Review: FALLEN (Deep Ops Series Book 2) by Rebecca Zanetti


FALLEN (Deep Ops Series, Book 2) by Rebecca Zanetti

Publication Date: September 24, 2019

Genre: Romantic Suspense 


71610E5A-0331-498B-BDE1-9A5C69D0ED5CNew York Times bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti delivers a pulse-pounding new read filled with her trademark edge of your seat action in the latest book in her Deep Ops series…

Too quiet. A talented hacker who got caught, Brigid Banaghan is now forced to work with a secret Deep Ops unit. But she won’t reveal any more to these renegade Feds than she has to. Especially not to Raider Tanaka, her control freak of a bodyguard and handler. It’s enough that his body is tensed for action and his heated gaze is always on her . . .

Too sharp. Raider knows there’s more to his new assignment than he’s been told. Why send a deadly agent of his experience to guard a computer genius—even a gorgeous, unpredictable, undisciplined one? But when Brigid’s estranged father is named in an investigation into Boston’s organized crime, Raider’s mind switches onto high alert, just like his senses . . .

Too close. To clear her father’s name, Brigid needs Raider’s help. The Unit’s idea that she bring a straight-laced Fed in as her “fiancé” won’t fly, though—not unless Raider can release his inner bad boy and become the rebel Brigid can’t resist . . .


Donna review 4.5 stars

This was a wild-ride addition to the Deep Ops series. This band of set-up-to-fail-misfits find themselves in another dangerously convoluted situation. I do love the underdogs, especially this group. They’re each odd yet work so well together. Raider is of course hot, sexy, and alpha. Brigid’s strength is in computers, not people. How those two worked themselves into a sexy-hot romance was fun to read. The action and intrigue pushed the edge of probability, but isn’t that what makes a fun romantic suspense? I think so. It had me on the edge of my seat wondering what would happen next. Danger, violence, romance, friendship, and humor all jam-packed together nicely.

*Review copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.



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Kindle | Amazon Paperback

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About the Author

Rebecca Zanetti is the author of over twenty-five romantic suspense, dark paranormal, and contemporary romances, and her books have appeared multiple times on the New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon bestseller lists. She has received a Publisher’s Weekly Starred Review for Wicked Edge, Romantic Times Reviewer Choice Nominations for Forgotten Sins and Sweet Revenge, and RT Top Picks for several of her novels. She lives in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest with her own alpha hero, two kids, a couple of dogs, a crazy cat…and a huge extended family. She believes strongly in luck, karma, and working her butt off…and she thinks one of the best things about being an author, unlike the lawyer she used to be, is that she can let the crazy out.

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Blog Tour, Review & Excerpt: VENGEANCE: A Dark Protectors/Rebels Novella by Rebecca Zanetti


VENGEANCE: A Dark Protectors/Rebels Novella by Rebecca Zanetti

Publication Date: March 19, 2019

Genre: Romantic Suspense


1B65681B-4337-44EF-9854-61DB348DFD4CFrom New York Times bestselling author, Rebecca Zanetti, comes a new Dark Protectors/Rebels Novella…

Vengeance and revenge are the only forces driving vampire soldier Noah Siosal since losing his brother to an enemy he’s been unable to find. He’s searched every corner of the globe, going through adversaries and piling up bodies until finally getting a lead. The last place he wants to be is in a ridiculous anger management group with people expressing feelings instead of taking action. Until one fragile human, a green-eyed sweetheart being stalked by danger, catches his eye. One touch, and he realizes vengeance can’t be anywhere near her.

Anger and self-preservation are the only motivations Abby Miller needs or wants right now. Falsely accused of attacking the man who’s terrorized her for years, she’s forced as a plea bargain to attend an anger management counseling group with people with some serious rage issues, while learning true self defense on the side. Yet a man, one more primal than any she’s ever met, draws her in a way and into a world deadlier than she’s ever imagined. He offers her protection, but she finds the fight is really for his heart, and she’s ready to battle.


Cori 4.5 Stars

I loved this novella! Noah and Abby were perfect for each other and their story was a great mix of danger and  suspense with a romantic love story that steamed up the pages. VENGEANCE is part of the Dark Protectors/ Rebels Series, but it can be read as a standalone. If you haven’t read any of the books you can pick this one up and try out the series. I highly recommend the entire series. The Dark Protectors Series is one of my favorite paranormal romance series I read over and over again.

*Review copy provided by Inkslinger in exchange for an honest review.


Black and white image of loving couple. Going to kiss.


His hand slid around her face and tangled in her hair, tilting her head back farther.
She sighed and kissed him, warming right up. Her eyelids opened to see his intense gaze on her. She jerked, her body stilling.
Holding her gaze, he lifted lightly, his lips barely a whisper from hers. “You okay?”
She nodded, even though his hand in her hair contained her movement. “Yes. You?”
“Yes. You want more?” He held himself still, like one of those racehorses in a stall right before the gate opened.
Her nipples peaked. Fast and hard. More? There was more? She should think. Take a step back. “Yes,” she said. “More.”
He moved faster than humanly possible, ducking his head and claiming her lips. This time, there was no gentleness or coaxing. It was all fire and electricity and demand. Hard and fast, he took her mouth, kissing her in a way that took her completely out of the moment.
The rain and cold disappeared along with her fear and sadness. Only passion and fire remained. She let him guide her, opening her mouth, wanting everything he was giving. Never had she felt this. Her body went from a slow heat to a full-on inferno, her thighs trembling for more of him. For all of him.
Headlights barely caught her attention. Then a door slamming. “What the hell?” bellowed a familiar male voice.
She jumped, fear instantly swamping her. “No.”
Noah released her and turned as Monte stomped toward them, fury morphing into red blotches on a face she’d once thought handsome. “What are you doing?” he yelled, arms swinging, getting too close.
Noah partially turned and punched him right in the mouth. Monte went down, splashing through a mudpuddle, his arms windmilling.
Abby gasped, her body chilling instantly. Horror caught her. Oh God. “What have you done?”



Buy Links

Kindle $2.99 | Paperback

Amazon Series Link



About the Author

Rebecca Zanetti is the author of over twenty-five romantic suspense, dark paranormal, and contemporary romances, and her books have appeared multiple times on the New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon bestseller lists. She has received a Publisher’s Weekly Starred Review for Wicked Edge, Romantic Times Reviewer Choice Nominations for Forgotten Sins and Sweet Revenge, and RT Top Picks for several of her novels. She lives in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest with her own alpha hero, two kids, a couple of dogs, a crazy cat…and a huge extended family. She believes strongly in luck, karma, and working her butt off…and she thinks one of the best things about being an author, unlike the lawyer she used to be, is that she can let the crazy out.

 Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest


Review: HIDDEN (Deep Ops Series) by Rebecca Zanetti 


HIDDEN (Deep Ops Series, Book 1) by Rebecca Zanetti

Publication Date: September 25, 2018 

Genre: Romantic Suspense 


C4E76045-6BE9-4F64-9237-907E12CC9BA8Hide. That’s all Pippa can do to escape the terror chasing her. But now that she’s off the grid in a safe house, she finds plenty of interesting things to watch through the window. Like her new neighbor, with his startling green eyes, killer smile, and sexy bad-boy tattoo . . .

Run. Malcolm West is fleeing the hell he unleashed in his last assignment as an undercover cop. A backwoods bungalow sounds like the perfect place to start over. Until he discovers he’s been set up . . .

Fight. Someone’s gone to a lot of trouble to bring them together. No matter how much he resents that, and his own driving needs, Malcolm will have to dig deep and let loose the banished killer inside himself, or Pippa’s fears could come true faster than the flip of a bolt in a lock . . .


Donna 5 Stars

I loved this book! Pippa and Malcolm, neither of them able to be completely honest with each other, were perfect for each other and knew it. Their characters were so complex, and despite being damaged from their pasts, they melded together in a smoking hot romance.  A ragtag group of people with interesting pasts were pulled together to start the clandestine Requisition Force – and what a group they are. Wounded souls with some strange quirks that make it all unique and fun to read. All of them were believable characters and pulled me into the story and their lives from page one.

Note: The copy I received was labeled as Requisition Force, but online it is shown as the Deep Ops Series. But no matter what the series name is, the story itself was full of danger, secrets, sexy romance, laughter and intrigue. There were times my heart pounded so hard, I had to get up and walk around before getting back to the story. I loved it all and cannot wait for book 2! Rebecca Zanetti has done it again.

*Review copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.



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About the Author

Rebecca Zanetti is the author of over twenty-five romantic suspense, dark paranormal, and contemporary romances, and her books have appeared multiple times on the New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon bestseller lists. She has received a Publisher’s Weekly Starred Review for Wicked Edge, Romantic Times Reviewer Choice Nominations for Forgotten Sins and Sweet Revenge, and RT Top Picks for several of her novels. She lives in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest with her own alpha hero, two kids, a couple of dogs, a crazy cat…and a huge extended family. She believes strongly in luck, karma, and working her butt off…and she thinks one of the best things about being an author, unlike the lawyer she used to be, is that she can let the crazy out.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest


Spotlight, Review & Giveaway: TWISTED TRUTHS (Blood Brothers) by Rebecca Zanetti


TWISTED TRUTHS (Blood Brothers, Book 3) by Rebecca Zanetti

Publication Date: November 14, 2017

Genre: Romantic Suspense


397E22D1-90FC-4273-A305-938548A6391BOne year ago, Denver Jones blew up his life and left everything behind. To stay alive, he had no other choice. But now, when video footage of the woman he could never forget goes viral, begging for his help, he has no choice but to go to her. Her niece has been kidnapped and Denver and his blood brothers are the only people she can trust.

But Denver isn’t the only one watching that video. The deadly forces from his past see it too-and they’ll use anything–and anyone–they can to lure Denver out of hiding to exact their revenge.


Donna 5 Stars

I loved this book! It was sad to know that it’s the last of the Blood Brother series, but it ended with a bang. The intense story started quickly and just kept going. I was so glad to read Denver’s story and find out that Noni was good enough for him. The tense action gave me butterflies and I had to get up and walk around a few times before diving right back in. In between fighting their arch-enemies, their romance was super sexy and heartbreakingly tender – especially when you add in all the brothers and friends. I hated to see it end.

*Review copy provided by Forever Romance in exchange for an honest review.




Slowly, numbly, she shrugged. “I knew you were dangerous and relentless in pursuing somebody,” she whispered. But a killer? Her search for him had held a romantic element, and she knew it. This guy was all edge—no romance. “Am I in danger?” Her voice quivered, but she had to know.
“Yes.” He didn’t move. Didn’t even seem to breathe.
She blinked. Rapidly. “From you?”
His eyes darkened. “No. The only thing I’m capable of breaking is your heart.”
Cold swam through her. The arrogance. “You think you broke my heart?”
His lip twisted. “I know I did.” His tone was low with what seemed like self-hatred. Dark and raw. “I’m sorry.”
Those words. She’d needed those words and hadn’t realized how badly. “Thank you,” she said, going on instinct. “Then how am I in danger?”
“I’m in danger, and anybody close to me is free game for an enemy who will keep coming until I’m dead. Until everything I care about, everything I dream about, is taken away and I want death.” He looked back down at the computer, intensity pouring from him.
Whoa. Okay. Denver didn’t have one bit of hysteria in him. His words scared her, but curiosity still rose up. “Who?”
“Irrelevant. As soon as we get Talia back, you have to forget me. Now. Back to Richie.”
She could live forever, and she’d never forget him. Not for one second had she been able to pretend he didn’t exist. But he was right. They had to find Talia, but he still needed to explain more. She had a right to know everything. “I have files on everything.” She threw her pack at Denver, and he easily caught it before it smashed him in the face.
He didn’t so much as frown. “Thank you.”
She swallowed. They were in the same room. After a year of hurting for him, he was right there in solid form. More than solid. She hadn’t imagined his hard body or intense charisma. He owned every room he walked into with no effort. She’d never met anybody like him, and here he was. Her body tingled, her heart ached, and her mind spun. Yeah. Denver was definitely there. “What now?” she asked, her eyes gritty and her throat scratchy.
“I’ll do some research.” Slowly, numbly, she shrugged. “I knew you were dangerous and relentless in pursuing somebody,” she whispered. But a killer? Her search for him had held a romantic element, and she knew it. This guy was all edge—no romance. “Am I in danger?” Her voice quivered, but she had to know.
“Yes.” He didn’t move. Didn’t even seem to breathe.
She blinked. Rapidly. “From you?”
His eyes darkened. “No. The only thing I’m capable of breaking is your heart.”
Cold swam through her. The arrogance. “You think you broke my heart?”
His lip twisted. “I know I did.” His tone was low with what seemed like self-hatred. Dark and raw. “I’m sorry.”
Those words. She’d needed those words and hadn’t realized how badly. “Thank you,” she said, going on instinct. “Then how am I in danger?”
“I’m in danger, and anybody close to me is free game for an enemy who will keep coming until I’m dead. Until everything I care about, everything I dream about, is taken away and I want death.” He looked back down at the computer, intensity pouring from him.
Whoa. Okay. Denver didn’t have one bit of hysteria in him. His words scared her, but curiosity still rose up. “Who?”
“Irrelevant. As soon as we get Talia back, you have to forget me. Now. Back to Richie.”
She could live forever, and she’d never forget him. Not for one second had she been able to pretend he didn’t exist. But he was right. They had to find Talia, but he still needed to explain more. She had a right to know everything. “I have files on everything.” She threw her pack at Denver, and he easily caught it before it smashed him in the face.
He didn’t so much as frown. “Thank you.”
She swallowed. They were in the same room. After a year of hurting for him, he was right there in solid form. More than solid. She hadn’t imagined his hard body or intense charisma. He owned every room he walked into with no effort. She’d never met anybody like him, and here he was. Her body tingled, her heart ached, and her mind spun. Yeah. Denver was definitely there. “What now?” she asked, her eyes gritty and her throat scratchy.
“I’ll do some research.”




Buy Links

Kindle | Amazon Paperback

Amazon Series Link


✦Book 1: DEADLY SILENCEReview 5 Stars
✦Book 2: LETHAL LIESReview 5 Stars
✦Book 3: TWISTED TRUTHS (Releasing 11/14/17)



Win 1 of 10 paperback copies of TWISTED TRUTHS by Rebecca Zanetti

Giveaway Link


About the Author

Rebecca Zanetti is the author of over twenty-five romantic suspense, dark paranormal, and contemporary romances, and her books have appeared multiple times on the New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon bestseller lists. She has received a Publisher’s Weekly Starred Review for Wicked Edge, Romantic Times Reviewer Choice Nominations for Forgotten Sins and Sweet Revenge, and RT Top Picks for several of her novels. She lives in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest with her own alpha hero, two kids, a couple of dogs, a crazy cat…and a huge extended family. She believes strongly in luck, karma, and working her butt off…and she thinks one of the best things about being an author, unlike the lawyer she used to be, is that she can let the crazy out.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest


EXCERPT REVEAL: TWISTED TRUTHS (Blood Brothers) by Rebecca Zanetti


TWISTED TRUTHS (Blood Brothers, Book 3) by Rebecca Zanetti

Publication Date: November 14, 2017

Genre: Romantic Suspense


397E22D1-90FC-4273-A305-938548A6391BOne year ago, Denver Jones blew up his life and left everything behind. To stay alive, he had no other choice. But now, when video footage of the woman he could never forget goes viral, begging for his help, he has no choice but to go to her. Her niece has been kidnapped and Denver and his blood brothers are the only people she can trust.

But Denver isn’t the only one watching that video. The deadly forces from his past see it too-and they’ll use anything–and anyone–they can to lure Denver out of hiding to exact their revenge.



Noni slowly came awake with a heater at her back. The smell of male and forest filled her senses.
She stilled and listened to his even breathing. He was asleep. Good. She took a moment to feel his presence in bed again. Some of the happiest times in her entire life had been with him in bed. Man, she’d fallen for him fast and hard. They’d only dated for about three months, but she could remember each and every detail as if it were yesterday. The feeling of him in bed was right.
Yet it wasn’t. It couldn’t be. For months after he’d left, she hadn’t slept in her bed. She’d watched television until falling asleep on the sofa in her living room.
She couldn’t do this. Be with him like this. Everything feminine in her wanted to turn around and snuggle into his arms. But he’d be gone soon, and she knew it. Why torture herself? The room was still dark, so dawn had yet to arrive. She slid from the bed as quietly as she could, turned and backtracked to the doorway.
He slept on his back on top of the covers, his huge body taking up most of the bed. His movements were nil, but his breathing even. How tired had he been? A lock of his black hair had fallen on his forehead, and her fingers itched to push it away. To caress down his hard jaw and muscled neck to that wide chest. She’d once spent an entire morning kissing that chest.
Man, she missed him. Even now, with him near and her so pissed, she missed those moments. When he was hers to touch.
Enough wallowing. That was beneath her, and she was stronger than this. There was no choice. She swallowed and gathered her courage, sliding out of the room and quietly shutting the door. After a quick trip to the one bathroom, she tiptoed into the living room and surveyed the computers. The materials from her backpack were spread over a table, while other manila files and yellow notepads were scattered around.
Forgoing hers for his, she flipped through them. A small, very small, part of her felt guilty to be going through Denver’s things. The other part, the one he’d abandoned alone in a bed in Alaska, didn’t give a hoot. The man would never level with her, so she’d be the detective in this case.
The file held a bunch of notes and pictures of red-headed women. Something about a Copper Killer serial case filled one. She pushed it aside and opened another file labeled as “Dr. Madison.”
“See anything that interests you?” Denver asked from hallway entry.
Noni jumped, her lungs compressing. “I’m just getting started.” She would not feel bad. “I read about the Copper Killer case in the newspaper. He was a serial killer who focused on redheads. They caught the guy here in Snowville, right?”
We caught the guy,” Denver said, not moving. He leaned against the door frame, his hair mussed up, whiskers covering his square jaw. His ragged T-shirt was wrinkled, and his jeans ripped, and nothing in the world had ever looked so delicious. Sexy, tousled, and dangerous.
Noni cleared her throat. A pulse set up between her legs. So that’s why he had been in town. “That wasn’t in the news.”
“It wouldn’t be.” He pushed away from the door frame toward her, holding out his hand. “My records.”
She clutched them to her chest. “I’m not done snooping.”
“Yes, you are.” He grasped the manila folders with two fingers and pulled.
She could fight him, but in a tug of war, she’d probably lose. Or at least get a paper cut, and those sucked. “Who is Dr. Madison?”
At the question, his lazy indulgence disappeared. A flash of heat hit his eyes, and for the moment, he looked every bit as deadly as he’d warned her that he could be. Barely leashed violence poured off him in a heat she could actually feel. “Nobody,” he said, his voice guttural.
Noni gaped at him. At the change in him—in a second. “Right. I, ah, I can see that.”
Then the gates shuttered closed. A veil fell over his expressive eyes, effectively shutting her out.
She exhaled. “I’d forgotten that look.” When they’d dated, every time she’d asked about his life, about his childhood, he’d shut her out. And she’d let him. Oh, she’d sensed the pain in his past, and she’d just accepted him, knowing someday he’d open up to her. Someday he’d feel free enough, safe enough, to confide in her. “I was such a fucking idiot,” she muttered, letting the truth finally in. Even when they’d been together, he hadn’t let her know him.
“No, you’re not,” he said gently. “I’m good at playing a part. Really good.”
Fire lashed her. She jumped up, sending the chair flying back. He had fooled her, and he had done a good job with it. But there had been moments…real moments. She had to trust herself and what she felt. Could she shake him? Get him to admit it was more than just a part? “Oh, baby. You’re not that good.”
“No?” he asked silkily.
“No.” She levered up right into his face, finally trusting her instincts. “I may not know the details of your life, of your big secrets, but I know you a little bit, asshole.” She slapped a hand on his chest. Hard. “Whether you like it or not, you revealed some of your true self.” While she didn’t know the facts, she knew his heart. Whether he liked it or not. Since he’d shown up in her motel room, she hadn’t had time to really think. No way would he hurt her. While he was dangerous, she was safe. “Suck on that.”
“Maybe,” he said, pressing his hand over hers. “It doesn’t change anything. We’re gonna find this baby and get you safe. Then I have another job to do.”
“Jobs,” she sputtered as his heart beat so steadily against her palm. “Tons of jobs, right?”
“No. Just one.” His hand completely covered hers, and she couldn’t move it. The way he said the words gave her pause. Such finality in each syllable.
Her gaze dropped to the files in his other hand. “Dr. Madison?”
He slowly nodded.
“You’re trying to find her?” That’s what he did, right? He found people or things. His detective agency found the lost. That’s what he’d always said.
She swallowed. “Then what?” Instinct chilled down her back, but she didn’t know why. Tension choked around them. “What happens to Dr. Madison?”
“I’m going to kill her.” With that, Denver released Noni’s hand and moved around her to the computers. “Now. Let’s find that baby.”


Buy Links

Kindle | Amazon Paperback

Amazon Series Link


✦Book 1: DEADLY SILENCEReview 5 Stars
✦Book 2: LETHAL LIESReview 5 Stars
✦Book 3: TWISTED TRUTHS (Releasing 11/14/17)



5 galleys up for grabs

Giveaway Link


About the Author

Rebecca Zanetti is the author of over twenty-five romantic suspense, dark paranormal, and contemporary romances, and her books have appeared multiple times on the New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon bestseller lists. She has received a Publisher’s Weekly Starred Review for Wicked Edge, Romantic Times Reviewer Choice Nominations for Forgotten Sins and Sweet Revenge, and RT Top Picks for several of her novels. She lives in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest with her own alpha hero, two kids, a couple of dogs, a crazy cat…and a huge extended family. She believes strongly in luck, karma, and working her butt off…and she thinks one of the best things about being an author, unlike the lawyer she used to be, is that she can let the crazy out.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest


Review: WICKED KISS (Realm Enforcers Book 4) by Rebecca Zanetti


WICKED KISS (Realm Enforcers Book 4) by Rebecca Zanetti

Publication Date: July 4, 2017

Genre: Paranormal Romance

SynopsisIMG_9177Working as an informant for the DEA, Victoria Monzelle is used to living on the edge. But she’s not a big fan of getting kidnapped. And definitely not by a bunch of bad boy witches with fancy-colored fire to shoot at people. So when Adam Dunne shows up and claims to be a witch enforcer, she’s not going to put her life in his hands based on his word, no matter how smooth and smart and beautifully Irish his words sound. But on the run from a tribunal of witches, she isn’t going to make it far…

Before she knows it, Adam’s word is all that stands between her and execution. Sophisticated, just-gotta-ruffle-him Adam has vowed to make her his one eternal mate, wild and unpredictable as she is—to save her from a sentence of certain death. But Tori isn’t interested in being anyone’s pity date. And if they think she’s unpredictable now, they should see what’s coming next . . .


Cori 5 Stars

I love this series and was so excited to get my hands in Adam’s book. Adam is my favorite Dunne brother! I just love him! WICKED KISS is the fourth book in Rebecca Zanetti’s Realm Enforcers series. The series is a paranormal series with witches, shifters, vampires and demons and focuses on the Dunne family of witches. The Realm Enforcers series is a spinoff series from the Dark Protectors series that focused on the vampires in the same paranormal world. You don’t need to read the Dark Protectors series before picking up this series, but I highly recommend both series. I love them and the Dark Protectors series would make a great binge read. I recommend reading each series in order, but each book can be read as a standalone. WICKED KISS was action packed, full of danger and smoking hot romance. It kept me riveted and I couldn’t put it down. I was already in love with Adam before picking up this book and fell even more in love with him while reading his story. Victoria was just perfect for him! Their banter was fun and the romance was hot. Rebecca Zanetti is one of my favorite authors because she’s a great storyteller that always delivers an exciting love story. I highly recommend anything she writes and I loved WICKED KISS!

*Review copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 



Buy Links

Kindle | B&N | iBooks | Kobo

$2.99 SALE ➢ The Realm Enforcers Bundle: Books 1-3 by Rebecca Zanetti

Amazon Series Link



Realm Enforcers Series by Rebecca Zanetti

    1. Wicked Ride ➢ REVIEW 5 STARSKindle
    2. Wicked EdgeREVIEW 5 STARS | Kindle
    3. Wicked Burn REVIEW 5 STARSKindle
    4. Wicked Kiss ➢ Kindle
    5. Wicked Bite (Releasing 09/01/17) ➢ Kindle

$2.99 SALE ➢ The Realm Enforcers Bundle: Books 1-3 by Rebecca Zanetti


Series Links: Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iBooks

Dark Protectors Series Review 5 Stars 


About the Author

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Rebecca Zanetti has worked as an art curator, Senate aide, lawyer, college professor, and a hearing examiner – only to culminate it all in stories about Alpha males and the women who claim them. She writes dark paranormals, romantic suspense, and sexy contemporary romances.

Growing up amid the glorious backdrops and winter wonderlands of the Pacific Northwest has given Rebecca fantastic scenery and adventures to weave into her stories. She resides in the wild north with her husband, children, and extended family who inspire her every day–or at the very least give her plenty of characters to write about.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest

Review: LETHAL LIES (Blood Brothers) by Rebecca Zanetti


LETHAL LIES (Blood Brothers, Book 2) by Rebecca Zanetti

Publication Date: May 16, 2017

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Synopsis IMG_8251A deadly secret can’t stay buried forever . . .

Revenge. It’s the only thing that will help Anya Best sleep at night. The serial killer who murdered her sister is on the loose, and Anya will stop at nothing to put him behind bars-even use herself as bait to lure him out of hiding. But she can’t do this alone.

Private investigator Heath Jones’s job is to bring bastards to justice. This time it’s personal. He knew the Copper Killer’s latest victim so when her sister asks for his help, he’s all in. But when Anya uses the media to taunt the killer, she exposes Heath’s identity, putting them both in jeopardy. Now, secrets buried long ago are coming to light and the forces determined to destroy him are watching Heath’s every move, waiting to exact their own revenge. And they’ll use anything and anyone to get to Heath.

With twists and turns that will take your breath away, LETHAL LIES is sexy, action-packed suspense at its very best from New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti.


Donna 5 Stars

Wow! What a fantastic ride! The danger kept me glued to the pages, as well as the hot romance. Sexy, Heath sure met his match in Anya, and she was perfect for all the twists and turns in the story. She was strong, yet vulnerable, and I liked her from the start. I also love how the Lost Bastards interact with each other. Not a lot of banter, but a solid brotherly relationship that is heartwarming. Bad guys you love to hate, heart-pounding action, and a feel-good romance. It ticked off all my requirements.

*Review copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.



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About the Author

Rebecca Zanetti is the author of over twenty-five romantic suspense, dark paranormal, and contemporary romances, and her books have appeared multiple times on the New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon bestseller lists. She has received a Publisher’s Weekly Starred Review for Wicked Edge, Romantic Times Reviewer Choice Nominations for Forgotten Sins and Sweet Revenge, and RT Top Picks for several of her novels. She lives in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest with her own alpha hero, two kids, a couple of dogs, a crazy cat…and a huge extended family. She believes strongly in luck, karma, and working her butt off…and she thinks one of the best things about being an author, unlike the lawyer she used to be, is that she can let the crazy out.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest


Review & Excerpt Tour: Tricked: A Dark Protectors Novella by Rebecca Zanetti


Tricked: A Dark Protectors Novella by Rebecca Zanetti

Publication Date: October 25, 2016

Genre: Paranormal Romance



He Might Save Her

Former police psychologist Ronni Alexander had it all before a poison attacked her heart and gave her a death sentence. Now, on her last leg, she has an opportunity to live if she mates a vampire. A real vampire. One night of sex and a good bite, and she’d live forever with no more weaknesses. Well, except for the vampire whose dominance is over the top, and who has no clue how to deal with a modern woman who can take care of herself.

She Might Kill Him

Jared Reese, who has no intention of ever mating for anything other than convenience, agrees to help out his new sister-in-law by saving her friend’s life with a quick tussle in bed. The plan seems so simple. They’d mate, and he move on with his life and take risks as a modern pirate should. Except after one night with Ronni, one moment of her sighing his name, and he wants more than a mating of convenience. Now all he has to do is convince Ronni she wants the same thing. Good thing he’s up for a good battle.



For now, he had to figure this out. “Why did you become a shrink?”
“I wanted to help people.” She wiped snow off her jeans. “My dad was a cop, and he said I didn’t have what it took.” She hunched her shoulders inward. “I guess I kind of wanted to prove him wrong. Plus, I have a knack for figuring people out.”
She had a knack because she was empathic. So she was driving herself so hard just to prove herself? That wouldn’t do. However, he liked that she wanted to help people. Smart, spirited, and sweet. That was her. He glanced at her, his hands easy on the steering wheel.
“What?” she asked.
“You’re very likable,” he said, taking a corner.
She blinked. Color tinged her cheeks. Her lips pursed. “Thank you.”
Yeah. The woman knew how to take a compliment. He liked that, too. Her scent of spices and berries wrapped around him, providing comfort with a jolt of energy. The idea that somebody wanted to harm her tightened his muscles. He’d never been a nice guy, and a battle was a battle, but he’d make the asshole who’d poisoned her bleed before dying.
He pulled into the back lot of the tiny restaurant. “You ever been here?”
She craned her neck to check out the innocuous brick building. “No.”
“Best pizza in the world.” He jumped out of the car and crossed to assist her. “Careful. The lot is icy.”
She nodded and allowed him to lead her through the back door. The smells of garlic, cheese, and pretty much heaven hit them both. She breathed in. “Wow.”
“Yeah.” He grinned. “You’ll love it.” Taking her hand, he led her through the hallways to a small private dining area and gave a nod to Theo before surveying the room. Ah, shit. Theo had brought Ginny

Cori 4 Stars

I love Rebecca Zanetti’s Dark Protectors series and it was fun to revisit it. Tricked is a novella set in the Dark Protectors world. It’s a quick read but has plenty of action and  romance to capture the reader’s attention. Jared and Ronnie start off as an arranged mating to save Ronnie’s life but that quickly changes. Their chemistry was explosive and heated up quickly. I recommend this novella for readers looking for a quick paranormal romance that still gives the reader a complete story. Tricked can be read as a standalone but I highly recommend the entire series. It’s one of my favorite paranormal romance series.

*Review copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.



Buy Links

Kindle $2.99 | Amazon Paperback $8.99



✦Amazon Series Link: | Series Review 5 Stars:

✦ 1 – FATED: Talen and Cara’s book
✦ 2 – CLAIMED: Dage and Emma’s book
✦ 2.5 – TEMPTED: Max and Sarah’s novella
✦ 3 – HUNTED: Conn and Moira’s book
✦ 4 – CONSUMED: Jordan and Katie’s book
✦ 5 – PROVOKED: Kane and Amber’s book
✦ 5.5 – TWISTED: Terrent and Maggie’s novella
✦ 6 – SHADOWED: Jase and Brenna’s book
✦ 6.5 – TAMED: Caleb and Lily’s novella
✦ 7 – MARKED: Janie & Zane’s Book


About the Author


New York Times and USA Today Bestseller Rebecca Zanetti is the author of over twenty-five dark paranormals, romantic suspense, and contemporary romances. She lives in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest with her own Alpha hero, two kids, a couple of dogs, a crazy cat…and a huge extended family. She believes strongly in luck, karma, and working her butt off…and she thinks one of the best things about being an author, unlike the lawyer she used to be, is that she can let the crazy out. Her current series are: The Dark Protectors, The Maverick Montana Cowboys, and the Sin Brothers series. Upcoming series are: The Realm Enforcers and The Scorpius Syndrome.

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Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway: HANGING BY A THREAD (Riley O’Brien & Co. #3) by Jenna Sutton

Release Blitz, Review & Giveaway: DEADLY SILENCE (Blood Brothers) by Rebecca Zanetti


DEADLY SILENCE (Blood Brothers) by Rebecca Zanetti

Publication Date: October 4, 2016

Genre: Romantic Suspense

img_4326The first book in a breathtaking new romantic suspense series that will appeal to fans of New York Times bestsellers Maya Banks, Lisa Gardner, and Lisa Jackson.

Under siege. That’s how Ryker Jones feels. The Lost Bastards Investigative Agency he opened up with his blood brothers has lost a client in a brutal way. The past he can’t outrun is resurfacing, threatening to drag him down in the undertow. And the beautiful woman he’s been trying to keep at arm’s length is in danger…and he’ll destroy anything and anyone to keep her safe.

Paralegal Zara Remington is in over her head. She’s making risky moves at work by day and indulging in an affair with a darkly dangerous PI by night. There’s a lot Ryker isn’t telling her and the more she uncovers, the less she wants to know. But when all hell breaks loose, Ryker may be the only one to save her. If his past doesn’t catch up to them first…

Full of twists and turns you won’t see coming, DEADLY SILENCE is New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti at her suspenseful best.



Donna 5 Stars

Wow! What a great new series by Zanetti! It’s full of non-stop action, suspense and mystery; all woven together with a hot romance. If I had to say one negative thing, it would be that I wished I liked the characters better in the beginning. I understood why their characters were hard to get to know, but it took a little time to care about them. The story was a wild ride and every time I thought “ok, this is the storyline”, another twist would pop up. It did not become muddled however, as it all made sense to set the groundwork for the books to some. I for one can’t wait to read them all!

*Review copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


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Heat from his body washed over her, but she lifted her head to meet his gaze. “We don’t have a relationship.”
He smiled then, and the curve of his lips held more determination than amusement. “I’m not letting you run, and I’m certainly not letting you hide, baby. Although neither of us has been in this for the long haul, I’m staying in Wyoming for the moment. The first thing that’s going to happen is I’m going to figure out who dared put a hand on you and make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
For the first time, she saw a side of him that gave her true pause. In the long haul, he’d be unbearably possessive. Why did that give her an intriguing sense of safety? “Knock it off,” she snapped in his face. “Get out of my business.”
That quickly, she found her back against the door and her front pinned by hard male. His hands planted on either side of her neck, his thumbs at her jaw, forcing her to look at him. “Something you need to understand and pretty damn quick is that your business is my business right now.” His thumb swept up and over the offensive bruise on her face.
“Step back.” Her voice trembled.
He ignored the very calm order. “No. You don’t want to tell me who did this? Fine. I’ll find out on my own, and I’ll have the name by the time I pick you up for supper. What you don’t want to do is deal with him or his case until I have that name. Kicking him in the balls might’ve just pissed him off more, and now you’ve let a bully stew on it for a while, which might be dangerous for you. Got it?”
“You have no right to interfere,” she whispered.
“Baby, I’ve been fuckin’ you for months. That gives me every right.” Anger glowed dark in his eyes.
“We’re done. Get out.”
His eyes softened. “You shouldn’t make statements you can’t back up.”
She shoved against his ripped abs.
He didn’t move a millimeter.
And then he did.
His head dipped, and his mouth found her neck and wandered up to her ear. His teeth scraped, and then his tongue licked the slight wound.
Of its own volition, her body did a full tremble.
He leaned back. “That.”
Her mind fuzzed.
His mouth slammed down on hers. She knew his kiss—often dreamed about it. Not soft and sweet . . . not even lustful. It was dangerous. From day one, she’d tasted danger on his tongue, and it burned her hotter than she’d ever been.
Never had she dated a bad boy, but after living her desired routine-driven life for years, she’d craved adventure, and he filled that need. He drew out a wildness she hadn’t realized she possessed.
He held her flush against the door, kissing her hard, sending a craving along her nerves that almost hurt. His tongue went to work, his left hand keeping her jaw open for him. His right hand found her hip and dragged her against the obvious bulge in his jeans. By the time he released her, she’d stopped thinking completely.
“What time are you finished today?” he asked, his breath heating her face.
“Fi-five,” she stuttered.
He leaned back and gently put her to the side. “Stay in the office until I come for you at five, Zara.” He ran his thumb across her bottom lip. “Cross me on this, baby, and I ain’t gonna be gentle.” He had already shut the door behind himself before she could take a whole breath.
She blinked several times, her fingers going to her still-tingling mouth. What had just happened?



Buy Links

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Series Page on Goodreads:



(Ten (10) trade paperback copies of DEADLY SILENCE by Rebecca Zanetti)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


About the Author

Rebecca Zanetti is the author of over twenty-five romantic suspense, dark paranormal, and contemporary romances, and her books have appeared multiple times on the New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon bestseller lists. She has received a Publisher’s Weekly Starred Review for Wicked Edge, Romantic Times Reviewer Choice Nominations for Forgotten Sins and Sweet Revenge, and RT Top Picks for several of her novels. She lives in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest with her own alpha hero, two kids, a couple of dogs, a crazy cat…and a huge extended family. She believes strongly in luck, karma, and working her butt off…and she thinks one of the best things about being an author, unlike the lawyer she used to be, is that she can let the crazy out.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest



Release Blitz: Rising Storm Season Two: Episodes 1-8


Welcome to Storm, Texas…

A town nestled among rolling hills and painted with vibrant wildflowers, where everything seems like perfection.

But there are secrets beneath the facade.

Dark and powerful secrets. The kind that can destroy lives and tear families apart. That can cut through a town like a tempest, leaving jealousy and destruction in its wake, along with shattered hopes and broken dreams.

Rising Storm is a soap-opera style drama. A powerful series conceived by Julie Kenner and Dee Davis, full of scandal, deceit, romance, passion, and secrets.

…get caught in the storm!


Experience Rising Storm Season Two: Episodes 1-8 Here!

A new season…a new storm – get caught!

Secrets, Sex and Scandals …

Welcome to Storm, Texas, where passion runs hot, desire runs deep, and secrets have the power to destroy… Get ready. The storm is coming.


episode-1_against-the-wind-coverEpisode One: AGAINST THE WIND by Rebecca Zanetti

As Tate Johnson works to find a balance between his ambitions for political office and the fallout of his brother’s betrayal, Zeke is confronted with his brother Chase’s return home. And while Bryce and Tara Douglas try to hold onto their marriage, Kristin continues to entice Travis into breaking his vows…





episode-2_storm-warning-coverEpisode Two: STORM WARNING by Larissa Ione

As Joanne Alvarez settles into life without Hector, her children still struggle with the fallout. Marcus confronts the differences between him and Brittany, while Dakota tries to find a new equilibrium. Meanwhile, the Johnson’s grapple with war between two sets of brothers, and Ian Briggs rides into town…





episode-3_brave-the-storm-coverEpisode Three: BRAVE THE STORM by Lisa Mondello

As Senator Rush’s poll numbers free fall, Marylee tries to drive a wedge between Brittany and Marcus. Across town, Anna Mae and Chase dance toward reconciliation. Ginny longs for Logan, while he fights against Sebastian’s maneuvering. And Hector, newly freed from prison, heads back to Storm…





episode-4_lightning-strikes-coverEpisode Four: LIGHTNING STRIKES by Lexi Blake

As Ian Briggs begins to fall for Marisol, Joanne and Dillon also grow closer. Joanne’s new confidence spreads to Dakota but Hector’s return upends everything. A public confrontation between Marcus and Hector endangers his relationship with Brittany, and Dakota reverts to form. Meanwhile, the Senator threatens Ginny and the baby…





episode-5_fire-and-rain-coverEpisode Five: FIRE AND RAIN by R.K. Lilley

As Celeste Salt continues to unravel in the wake of Jacob’s death, Travis grows closer with Kristin. Lacey realizes the error of her ways but is afraid it’s too late for reconciliation with her friends. Marcus and Brittany struggle with the continued fallout of Hector’s return, while Chase and Anna Mae face some hard truths about their past…





episode-6_quiet-storm-coverEpisode Six: QUIET STORM by J. Kenner, writing as Julie Kenner

As Mallory Alvarez and Luis Moreno grow closer, Lacey longs for forgiveness. Brittany and Marcus have a true meeting of hearts. Meanwhile, Jeffry grapples with his father’s failures and finds solace in unexpected arms. When things take a dangerous turn, Jeffry’s mother and sister, as well as his friends, unite behind him as the Senator threatens his son…





episode-7_blinding-rain-coverEpisode Seven: BLINDING RAIN by Elisabeth Naughton

As Tate Johnson struggles to deal with his brother’s relationship with Hannah, hope asserts itself in an unexpected way. With the return of Delia Burke, Logan’s old flame, Brittany and Marcus see an opportunity to help their friend. But when the evening takes an unexpected turn, Brittany finds herself doing the last thing she expected—coming face to face with Ginny…





episode-8_blue-skies-coverEpisode Eight: BLUE SKIES by Dee Davis

As Celeste Salt struggles to pull herself and her family together, Dillon is called to the scene of a domestic dispute where Dakota is forced to face the truth about her father. While the Johnson’s celebrate a big announcement, Ginny is rushed to the hospital where her baby’s father is finally revealed…







About the Rising Storm Season Two: Episodes 1-8 Authors

rebecca-zanetti-author-imageRebecca Zanetti:

New York Times Bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti is the author of over twenty-five dark paranormals, romantic suspense, and contemporary romances, and her books have appeared multiple times on the USA Today, NY Times, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iBooksbestseller lists. She lives in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest with her own Alpha hero, two kids, a couple of dogs, a crazy cat…and a huge extended family. She believes strongly in luck, karma, and working her butt off…and she thinks one of the best things about being an author, unlike the lawyer she used to be, is that she can let the crazy out. Her current series are: The Scorpius Syndrome, The Dark Protectors, The Realm Enforcers, The Maverick Montana Cowboys, and the Sin Brothers series.

Visit Rebecca Zanetti’s website.

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larissa-ione-author-imageLarissa Ione:

Larissa Ione is a New York Times and USA Todaybestselling author. An Air Force veteran, she traded in a career as a meteorologist to pursue her passion of writing. She now spends her days in pajamas with her computer, strong coffee, and supernatural worlds. She believes in celebrating everything, and would never be caught without a bottle of Champagne chilling in the fridge…just in case. She currently lives in Wisconsin with her U.S. Coast Guard husband, her teenage son, a rescue cat named Vegas, and her very own hellhound, a King Shepherd named Hexe.

Visit Larissa Ione’s website.

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lisa-mondello-author-imageLisa Mondello:

New York Times and USA TODAY Bestselling Author, Lisa Mondello, has held many jobs in her life but being a published author is the last job she’ll ever have. She’s not retiring! She blames the creation of the personal computer for her leap into writing novels. Otherwise, she’d still be penning stories with paper and pen. Her book The Knight and Maggie’s Baby is a New York TimesBestseller. Her popular series includes TEXAS HEARTS, DAKOTA HEARTS, Fate with a Helping Hand and the new SUMMER HOUSE series. Writing as LA Mondello, her romantic suspense, MATERIAL WITNESS, book 1 of her Heroes of Providence series made the USA TODAY Bestsellers List and was named one of Kirkus Reviews Best Books of 2012.

Visit Lisa Mondello’s website.


lexi-blake-newsletter-author-picLexi Blake:

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband and three kids. She began writing at a young age concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance that she found success. Lexi believes in happy endings no matter how odd the couple, threesome or foursome may seem.

Visit Lexi Blake’s website.

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rk-lilley-author-imageR.K. Lilley:

R.K. Lilley is the best selling author of the Up In The Air, and Tristan & Danika, and The Wild Side series. She lives in Texas with her husband and their two beautiful sons. She’s had a lot of interesting jobs, from being a first class flight attendant, to being a stablehand, but swears she never knew what hard work was until she had children. She’s been addicted to both reading and writing fiction since she can remember. She loves to travel, read, hike, paint, game, watch anime, and make the most of every single day.

Visit R.K. Lilley’s website.

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julie-kenner-author-imageJulie Kenner:

Julie Kenner (aka J. Kenner) is the New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, Wall Street Journal and #1 international bestselling author of over seventy novels, novellas, and short stories in a variety of genres.

Praised by Publishers Weekly as an author with a “flair for dialogue and eccentric characterizations,” JK writes a range of stories including super sexy romances, paranormal romance, chick lit suspense, paranormal mommy lit, and, with Rising Storm, small town drama. Her trilogy of erotic romances, The Stark Trilogy (as J. Kenner), reached as high as #2 on the New York Times list and is published in over twenty countries, and her Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom series (written as Julie Kenner) has been optioned by Warner Brothers Television for the CW Network.

A former attorney, JK lives in Central Texas with her husband, two daughters, and several cats. One of her favorite weekend activities is visiting small towns in the Texas Hill Country.

Visit Julie Kenner’s website.

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elisabeth-naughton-author-imageElisabeth Naughton:

Before topping multiple bestseller lists–including those of the New York Times, USA Today, and the Wall Street Journal–Elisabeth Naughton taught middle school science. A voracious reader, she soon discovered she had a knack for creating stories with a chemistry of their own. The spark turned into a flame, and Naughton now writes full-time. Besides topping bestseller lists, her books have been nominated for some of the industry’s most prestigious awards, such as the RITA® and Golden Heart Awards from Romance Writers of America, the Australian Romance Reader Awards, and the Golden Leaf Award. When not dreaming up new stories, Naughton can be found spending time with her husband and three children in their western Oregon home.

Visit Elisabeth Naughton’s website.

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dee-davis-author-image  Dee Davis:

Bestselling author Dee Davis has a masters degree in public administration. Prior to writing, she served as the director of two associations, wrote award winning PSAs, did television and radio commercials, starred in the Seven Year Itch, taught college classes, and lobbied both the Texas Legislature and the US Congress.

Her highly acclaimed first novel, Everything In Its Time, was published in July 2000. Since then, among others, she’s won the Booksellers Best, Golden Leaf, Texas Gold and Prism awards, and been nominated for the National Readers Choice Award, the Holt and two RT Reviewers Choice Awards.

Recently she was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the New York Romance Writers and has also been nominated for a Lifetime Achievement Award for romantic suspense from Romantic Times. In addition, she is Hall of Fame member of the New Jersey Romance Writers and was awarded an Odyssey Medal from Hendrix College.

To date, she has written over twenty-five romantic suspense, time travel, and women’s fiction novels and novellas. Among her latest books you’ll find her A-Tac, Liar’s Game, and Last Chance series.

She’s lived in Austria and traveled in Europe extensively. And although she now resides in an 1802 farmhouse in Connecticut, she still calls Texas home.

Visit Dee Davis’ website.

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