19 | B&N $7.99 | Kobo $7.99

Paperback or Ebook Copy. Winner announced 10/10.
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New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author, Laura Wright is passionate about romantic fiction. Though she has spent most of her life immersed in acting, singing and competitive ballroom dancing, when she found the world of writing and books and endless cups of coffee she knew she was home. Laura is the author of the bestselling Mark of the Vampire series and the USA Today bestselling series, Bayou Heat, which she co-authors with Alexandra Ivy.

Laura lives in Los Angeles with her husband, two young children, and a menagerie of pets.



Check out book 1!
✦Branded: The Cavanaugh Brothers by Laura Wright
Review 5 Stars:
✦BUY LINKS ➢ Kindle $5.99 | Amazon PBK $6.41 | B&N (PBK $6.34/ Nook $5.99) | Kobo $7.99

SPOTLIGHT, Review & Giveaway: Branded: The Cavanaugh Brothers by Laura Wright

Branded: The Cavanaugh Brothers by Laura Wright
Publication Date: June 3, 2014
Reviewed by: Reading In Pajamas/ Cori
Rated: 5 Stars


In the small town of River Black, Texas, sits the Triple C—a working cattle ranch that sustains the town. But it also holds painful memories and shocking secrets for the Cavanaugh brothers….

When the Cavanaugh brothers return home for their father’s funeral, they discover unexpected evidence of the old man’s surprising double life—a son named Blue, who wants the Triple C Ranch as much as they do. The eldest son, Deacon, a wealthy businessman who couldn’t wait to leave the ranch and move on with his life, is looking to use his powerful connections to stop Blue at any cost. He never expected the ranch’s forewoman, Mackenzie Byrd, to get in his way.

Mac knows Deacon means to destroy the ranch and therefore destroy her livelihood. But as the two battle for control, their attraction builds. Now Deacon is faced with the choice of a lifetime: Take down the Triple C to feed his need for revenge, or embrace the love of the one person who has broken down every barrier to his heart.

I have been looking forward to this book since Laura Wright announced this new series on her Facebook page and asked her Texas readers for information on area ranches. I’m a Texan myself and a story about some hot cowboy brothers in Texas sounded great to me. I love Laura Wright’s Mark of the Vampire Series and Bayou Heat series and would have tried anything else she decided to write as well, but this plot really captured my interest. My review partner Dawn and I were both blown away by Branded. I got to write the review though. Branded has everything I look for in a great love story. It has great characters with an intense emotional connection and chemistry. Their story was filled with emotion, conflict, and scorching romance. If you’re a fan of Laura Wright’s paranormal romances you will not be disappointed in this contemporary romance series. The scorch factor is still there as well as her great writing style. I loved Branded and can’t say enough good things about it. I’m hooked and will be impatiently waiting for the second book, Broken, to release in October. I highly recommend this series!

*Review copy provided by Berkley/NAL in exchange for an honest review.

Kindle $6.41 | B&N (PBK $6.75/ Nook $7.99) | Kobo $7.99

✦FACEBOOK PAPERBACK GIVEAWAY: Winner receives a Prize Pack that includes a paperback copy of Branded: The Cavanaugh Brothers by Laura Wright, Tote Bag and Texas Travel Cup. To enter go to our Facebook Page and comment on the giveaway post to enter. Winner will be announced Tuesday, June 3rd by 5PM Central on Facebook. Be sure to check back to see if you won. Facebook does not allow me to contact the winners directly.
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✦EXCERPT From Branded: The Cavanaugh Brothers by Laura Wright
Provided by Berkley/NAL

The lights of the city flashed by as Deacon drove like a bat out of hell. Mackenzie watched him, his hand on the gearshift, ever ready. She wanted to touch him, put her hand over his, but she was afraid of getting stung.
She’d gotten too involved at the restaurant, in a situation that should’ve warranted some self control on her part. It was his business, for goodness sake. The choices he made were his own. She should’ve stayed out of it. But when it came to him, to them, it was like trying to stop a meteor from hitting the earth. The only way to do it was to shoot the thing down.
“I’m sorry, Deacon.”
“What for, Mackenzie?” His voice was tight, his eyes trained on the road.
“Getting into it with you back there. Acting jealous.” She shook her head, remembering. “In front of a business associate.” Ugh, not to mention every patron in the restaurant, and the pissed off fashion designer.
“You really think you know me.”
His cold tone worried her. This was exactly why she’d been anxious on the way to dinner. Screwing something up for him. Acting like a naive country gal who wanted everyone to know Deacon Cavanaugh belonged to her. She shouldn’t have said a word to Angus Breyer. That was Deacon’s private business. Had she truly screwed something up? Had he not meant it when he’d said it was his final offer to Breyer?
“I feel like I do know you,” she said, then sighed. “Hell, Deacon. I wasn’t trying to ruin your night or start a fight with you.” She groaned. “Or maybe I was. But if anything it was a fight for you.”
Deacon yanked the wheel to the right and skidded off the road onto a patch of gravel near a deserted playground. He had his seat beat off and his eyes on her in less than five seconds. “I’m not pissed off because of Breyer or Pamela or anyone in that goddamn restaurant, Mackenzie. I couldn’t give a shit about any of them.”
Her insides reeling from the jolt of the car and the fire in Deacon’s eyes, Mackenzie gripped her seat. “Then what is it? Why are so angry?”
“This.” He reached out and touched her face, ran his fingers up her jawline into her hair. “You. I want you. Fuck, I wanted you so badly back there that I didn’t give a shit about that deal. I didn’t give a shit about anything.”
Her mouth dropped open. “Oh.”
“Yes, oh,” he said on a growl, his fingers tightening in her hair. “What does that say to you, Mackenzie?”
She shook her head. “I don’t know.”
“Yes, you do,” he retorted hotly. “Tell me. What does it say that I’m more enraptured with you than I am with a deal I’ve wanted for more than three years?”
Her heart was pounding so hard in her chest, she could barely think straight. “That you’re as into me as I’m into you.”
“Yes.” He released her and sat back in his seat with a groan. “And that I’m losing control over myself.”
Shaking her head, she huffed out a breath. “You’re not alone in that, Deacon. God, we’re both running hot for each other. You’re all I can think about. That’s why everything I hear, everything I’m told scares the shit out of me.” Her throat went tight and her hands started to shake. “I want to run from you. Get out of your eye line. Forget I saw you again, pretend my heart isn’t screaming for yours to capture it right this very second. It would be so much easier. But I can’t.” When he turned to look at her, she shook her head at him a little manically. “I can’t.”
His jaw working, making his cheekbones flex, he popped her seat belt. “Come here,” he uttered hoarsely, then reached for her, lifted her up like she weighed absolutely nothing and placed her in his lap.

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author, Laura Wright is passionate about romantic fiction. Though she has spent most of her life immersed in acting, singing and competitive ballroom dancing, when she found the world of writing and books and endless cups of coffee she knew she was home. Laura is the author of the bestselling Mark of the Vampire series and the USA Today bestselling series, Bayou Heat, which she co-authors with Alexandra Ivy.

Laura lives in Los Angeles with her husband, two young children, and a menagerie of pets.






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Books by Alexandra Ivy, Lori Foster, Jo Davis, Laura Kaye, Laura Wright, Jaci Burton, Vivian Arend, Amanda Ashley, Carly Phillips, Katie Reus, Kresley Cole, Larissa Ione, Cecy Robson, Tessa Adams, Elisabeth Naughton, Sylvain Reynard, Tracy Anne Warren, Karina Cooper, & Kelsie Leverich



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