Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: SHADOW OF DOUBT (An SBG Novel) by P.A. DePaul


SHADOW OF DOUBT (An SBG Novel) by P.A. DePaul

Publication Date: April 21, 2015




The new SBG novel from the author of Exchange of Fire.

When her secretly filmed tryst shows up on the internet, Michelle Alger goes on the run. She has no choice. Not only was her one-night stand the son of a US senator, but he’s been murdered—and she’s the number one suspect. With both the senator and an avenging drug lord on her trail, her life is in danger. There’s only man she can trust. He saved her once, but will he still be her hero six years later?

Captain Jeremy Malone and the rest of Delta Squad have the senator’s order: find the mystery woman who killed my son. But to Jeremy, she’s no mystery. Six years ago his team of Green Berets rescued her from the torturous clutches of a Colombian cartel, and he’s never forgotten her. His personal and covert mission: find Michelle before anyone else. When he and Michelle do meet again, the sparks are explosive and consuming. They’re also dangerous as hell.

Because with each new bit of evidence, Jeremy suspects that Michelle’s innocence may be a ruse—a beautiful trap set by a woman who has even more secrets yet to bare.


I enjoyed book one and am happy to say book two delivered in spades.  The action was fast paced and never let up.  Between the danger hitting them from all angles and the sexual tension, I couldn’t put it down.  Yes there were times where I had to work at keeping track of their real names, code names and aliases but it didn’t detract from the overall story too badly.  I liked the backstory with Cappy and Michelle but thought they held out on their ‘urges’ a bit too long.  Over all I love the storyline and the SBG group in general.  A fun read that leaves you yearning for the next one.

*Review copy provided by Penguin in exchange for an honest review. 





Michelle paced the length of the room for the thousandth time. There were exactly eighteen steps from the bathroom door to the sad excuse of a table. Not the biggest rooms here at the OTE.
A long moan drifted through the left wall followed by a slam, then rhythmic banging.
“Oh, God. Yes,” a woman cried. “Give it to me, daddy.”
Whomp. Whomp. Whomp. The cheap picture over the bed rattled with “daddy’s” frantic pace.
Michelle rolled her eyes to the ceiling. “Really?” she asked the stained tiles. As if her situation wasn’t bad enough, she now had to listen to a bad porno.
She glanced at the clock. 5:22 p.m.
Her fingertips felt cold. She went to rub her hands together only to find her palms had a thin layer of sweat. How messed up was that? Darn nerves.
For years she had fantasized about this moment. So many versions ranging from innocent to completely far-fetched had captivated her dreams. Only Fate would deliver the version where she was holed up in a seedy motel with Big Daddy providing the sleazy soundtrack.
“Yes! Right there! Harder!”
She tuned out the “Oh-Gods,” and the “That’s-the-spots” and replayed her favorite fantasy. The one where Captain Jeremy Malone sought her out only to find out she had been given a new identity and placed in Witness Protection. Devastated by the government’s unwillingness to tell him where she had been relocated, he made it his personal mission to find her. Though it took years, he finally discovered she became a park ranger in Indianapolis. He immediately requested leave from the military and showed up at her apartment door.
She laughed at her foolish daydreams. Even if the man had hunted her down, then what? Her track record since Colombia had been Michelle, zero; Disaster, every time.
The looks of disgust on her partners’ faces when they saw her body usually killed whatever passion she had been able to muster through the fear and memories. Only one man had seen beyond carnage and made her feel as if it would be okay.
A hoarse shout bled through the thin wall followed by a lot of groaning. Hopefully that signaled the end of “daddy’s” session.
Had she done the right thing calling Cappy? How long had he been in Indianapolis? God, had she been this close to him all this time? What if he’s seen the news? Would he call the police, FBI, Army to tip them off? She started to panic. Oh no. What had she done?
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Michelle jumped at the sound on her door. The blood drained from her face and her heart pounded against her ribcage. No way in this short span of time could it be another drunk with the wrong room. Which meant . . . He’s here. All her insecurities rushed through her brain as she stared at the door. Everything from her thunder-thighs to her lack of makeup and hungover status swamped her.
“Michelle?” a muffled, deep male voice called on the other side. She’d know that intonation anywhere. It slid over her, tightening the knot in her stomach. She rubbed the dancing area and snagged on a button. Jerking her head down, she started cussing. She still had on the ugliest uniform ever. Not one ounce of sexiness could be wrung from the drab olive and gray clothing.
Sweat pooled under her arms, not helping her confidence and—
Wait, what was that? She squinted and dabbed a spot on her shirt. Great. She had on the most god-awful stained uniform ever.
This was so far from her fantasy she could only hang her head. About par for the last twenty-four hours.
Knock. Knock.
“Michelle,” Captain Jeremy Malone said again. “It’s safe to open the door.”
No one shouted “POLICE” or “FBI.” That was a good sign, wasn’t it? Didn’t they have to identify themselves first before entering? That meant he was alone, right?
She threw her shoulders back and strode across the room. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and opened the thin wood.
Holy Cheesus on wheat toast.
How could she not recall how HUGE he was? And that was saying something, since she was considered tall. But he had to be at least a half a foot over her head. Not only tall, but ripped with muscles . . . Like no-way-could-this-exist-in-real-life muscles sprouted beneath a tight T-shirt. Since he had worn a helmet the last time they met, she had never gotten to see he had dark brown hair, buzzed in a military crew-cut. His stance was all business; exuding strength and power and don’t-mess-with-me-cause-I-know-eighty-ways-to-kill-you. But one feature commanded her attention—the same one haunting her for years. His eyes. Those wonderfully expressive deep coffee-colored eyes.
“Cappy.” She shuddered. After so many years of longing, she was finally staring into their depths . . . and he was staring right back.






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P.A. DePaul is a multi-genre romance author including paranormal fantasy and romantic suspense. She originally hails from Carroll County and Baltimore County, Maryland, but also lived in Macon and Warner Robins, Georgia. She currently resides in a beautiful community just outside Philadelphia.


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Check out an additional post here: BLOG TOUR, Guest Post & Giveaway: P.A. DePaul & Julie Ann Walker – SOUNDTRACK 


Tour Host OUAA 




P.A. DePaul & Julie Ann Walker

Soundtrack for SHADOW OF DOUBT
By P.A. DePaul

Thank you Reading in Pajamas for hosting Julie Ann Walker and I today!! And what an excellent topic too!! I love music. It can lift and capture a mood so completely, I’m always on the lookout for songs for my stories. I’m not sure about you, but when I watch movies and shows, a well place song (be it orchestral or lyrical) I’m taken deeper into a scene. (I’ve also been ripped out of a scene when the musical director picks a song that really misses the mark, but we won’t concentrate on that.  <wink>)

In Shadow of Doubt, six years ago Cappy (commanding officer of Delta Squad, a black ops unit working for a clandestine agency) rescued Michelle (civilian) from the torturous clutches of a Colombian cartel, and now she explodes back into his life as a murder suspect. The sparks are explosive and consuming…and they’re also dangerous as hell. He doesn’t want to believe she did it, but with each new bit of evidence, he suspects her innocence may be a ruse—a beautiful trap set by a woman who has even more secrets yet to bare.

So…what type of soundtrack did I put together for Cappy and Michelle? Great question! Here ya go:

Tracy Chapman – “The Promise” This is Cappy and Michelle’s love song and an absolutely beautiful love song that couldn’t be more perfect for them. It’s a promise from one lover to the other that she’ll wait for him if he promises to return to her. These lyrics say so much about Cappy and Michelle finally getting a chance at happiness since they were robbed of it six years ago: “Remembering your touch, your kiss, your warm embrace. I’ll find my way back to you, if you’ll be waiting.”
Link: (first video)   

Trapt – “Bring It” This is the kick-ass anthem for Shadow of Doubt! Interesting thing about this kick-ass song is that both sides can claim it. Cappy and Delta Squad can say it’s their anthem just as Griffin and Victor (our villains) could throw it back at Delta and the Senator.

Art of Dying – “Die Trying” This song captures Delta Squad’s commitment to getting the job done. It’s also Cappy’s personal anthem (I don’t want to spoil his story but let’s just say his family will never realize just what a sacrifice he made to keep them safe).

Keith Urban – “For You” Yup. This list wouldn’t be complete without this song. Keith wrote this for the Act of Valor movie and it moves me every time I hear…Every. Time.  He really captures the closeness and unity of a team forged by the life-and-death battles they face together—this applies to both Cappy and Michelle as well as Delta Squad.

So, there you have it. A few songs out of the many thousands I’d include on the soundtrack. Do you have a song you’d add to the list? Sweet! Let us know. We’d still love to hear your thoughts on my selections or answer whatever questions you may have! Don’t be shy.

Shadow of Doubt (SBG #2) by P.A. DePaul

Series: SBG
Book: Shadow of Doubt, SBG #2
Published: April 21, 2015
Publisher: Penguin Intermix
Format: ebook
Genre: Romantic Suspense

imageWhen her secretly filmed tryst shows up on the internet, Michelle Alger goes on the run. She has no choice. Not only was her one-night stand the son of a US senator, but he’s been murdered—and she’s the number one suspect. With both the senator and an avenging drug lord on her trail, her life is in danger. There’s only man she can trust. He saved her once, but will he still be her hero six years later?

Captain Jeremy Malone and the rest of Delta Squad have the senator’s order: find the mystery woman who killed my son. But to Jeremy, she’s no mystery. Six years ago his team of Green Berets rescued her from the torturous clutches of a Colombian cartel, and he’s never forgotten her. His personal and covert mission: find Michelle before anyone else. When he and Michelle do meet again, the sparks are explosive and consuming. They’re also dangerous as hell.

Because with each new bit of evidence, Jeremy suspects that Michelle’s innocence may be a ruse—a beautiful trap set by a woman who has even more secrets yet to bare.


Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iTunes | Goodreads

imageAbout the Author

P.A. DePaul is a multi-genre romance author including paranormal fantasy and romantic suspense. She originally hails from Carroll County and Baltimore County, Maryland, but also lived in Macon and Warner Robins, Georgia. She currently resides in a beautiful community just outside Philadelphia. Exchange of Fire is the first novel in the SBG series with the second novel, Shadow of Doubt, releasing April 2015.

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Soundtrack for HOT AS HELL
by Julie Ann Walker

Anyone who reads my books knows I love music.  My characters often quote it or reference it.  Classic rock, contemporary, pop, country, you name it.  I listen to it.  So it should come as no surprise that for every novel I write, I always come up with a soundtrack.  The same is true for my short story HOT AS HELL that appears in the WAY OF THE WARRIOR anthology.  (All author and publisher proceeds go to support the Wounded Warrior Project!)

HOT AS HELL stars Harper Searcy, a diplomatic secretary who works for the Ambassador to Pakistan.  When her embassy is bombed and overrun by extremists, the only man who can save her is Michael “Mad Dog” Wainwright, the Navy SEAL she’s determined to keep at arm’s length.  (Of course, she doesn’t, and smexy times commence.  Natch.)

So without further ado, I give you the soundtrack to HOT AS HELL…  

1.) I Need A Hero by Bonnie Tyler
Because our plucky heroine definitely needs a hero.  LOL!

2.)  The Warrior by Patty Smith
Because our hunky hero is definitely a warrior.  And he’s definitely “shootin’ at the walls of heartache. Bang! Bang!”  

3.) Fearless Heart by Steve Earle
The chorus says it all.  And sums up Michael “Mad Dog” Wainwright in one go.  “I got me a fearless heart.  Strong enough to get you through the scary part.  It’s been broken many times before.  A fearless heart just comes back for more.”  

4.) We Found Love (In a Hopeless Place) by Rihanna
With the embassy overrun by terrorists and war raging around them, Harper and Michael definitely find love “in a hopeless place.”

Way of the Warrior Anthology

w/ Julie Ann Walker

imageBook: Way of the Warrior Anthology
Published: May 5th,  2015
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Format: ebook, print
Genre: Romantic Suspense

EIGHT PASSIONATE LOVE STORIES ABOUT AMAZING MILITARY HEROES BY BESTSELLING AUTHORS: Suzanne Brockmann, Julie Ann Walker, Catherine Mann, Tina Wainscott, Anne Elizabeth, M.L. Buchman, Kate SeRine, Lea Griffith

To honor and empower those who’ve served, all author and publisher proceeds go to the Wounded Warrior Project.


Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo | Goodreads

imageAbout the Author

Julie Ann Walker is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of award-winning romantic suspense. Her books have been described as “alpha, edgy, and downright hot.” Most days you can find Julie on her bicycle along the lake shore in Chicago or blasting away at her keyboard, trying to wrangle her capricious imagination into submission.

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imageThere are 4 prize packs being given away during the tour!

Grand Prize– one ecopy Shadow of Doubt (via NetGalley), an SBG T-shirt, and a signed paperback of Full Throttle.
2nd place–T-shirt and a $5 gift card
3rd place–T-shirt and a $5 gift card
4th place– T-shirt and a $5 gift card

Follow the Tour!

April 20- Cocktails and Books
April 21- herding cats & burning soup
April 22- Delighted Reader
April 23- Reading in Pajamas
April 24- Harlequin Junkie


Spotlight & Review: Exchange of Fire (An SBG Novel) by P. A. DePaul


Exchange of Fire (An SBG Novel) by P. A. DePaul
Publication Date: August 19, 2014
Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Donna
Rated: 4 Stars

Faking her death was easy, living with her past is harder, but nothing is more dangerous than falling in love…

Sandra Walsh was a deadly sniper for the Sweet Briar Group, a covert agency with assassins for hire, until her last mission went horribly wrong, accidentally killing an innocent girl. Knowing she’s a danger to her team, Sandra goes off the grid, becoming a Shade—an agent declared dead but secretly hiding among the living. She intends to honor her vow never to pull another trigger or have contact with the spy world again. Until she meets Casper Grady…

Grady is a former Marine with a troubled past and a debt to pay. His life mission has gone from protecting the nation to helping local children and their families. The moment he meets Sandra, he knows there’s more to her than meets the eye, but he can’t help but be drawn to the mysterious femme fatale. And when Sandra’s past suddenly catches up to her, Grady is determined to protect her at all costs, no matter how dark and dangerous her secrets are.

As the danger increases, so does their intense attraction. But when they’re forced to choose between each other and the people they’ve sworn to protect, their growing love might not be enough to keep them together—or alive…

I enjoyed this set-up to a new series and how the author introduced us to the players. The members of SBG are a fun mixture of personalities and I like that the author wrote about their transformation as part of this story. As for the romance, I wish that it was a little hotter and that I could have connected with Sandra more but the story was intriguing enough to make up for that. A few times I did have to re-read a paragraph to double check who said what but it was not enough to interrupt the overall flow of the story. I enjoyed this story and cannot wait for the next installment to see how things evolve.

*Review copy provided by Berkley/NAL in exchange for an honest review.

Kindle $4.27 | B&N $4.99 | Kobo $4.99

Since P.A. DePaul first sounded out the words “See Spot run” and “See Jane walk,” she was hooked. Couple that with weekly trips to the library where she usually tried to get the maximum amount of books allowed, and watching both parents get lost in a book, you would think she’d get a clue that writing might be something she should investigate. But sadly, no. (She’s a little slow on the uptake.) After years of escaping into fantastical worlds in books, P.A. DePaul started to get an inkling in the back of her mind that she could probably create something fun too. But again, as she was slow to move on to anything concrete, the idea just continued to fester until she picked up J.R. Ward’s compendium, The Black Dagger Brotherhood: An Insider’s Guide. Eureka! The three-way bulb in her brain finally clicked higher than the dim-watt. When she finished reading the “Advice and FAQs” section, her hands shook and her palms got sweaty. After she blinked away the lightheaded feeling, she thought to herself, “I can do this. I’ve read enough books to know what’s out there and what’s popular. I’m gonna give it a try.” Then she sat in front of her computer, chin in her hand, and drummed her fingers. What to write about? Even though she loved reading about vampires, werewolves, shape-shifters, and witches, she realized she had nothing new to offer. Frustrated, but not daunted, she went to bed and woke up the next morning with an idea; a concept that refused to go away. A couple of failed manuscripts and storylines later, she finally got it right. (Though, in her mind, those first couple of manuscripts weren’t failures. They were learning tools to help her hone her writing and learn how to construct a storyline. Some of the characters you’ll come to love in the Guardian Security and Investigations series started in those original pages and she just couldn’t part with them. Don’t be surprised if one day, she dusts one of those off and works it so they’ll finally be in print.) Knowing she had a novel worth fighting for, she joined the Romance Writers of America (RWA) and entered it in four contests. She won third place in Utah Chapter’s Heart of the West Contest! Woohoo! Confirmation she was on to something. P.A. DePaul originally hails from Carroll County and Baltimore County, Maryland, but also lived in Macon and Warner Robins, Georgia. She currently resides in a beautiful community just outside Philadelphia. When her head is not completely absorbed with listening to her very demanding Guardians tell their stories, she can be found with her head in a book—not only enjoying the story but studying what makes the novel work for her or not. She loves action-adventure movies (if it blows up spectacularly, she’s there) and watching way too much TV. (Can everybody say “Procrastination?” To which she usually replies, “But it’s research!” Yeah, they don’t believe her either.). Her husband and three-year-old Shi Tzu, Montgomery, sometimes stand outside her closed office door and wonder, “Is she still alive? Do we dare bother her? What if she’s on a roll?” Monty usually answers by scratching on the wood anyway. Gotta love a dog who doesn’t care about boundaries! Good thing he’s so cute! – See more at:


Meet the Delta Squad: