Review: UNDERCOVER WOLF (STAT Book 2) by Paige Tyler

UNDERCOVER WOLF (STAT Book 2) by Paige Tyler

Publication Date: May 25, 2021

Genre: Paranormal Romantic Suspense


9895ABED-B249-4AF2-B01F-12CF5007FE64An unexpected partnership leads two wolves to reconsider everything they know…

Alpha werewolf Harley Grant isn’t exactly comfortable with her inner wolf. Even though she’s on a STAT Team where she can use her abilities because her teammates know about her, she refuses to do so, putting herself and sometimes them at risk.

Alpha werewolf Sawyer Bishop would give anything for his M16 Team to know about his inner wolf, but his teammates are mistrustful of anyone or anything with inhuman abilities. When he meets Harley on an overlapping case and realizes she’s a fellow wolf, he’s more than a little intrigued.

Now that STAT and MI6 have to team up to stop a crew of supernatural bad guys intent on causing a nuclear meltdown, Harley can no longer deny her wolf and Sawyer can no longer hide his. As they grow closer to resolving the case and grow closer to each other, they discover things aren’t what they seem and revenge could cost them their lives.



I found this STAT installment to be fast paced and exciting from page one. International intrigue, mystery, danger, and a variety of new paranormals to make things interesting. Although the extent of their globetrotting seemed excessive for the situations, it did make for fun reading and gave time for the romance to blossom.

Harley’s continued issue about shifting bothered me. She had been with STAT long enough to be comfortable in a pack, so I couldn’t reconcile her hang-up with her strength of character. Thankfully, I liked everything else about her. She made a great match for Sawyer. Both were strong and accomplished yet yearning for more and not sure what that more was. Sawyer was a handsome Alpha in MI6 – I could easily imagine his delicious accent as he worked operations or seduced Harley. It was nice that although they were clearly “the one” for each other, they took the time to let their relationship build instead of either fighting it or surrendering to it. That gave the romance a nice depth. There wasn’t a lot of sexy time (what there is, was hot!), but with the story blending in, it worked just fine for me.

This is a romantic globe-trotting, special agent wild ride from beginning to end. Loved it.

*Review copy provided NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.



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About the author image

Paige is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of sexy romantic suspense and paranormal romance. She graduated from The University of West Florida with a degree in education in 2000, but decided to pursue a full-time career as a writer in 2004. Since then, she’s written over fifty books in several genres, including paranormal, contemporary, western, sci-fi and erotica. She loves writing about strong, sexy, alpha males and the feisty, independent women who fall for them. From verbal foreplay to sexual heat, her stories of romance, adventure, suspense, passion and true love will leave you breathlessly panting for more.

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Review, Excerpt & Giveaway: WOLF UNTAMED by Paige Tyler

WOLF UNTAMED (SWAT Book 11) by Paige Tyler

Publication Date: November 24, 2020

Genre: Paranormal Romantic Suspense


AB71C818-0440-4844-8066-1DA0BA921A58The guys in the Special Wolf Alpha Team (SWAT) are hotter than ever.

SWAT werewolf Diego Martinez was on a mission to save lives when he walked into the hostage situation—he didn’t expect to find a newly turned teenage werewolf and the kid’s fiercely protective mother. For Bree Harlow and her son, Brandon, Diego is a godsend, and not just because he saved the day.

Bree has spent the years since her divorce trying to do her best by Brandon. But lately the boy who used to tell her everything has been keeping secrets. In the face of all the bizarre things happening at home, there’s something about Diego that Bree can’t resist—especially when he’s able to explain Brandon’s new abilities.

But the hostage incident was just the start in a wave of violence that no one can explain, and when Bree and Brandon are caught in the middle, Diego will do everything in his power to protect the family he wants as his own.



This is an exciting installment in the SWAT Series and kept me reading to find out the mystery. As with the other stories, the background is full of danger, intrigue, and mystery. One of my favorite parts of the SWAT Unit is the camaraderie and banter.  Even if you read this as a standalone, you can pick up on their closeness and history.

Bree and Diego may have been destined for one another, but their relationship still moved at a believable pace. Thankfully without either of them delving into the “I don’t want a relationship” mode. Neither did it feel like a done deal because of “the one” tract. It was nice and fun to read. I liked them both and they were just a good fit, her son included. Watching Diego learn to be not just a partner, but a father figure and alpha, was heartwarming.

The story was fun and romantic, even though a part of it seemed a bit far-fetched. (Which I know, is an odd thing to say about a paranormal romance.) That strangeness didn’t detract from my enjoyment though, it just has me curious about book 12. I can’t wait.

*Review copy provided NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.




Bree had no idea if seconds—or hours—passed, but then she heard something so out of place with her surroundings that it immediately snapped her back to reality. 


Low, soft, pained…growling. 

And it was coming from Brandon. 

She looked down to find him gazing up at her with vivid-gold eyes, half-inch-long fangs visible over his bottom lip. 

Bree had always considered herself to be a strong person. She’d gone through a lot in her life and dealt with it. But she couldn’t ignore the obvious. The accumulated stress of this situation had been too much for her. She was having a mental breakdown. Because there was no way she was seeing what she thought she saw. 

Suddenly, the SWAT cop was at her side, pulling Brandon up and talking to him in a slow, calm voice, telling him to relax and breathe, that everything was over and he was going to be okay at the same time he used his big body like a shield, keeping other people in the diner from seeing her son’s face. His voice was the most soothing and calming sound she’d ever heard in her life, and even though he wasn’t talking to her, she found herself breathing in time with his instructions—in through the nose, hold it for five seconds, and out through the mouth. 

Bree watched in stunned fascination as the yellow glow slowly receded from her son’s eyes and the fangs disappeared. All at once, his panicked breathing and frantic features relaxed, and she realized it was the first time in months he didn’t seem tense. 

There was a commotion behind her, and she glanced over her shoulder to see the other officers—dressed like Diego but with weapons and heavy-looking tactical gear strapped across their chests—quickly moving the rest of the hostages outside, herding them in such a way that they didn’t have time to look at the body on the floor…or Brandon. 

It was like they were all working together to keep anyone from seeing what was happening with her son. Like they all somehow knew something unexplainable was going on with him. 

“There you go, kid.” The SWAT cop’s deep voice made her turn back around, and she saw him standing there with his hands on Brandon’s shoulders. “Just a few more deep breaths and you’ll be good to go.” 

Diego was right. A few seconds later, Brandon was fine, and Bree found herself wondering if everything she’dseen was a figment of her confused mind. 

It could have been, right? 

She felt a gentle hand on her arm and looked up into the warmest brown eyes she’d ever seen, a little overwhelmed by the concern she saw there. Diego didn’t even know her, and yet he seemed genuinely worried. 

“I think we should get out of here,” he said, nodding toward Brandon. “This place is about to be crawling with cops, crime-scene techs, and general-purpose gawkers. I’d rather be somewhere else before they show up. We have a lot to talk about.” 

She was about to ask what he meant by that, but then it hit her. Everything she’d seen had been real. Diego had seen it, too. And now he wanted to talk about it. Because that’s what cops did. They dug into stuff until they knew everything. 

Bree’s heart began to thump hard all over again as she realized the danger her son might be in now. What if Diego revealed what he’d seen? Brandon would be treated like a monster. From the look on Brandon’s face, he realized the same thing and was on the verge of freaking out. 

“Relax,” the cop said softly, looking first at Brandon, then her. “I’m not a threat to your son. I promise.” 

Gaze locked with hers, Diego’s eyes flared vivid yellow-gold. The color was only there for a second before it disappeared, but it was impossible to miss. Or mistake it for anything other than what she’d seen in her son’s eyes. The cop looked at Brandon, earning a wide-eyed gasp. Bree had no idea what any of this meant, but it had to be a good sign…right? 

“Like I said,” Diego murmured. “We have a lot to talk about.” 

Excerpted from Wolf Untamed by Paige Tyler. © 2020 by Paige Tyler. Used with permission of the publisher, Sourcebooks Casablanca, an imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. All rights reserved.


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3 sets of Wolf Rising, Wolf Instinct, and Wolf Rebel

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About the author image

Paige is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of sexy romantic suspense and paranormal romance. She graduated from The University of West Florida with a degree in education in 2000, but decided to pursue a full-time career as a writer in 2004. Since then, she’s written over fifty books in several genres, including paranormal, contemporary, western, sci-fi and erotica. She loves writing about strong, sexy, alpha males and the feisty, independent women who fall for them. From verbal foreplay to sexual heat, her stories of romance, adventure, suspense, passion and true love will leave you breathlessly panting for more.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


Review: WOLF UNDER FIRE (STAT Book 1) by Paige Tyler


WOLF UNDER FIRE (STAT Book 1) by Paige Tyler

Publication Date: May 26, 2020

Genre: Paranormal Romantic Suspense


04BB01DD-1FE6-4A52-97FB-892F804A7CE5For the cases no one else can solve, they send in the Special Threat Assessment Team

Supernatural creatures are no longer keeping their existence secret from humans, causing panic around the globe. To investigate, monitor, and—when necessary—take down dangerous supernatural offenders, an international task force was established: The Special Threat Assessment Team.

STAT agent Jestina Ridley is in London with her team investigating a suspicious kidnapping. Over her radio, Jes hears her teammates being savagely attacked. She runs to help, but she’s too late. The only survivor, Jes calls for backup and gets former Navy SEAL and alpha werewolf Jake Huang and his new pack. Convinced that the creature who butchered her teammates was a werewolf, Jes doesn’t trust them. But if they’re going to uncover the facts and make it back home alive, she’ll need Jake’s help. And with everything on the line, Jes will have to accept Jake for who he is, or lose the partner she never expected to find…


Donna 5 Stars

This spin-off from the SWAT series promises to be a lot of fun. International intrigue, inspired danger, espionage, romance, and sex. The fast-paced action was not dimmed by the normal world-building in a new series, it flowed nicely as the newly formed group got to know each other. I only have one tiny issue. Jestina was a trained operative thrust into the world of supernatural creatures, then put into a team of werewolves to help combat the bad creatures. Why was she not trained or informed about werewolf physiology and behavior prior to joining the team? That seemed like a misstep to me.

I liked Jestina and understood her being uncomfortable around a pack of werewolves, I also liked that she was smart enough to learn and overcome her issues. She is smart, strong and kick-ass. Jake is the ultimate alpha and hero for this story. The classic strong hero with a heart of gold. They are both well matched and their complex personalities easily shine through during the story. I also enjoyed the new group they’re forming, each getting to know their teammates and learning to trust one another. I look forward to the next installment!

*Review copy provided NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.



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About the author image

Paige is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of sexy romantic suspense and paranormal romance. She graduated from The University of West Florida with a degree in education in 2000, but decided to pursue a full-time career as a writer in 2004. Since then, she’s written over fifty books in several genres, including paranormal, contemporary, western, sci-fi and erotica. She loves writing about strong, sexy, alpha males and the feisty, independent women who fall for them. From verbal foreplay to sexual heat, her stories of romance, adventure, suspense, passion and true love will leave you breathlessly panting for more.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


Review, Excerpt & Giveaway: WOLF REBEL (SWAT) by Paige Tyler


WOLF REBEL (SWAT, Book 10) by Paige Tyler

Publication Date: November 26, 2019

Genre: Paranormal Romantic Suspense


379AE6E0-0308-4131-924C-51AFBD9B6C56She let him get away

SWAT werewolf Rachel Bennett is hounded by nightmares after a vicious attack left her with PTSD. Not knowing who or what she can trust anymore, she’s relieved to be assigned to a high-profile protective detail. Diving into work might be the distraction she needs, until she notices the mysterious hunk who seems to follow her wherever she goes—and recognizes him.

Now he needs her help…

After he’s badly injured, former Navy SEAL Knox Lawson seeks out Rachel when he realizes he’s turning into a werewolf. He’d once been part of the group hunting her kind, but he knew he had to quit when he found Rachel in his crosshairs. Now he desperately needs her help.

Rachel isn’t sure she trusts Knox, but having him around keeps the nightmares—and the monster creating them—away. Knox might not know much about being a werewolf, but there’s no doubt he’ll do everything in his power to win her trust and keep her safe.


Donna 5 Stars

Another fast-paced, action filled installment in the SWAT series. I love this group of wolves, and am glad that they have not worn out their welcome with me. I fell in love with Knox right away. He’s a strong man out of his depth, yet he keeps his sense of humor. I also related well to Rachel, even though she had some strange stuff going on that stretched my believability. I was worried that it would sour me on the story, but happily it didn’t. (I won’t give out spoilers since I hate that.) I can say that it kept me guessing so that I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. I also appreciated the lovely romance that didn’t just rely on “the one”. Instead it blossomed and grew into a sexy romance surrounded by danger and intrigue. In other words – fun.

*Review copy provided NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.




She leaned against the balcony railing to do a little stargazing from the second-floor deck when two scents that were becoming overwhelmingly familiar hit her. It was the same combination of scents she’d picked up this morning at the compound.
But this time it wasn’t some slight trace carried on the breeze. Instead, it was thick and heavy, like whoever the scents belonged to had been standing on the balcony mere seconds ago. It struck her then that this was the first time she’d attributed the smell to a person. Before now, she hadn’t been quite sure.
Hand tightening on her mug, she swept the street below her apartment with her gaze, taking in every car parked on the curb and row of buildings on the other side of the street, following the smell with her nose. It was strongest in that direction and she inhaled deeply. The scents were richer and fuller than she’d sensed before. And they definitely belonged to a man. Of that she was sure. The scents possessed a subtle hint of something so tantalizing that Rachel found her eyes going slightly unfocused as she fixated on it. She’d never smelled anything so…perfect.
Suddenly, she caught sight of movement across the street, buried in the shadows of the alley that ran alongside the organic food store. She turned all her attention in that direction, her eyes shifting so she could see better. That’s when she saw a man’s silhouette in the darkness.
As if sensing her gaze on him, the man retreated farther into the alley, and while she couldn’t see him, she could tell he was still there somewhere.
Setting her cup on the small table in between the two chairs, Rachel gripped the balcony railing and vaulted over it to the ground below. Her bare feet hit the sidewalk hard, but she ignored the discomfort and took off running across the street, chasing after the shadow.
The rocks and stray pieces of glass in the alley dug into her feet, but she refused to let that slow her as she ran as hard as she could. For a werewolf like her, that was pretty damn fast. But the man ahead of her was fast, too—too fast to be a normal human.
Crap, she was chasing another werewolf. She almost stumbled to a halt at the realization, shocked she hadn’t recognized the unique scent until now. How was it possible she hadn’t known it for what it was? Maybe because it had changed since she’d first smelled it all those weeks ago. The werewolf part of the scent seemed new.
Growling, she picked up speed, her body partially shifting as she ran faster, refusing to let the man ahead of her get away. It took a while to corner him, but when her prey turned down a dead-end alley, she knew she had him.
He didn’t stop running until he reached the brick wall at the end of the alley. Then he stood there and stared at it as if trying to figure out how to go through it. Dark-haired, he was tall with broad shoulders and sleek muscles filling out the T-shirt he wore. He looked left and right, breathing hard as he searched for an escape route.
“You’re not getting out of this alley,” Rachel told him, not even trying to disguise the anger in her voice. This guy had been stalking her for weeks. He was lucky she didn’t rip him to shreds first and ask questions later. “Not until you tell me who the hell you are and what you want with me.”
Squaring his shoulders as if resigned to his fate, he slowly turned to face her. His hair was short on the sides and longer on the top, and his face carried a few days’ worth of scruff that emphasized his square jaw, making him look dangerous and even more attractive than he probably had a right to. His eyes were a deep, rich chocolate brown, piercing but somehow soft at the same time.
She was well on her way to getting lost in those eyes when she suddenly realized she recognized him. He was the hunter she’d let get away. A hunter who was a werewolf.

Excerpted from Wolf Rebel by Paige Tyler. © 2019 by Paige Tyler. Used with permission of the publisher, Sourcebooks Casablanca, an imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. All rights reserved


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Set of Paige Tyler’s SWAT series (books 1-9)

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About the author image

Paige is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of sexy romantic suspense and paranormal romance. She graduated from The University of West Florida with a degree in education in 2000, but decided to pursue a full-time career as a writer in 2004. Since then, she’s written over fifty books in several genres, including paranormal, contemporary, western, sci-fi and erotica. She loves writing about strong, sexy, alpha males and the feisty, independent women who fall for them. From verbal foreplay to sexual heat, her stories of romance, adventure, suspense, passion and true love will leave you breathlessly panting for more.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


Spotlight, Review & Giveaway: WOLF INSTINCT (SWAT) by Paige Tyler


WOLF INSTINCT (SWAT, Book 9) by Paige Tyler

Publication Date: June 25, 2019

Genre: Paranormal Romantic Suspense


9CF36CFE-8068-490B-A07E-4BEE00567544He’s a wolf shifter.

She hunts monsters.

How can she be The One for him?

SWAT werewolf Zane Kendrick will do whatever it takes to take down the man who attacked his pack. His search takes him to Los Angeles, but when he meets Alyssa, the smart, sexy agent who comes to his aid, he’s immediately interested in pursuing more than just the next lead. All his wolf instincts tell him that she’s The One.

FBI agent Alyssa Carson has investigated some weird stuff lately, and finding missing people drained of their blood definitely falls into that category. When following a clue leads her to Zane, she agrees to work with him and his team. She’s attracted to the gorgeous Brit, but she doesn’t have time for anything but finding answers.

When Zane and Alyssa discover the sinister truth, it’ll take everything they have to make it out of this mission with their lives—and hearts—intact.


Donna 5 Stars

What fun! This installment in the SWAT series had mystery, danger, action and of course…romance. I was wondering what would befall Zane and was a bit worried that it would be the stereotypical human damsel. I needn’t have worried. Alyssa turned out to be an FBI Agent tasked with working on possible supernatural issues, so she was not completely clueless to the possibility of the paranormal. That doesn’t mean she wasn’t shocked though. I love that she is a strong woman, but never crossing the line into bitch-mode, thus making Zane’s attraction more than just “she’s the one”. Their relationship developed nicely, letting us see Zane’s Alpha side without it going Neanderthal. Ms. Tyler gave them each a depth that made me care about them.  As always, I love the SWAT Team’s camaraderie – now including Alyssa’s people. The book has me excited for new expanding possibilities in the series…I only wish I didn’t have to wait.

*Review copy provided NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.




“Are you?” he asked. “Happy being an FBI agent, I mean.”
“Yeah.” She smiled. “The pay isn’t the greatest and I practically live in hotels, but I love what I do.”
“That’s what’s important.” Zane leaned forward, resting his forearms on the table. “I am curious how you find time for anything resembling a social life since you’re never in one place very long.”
She snorted, remembering how Christine had ragged on her about this same subject. “Social life. What’s that? As far as I’m concerned, if the FBI wanted me to have a social life, they’d issue me one, like my sidearm and badge.”
Zane lifted a brow. “Are you saying that a woman as beautiful as you hasn’t gone on a date with anyone in a year and half?”
Coming from anyone but Zane, that question might have irritated her. But for whatever reason, it didn’t. She especially liked the compliment. “While I’m not going to come out and put an exact time frame on it, I’ll admit it’s been a while. But if we’re going to discuss our social lives, how about you? Don’t tell me a big, good-looking man like you isn’t involved with someone.”
Zane’s gaze turned molten in the sun coming through the window and she felt her stomach do that funny flutter thing that had only started happening after they’d met. “If I were involved with someone, do you think I would have kissed you like I did last night?”
“I don’t know,” she said. “Would you?”
He lifted his mug and took a long, slow sip of coffee. “No, I wouldn’t have. I’ve dated a few women since moving to Dallas. Probably more than a few, I guess. But it never felt right with any of them, and after a while, it didn’t seem worth the effort. Then I met you and everything felt different. That’s why I kissed you.”
She’d just been messing with him about kissing her if he was involved with someone. His response was a lot more real than she’d expected. The part about why he’d kissed her made her warm all over. But the stuff about him not connecting with anyone since leaving London hurt more than she would have thought possible.
“You broke up with your fiancée a long time ago,” she pointed out. “Are you saying that in all that time, you never met anyone you could see yourself falling for?”
He didn’t answer at first, pausing to slowly chew his Pop-Tart. When he did finally answer her question, he kept his gaze fixed on the mug in front of him. “This probably won’t make much sense, but for people like me, it can be difficult finding that perfect person we’re supposed to be with. Some might even say it’s impossible.” The words were so soft she had to lean forward to hear them. “When the woman I thought was the right one for me walked out, I didn’t think it could happen again. But since meeting you, I’ve started thinking maybe I gave up too soon.”
Alyssa didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t a declaration of love or anything, but still…
Picking up her mug, she got up and poured herself more coffee. She held the pot up in Zane’s direction, but he shook his head. She didn’t necessarily want a refill, but it gave her a chance to think about everything he’d said. The guy had just unleashed a lot. It would take a while to absorb it all.
Like those three simple but significant words: people like me. Just that fast, the big, sexy Brit had confirmed he was different. Surprisingly, that acknowledgment didn’t bother her as much as she thought it might. While she’d discounted the possibility of him using some kind of spell on her, part of her wondered if Zane was putting out some kind of supernatural pheromone to attract his victims with and make them easier to subdue. But one look at him sitting at the table chewing thoughtfully on his frosted brown sugar Pop-Tart made her toss that ridiculous idea right out of her head. Zane didn’t need to put out any pheromones to lure her in. All he had to do was look at her.
She shook her head. One smile from him and she was ready to throw caution to the wind. Was she really that easy?
Alyssa walked back over to the table with her coffee, thinking about the other stuff Zane had said—especially the part where he’d confessed he’d given up on the idea of finding someone until meeting her. She’d never thought of herself as the kind of woman who cared about romantic drivel, but when Zane said those words, she had to admit there’d been some serious feels going on. Part of her wanted to wrap her arms around him and hug him. The other part wanted to throw him on the floor and bang him like a cheap screen door—but that part was only making noise because it had been so long since she’d gotten laid.
“So,” she said, ignoring her chair and instead sitting on the edge of the table right in front of Zane. “I’m guessing you think I might be this perfect someone you’d given up hope of ever finding? Do you mind if I ask what makes you think that?”
Zane pushed his chair back a bit to make room for her, his dark eyes meeting hers. “You’re not going to like this answer, but…it’s complicated.”
He was right. She didn’t like it. “You’re going to have to do better than that.”
“Let’s just say the first time I saw you at that club, taking down Stefan’s goon, I knew you were someone special. And even though I’m still not sure if I’m comfortable with the idea—actually, I’m downright terrified—I’m also sure you’re The One for me.”
That sounded so romance-bookish Alyssa almost laughed out loud. The serious expression on Zane’s face was the only thing that stopped her. It might be crazy as heck, but the big, sexy hunk seemed to genuinely believe it.
They sat there looking at each other, Alyssa cupping both hands around her mug, breathing in the warm coffee while Zane seemed to be holding his breath like he thought she might bolt for the door at any second. Which was crazy since this was her room.
“Okay,” she said, setting her mug on the table. “Assuming you’re right and I’m The One for you, what do we do now?”
Zane grinned. “Kissing would be nice, yes?”
His big hands were coming up to wrap around her hips, tugging her forward off the table and onto the chair with him until she was straddling his thighs. As sexy as that position might be, Alyssa couldn’t help laughing. “Seriously? That’s the movie line you’re going with to get into my panties?”
Zane buried his fingers in her hair, tugging her mouth closer to his. Just before their lips met, he flashed her that thousand-watt smile, which made her pulse skip a beat. “I don’t know,” he murmured, his coffee-scented breath warm on her skin. “Did it work?”
Alyssa hadn’t realized exactly what she’d said—about getting into her panties—until right then. But as she gazed down at Zane and his beautiful smile, she decided letting him have his way with her unmentionables sounded like a really good idea. After that, who knew what she might let him get into?
She didn’t bother to answer his question. Instead, she lowered her mouth to his and kissed him hard enough to pull a growl out of him. And what an interesting growl it was, rumbling up through his chest and straight into her open mouth, making little tingles and shivers dance all over her body.
Apparently, she was into guys who growled.

Excerpted from Wolf Instinct by Paige Tyler. © 2019 by Paige Tyler. Used with permission of the publisher, Sourcebooks Casablanca, an imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. All rights reserved


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About the author image

Paige is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of sexy romantic suspense and paranormal romance. She graduated from The University of West Florida with a degree in education in 2000, but decided to pursue a full-time career as a writer in 2004. Since then, she’s written over fifty books in several genres, including paranormal, contemporary, western, sci-fi and erotica. She loves writing about strong, sexy, alpha males and the feisty, independent women who fall for them. From verbal foreplay to sexual heat, her stories of romance, adventure, suspense, passion and true love will leave you breathlessly panting for more.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


Spotlight, Review & Giveaway: X-OPS EXPOSED (X-Ops) by Paige Tyler


X-OPS EXPOSED (X-Ops, Book 8) by Paige Tyler

Publication Date: April 3, 2018

Genre: Paranormal Romance/ Romantic Suspense



Believing he’s too dangerous to be among people, feline hybrid Tanner Howland retreats deep into the forests of Washington State—with no choice but to leave behind the woman who’s captured his heart. What he doesn’t know is that she followed him…


Heartbroken and determined, Dr. Zarina Sokolov tracks Tanner into the wild. Her presence unleashes Tanner’s protective instinct—big time. Locals have been disappearing and he is desperate for Zarina to leave. As the kidnappings escalate, Tanner must embrace the dangerous instincts he fears so much. But with Zarina at his side, he’ll have to learn to control his animal impulses, or lose himself—and the woman he loves—to the beast within.


Donna 4 stars

Wow! What a wild ride through this action-packed story. I knew Tanner and Zarina warranted a doozy of a book and it did not disappoint! I wish it had more romantic moments, but I suppose it would have seemed gratuitous with everything else going on. Even though this is an obvious set-up for a new series arc, it did not cheat us out of anything with the characters we love – for that I am thankful. It was a thrilling rollercoaster ride with new characters to cheer on. I especially love the new cop, Chase. He and Tate were so much fun. I can’t wait until the next book!

*Review copy provided by Sourcebooks in exchange for an honest review.




X-Ops Exposed Excerpt 1



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About the author image

Paige is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of sexy romantic suspense and paranormal romance. She graduated from The University of West Florida with a degree in education in 2000, but decided to pursue a full-time career as a writer in 2004. Since then, she’s written over fifty books in several genres, including paranormal, contemporary, western, sci-fi and erotica. She loves writing about strong, sexy, alpha males and the feisty, independent women who fall for them. From verbal foreplay to sexual heat, her stories of romance, adventure, suspense, passion and true love will leave you breathlessly panting for more.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


Romance Heroes that would make the Perfect Valentine’s Day Date


Romance Heroes that would make the Perfect Valentine’s Day Date



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Winner chooses an ebook or Paperback ($7.99 or under) from our List. Winner will be selected Saturday (2/24/18) by 6PM CST. EBOOK or Paperback paid for by Reading in Pajamas.

Note: You can choose any previous of upcoming book by the authors on our list if you haven’t read them. If you have read all of these you can take a rain check for the next release in the series.


5AB96B9C-8097-42EB-BC2E-E4687929563CDRAGON BOUND (Elder Races Series) by Thea Harrison​

Dragos is an ultra protective alpha dragon who treasures his mate and showers her with gifts. 


Series Buy Links: Amazon
✦ TRUE COLORS (Novella)
✦ NATURAL EVIL (Novella)
✦ DEVIL’S GATE (Novella)
✦ THE WICKED (Novella)
✦#6: KINKED Review |
✦#7: NIGHT’S HONOR Review |
✦#8: Midnight’s Kiss Review |
✦Dragons Goes to Washington (Novella)
✦Pia Does Hollywood (Novella)
✦#9: Shadow’s End Review |
✦Liam Takes Manhattan (Novella)


img_6620✦NIGHT PLAY (Dark-Hunter Series by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Blog Post: | Amazon | Amazon Series Link:

Who doesn’t want a sexy man to tell you that you’re beautiful and carry you off like a knight in shining armor? Vane would make the ultimate Valentine’s Day date!



75307879-6445-4516-A0D9-9058112008B4BOUNTY (Colorado Mountain Series, Book 7) by Kristen Ashley
Review 5 Stars | Kindle

Who doesn’t love a man who knows how to use his hands? Deke builds his woman a house and takes bullets to protect her.


Amazon Series Link:
✦1: The Gamble ➢
✦2: Sweet Dreams ➢
✦3: Lady Luck ➢
✦4: Breathe ➢
✦5: Jagged ➢ | Review
✦6: Kaleidoscope ➢ | Review
✦7: Bounty ➢ | Review


C3EE90A6-7E50-490B-9067-45510AF5F61A✦The Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning ➢ Kindle | Blog Post

Barrons is the ultimate alpha male who will do ANYTHING for the woman he loves. 


✦The Fever Series 7-Book Bundle: by Karen Marie Moning ➢ Kindle $43.99
✦6. ICED

✦The Fever Series & The Highlander Series by Karen Marie Moning
✦The Highlander Series 7-Book Bundle by Karen Marie Moning for $49.99
1. Beyond the Highland Mist
2. To Tame a Highland Warrior
3. The Highlander’s Touch
4. Kiss of the Highlander
5. The Dark Highlander
6. The Immortal Highlander
7. Spell of the Highlander


5580E6CB-4038-4FF3-BF22-3DBEC88A413DHARD AS YOU CAN: A Hard Ink Novel by Laura Kaye ➢ Review 4.5 Stars | Kindle

Shane‘s a panty-melting protective alpha male, while caring for his woman’s needs before his own.

✿The Hard Ink Series by Laura Kaye✿
Amazon Series link:
✦Book 1: Hard As It Gets ➢ Review 4 Stars:
✦Book 2: Hard As You Can ➢ Review 4.5 Stars:
✦Novella 2.5: Hard To Hold On To ➢ Review 4.5 Stars:
✦Book 3: Hard To Come By ➢ Review 5 Stars:
✦Novella 3.5: Hard To Be Good ➢ Review 4.5 Stars:
✦Book 4: Hard to Let Go ➢ Review 5 Stars:
✦Novella 4.5: Hard As Steel (1001 Dark Nights) ➢ Review 4.5 Stars:
✦Novella 5: Happily Ever After ➢ Review 5 Stars:


07A61F18-AA82-422D-B21B-D284C630D4D1DEFENSELESS (Somerton Security Book 1) by Elizabeth Dyer
Review 4.5 Stars | Kindle

Parker Livingston is a tech-genius nerd and oh so sexy. Even sexier because he appreciates a strong, smart woman.



19F9BBF2-E14D-4853-A788-1A717814925FWOLF HUNGER (SWAT Book 7) by Paige Tyler
Review 5 Stars | Kindle
Amazon Series Link

Max Lowry is pure alpha with a caring vulnerability that makes him cuddle-worthy.




Spotlight, Review & Giveaway: WOLF HUNGER (SWAT, Book 7) by Paige Tyler


WOLF HUNGER (SWAT, Book 7) by Paige Tyler

Publication Date: December 5, 2017

Genre: Paranormal Romantic Suspense


CC24BA36-E489-4DCD-858C-6533B8ADEDC0She’s all the wolf he’ll ever need

When SWAT Officer Max Lowry meets Lana Mason, he falls fast and hard. He’s positive she’s The One. And Max’s favorite part? Lana’s a wolf shifter too, so they can skip the awkward reveal and head straight to the happily ever after. There’s just one problem: Lana doesn’t know that she’s a werewolf.

To make matters worse, hunters with intent to kill have tracked Lana to Dallas. Max has to figure out how to keep Lana safe, show her who and what she really is—and just how much she means to him.


Donna 5 Stars

I love the SWAT series and am glad this book was no exception. Max is the whole package, caring and alpha wrapped up in a sexy package. I like how the author gives them a type of vulnerability to keep them from being perfect. They seem more believable that way. The whole team – and the new ones we meet – work well to make you feel they are a cohesive and fun group of people, with Lana fitting right in. Her unique story was fun to read, it added nicely to the whole storyline and made for a smoking romance. I loved this pulse-pounding and sexy romance.

*Review copy provided NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.




“Speaking of award ceremonies,” she said to Max, “I didn’t see you on the stage getting a commendation, so I’m guessing you must be here to support someone who did?”

He nodded. “Yeah. Some of the members of my team got recognized today. How about you? Your boyfriend getting a commendation?”

Max thought he was being pretty damn smooth, but the smile tugging at Lana’s lips told him she saw right through his deception.

“Nope, no boyfriend,” she said. “Actually, it was my dad. Brandy took forever getting dressed. Then we got stuck in traffic. We barely made it here in time to see him get the award. I had to watch from the back of the auditorium.”

That explained why Max hadn’t picked up Lana’s luscious scent earlier. And while he was relieved she didn’t have a boyfriend, it made him wonder which of his fellow cops getting a commendation this afternoon could possibly have a daughter this smokin’ hot.

Max opened his mouth to ask her who her father was when another DPD officer walked by with a plate filled with a collection of various hors d’oeuvres. While Max wasn’t impressed with the selection of food, Lana looked at the appetizers longingly, even though she still had the ones her friend had given her. Maybe she wasn’t big on squash blossoms. He didn’t blame her.

“Would you like me to get you something else to eat?” he asked.

She glanced down at her plate, then shook her head. “Thanks, but unfortunately, the spinach puffs were the only thing remotely edible, which is probably why they’re all gone. I can’t believe they’re trying to pass this stuff off as food.”

He grinned. “I was just thinking the same thing a little while ago. I’m planning to head out as soon as this thing is over so I can get some real food.”

She leaned in close and gave him a conspiratorial wink. “Maybe we can slip out now while no one is looking. I can drop my car keys off with Brandy and we can disappear into the night. I’d just about kill for a slice of pizza.”

Any other time, Max would have been stoked to hear that. In his opinion, there wasn’t anything sexier than a woman who loved pizza. But right then, all he could think about was how his body was reacting to Lana’s nearness. Not only was his pulse racing, but his claws and fangs were dangerously close to coming out. He only hoped his eyes weren’t turning gold.

On the upside, at least he now knew for sure she was a werewolf. He could smell it in her pheromones. That was probably why they hit it off so well. Well, there was another reason, but he wasn’t about to go there—even if a little wolf voice in the back of his head whispered maybe he should.

Lana was telling him about an awesome pizza place that wasn’t too far away, wondering if he’d be interested in checking it out, but instead of answering her, he went in a completely different direction.

“It’s so cool finding another of our kind here,” he said. “I totally didn’t expect it.”

She didn’t seem to mind that he’d changed the subject, but she looked a bit confused. “Another of our kind? Are you a pescatarian, too?”

Max chuckled. That body and those looks combined with a wicked sense of humor? It was like she was made for him. A werewolf who didn’t eat meat? Now, that was epically funny.

Unless it was true, in which case it was a little strange.

Before he could say anything, Lana leaned over to look at something behind him, her lips curving into a smile. Max turned to see who she was looking at and was a little surprised to find Deputy Chief Hal Mason. The deputy chief was in charge of the police department’s specialized Tactical Division, which included the mounted police, canine unit, helicopter support, EOD, and SWAT. As a high-ranking officer in the department, Mason had to attend every award ceremony, but this time he’d been recognized for his commitment to developing his entire division, especially SWAT.

“Hey, Dad.” Lana stepped around Max to give Mason a hug. “I was looking for you and Mom earlier, but you were deep in conversation with some people and I didn’t want to interrupt.”

Max picked his jaw up from the floor and shoved it back into place. Lana was the deputy chief’s daughter?


Buy Links

Kindle | Amazon Paperback

Amazon Series Link



Enter to win a copy of Wolf Hunt by Paige Tyler! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


About the author image

Paige is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of sexy romantic suspense and paranormal romance. She graduated from The University of West Florida with a degree in education in 2000, but decided to pursue a full-time career as a writer in 2004. Since then, she’s written over fifty books in several genres, including paranormal, contemporary, western, sci-fi and erotica. She loves writing about strong, sexy, alpha males and the feisty, independent women who fall for them. From verbal foreplay to sexual heat, her stories of romance, adventure, suspense, passion and true love will leave you breathlessly panting for more.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


Spotlight, Review & Giveaway: HER DARK HALF (X-Ops) by Paige Tyler


HER DARK HALF (X-Ops Book 7) by Paige Tyler

Publication Date: September 5, 2017

Genre: Paranormal Romance


her dark half_ coverTrevor Maxwell
• Coyote shifter with an attitude
• Covert operator
• Trusts no one, especially his devastatingly beautiful new partner

Alina Bosch
• Former CIA, newest operative on the covert team
• Hired to spy on her partner
• Motto: “Never be deceived again.”

Coyote shifter Trevor Maxwell is teamed up with CIA agent Alina Bosch to catch a killer. But when the mission becomes much more dangerous than they expected, they’re going to have to ignore the attraction between them and learn how to trust one another to come out on the other side…


Donna review 4.5 stars

I enjoyed this rollercoaster ride of a story. It never let up on the intensity so that I could catch my breath. Between the dangerous action and heated romance, I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. Although it would be easy enough to figure out what was going on, it isn’t a stand-alone novel, even though Alina is a new character. Reading the others in this series will help you know the players and the why of their actions. Trevor and Alina make a believable pair, and the lead-in to the next book has me waiting impatiently.

*Review copy provided NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.




“What’s the plan here?” she asked Trevor quietly as the restaurant’s patrons eyed them curiously. “Because I don’t see anyone warming up to us enough to invite us into the back room.”
“We’re Trevor and Alina Hoffman, a filthy rich, newly married couple from Silicon Valley,” Trevor said, glancing around as if taking in the ambience. “We’ve been on an extended honeymoon for the past few months and are currently heading for a trans-Atlantic cruise out of New York City. We decided to do some gambling and got tired of dealing with all the crap at the local casino.”
“You think they’ll buy that?” she asked as he led her across the room toward the door with the guards.
“You sell the fact that we’re a newly married couple, and I’ll make them believe I’m a rich guy with a gambling addiction.”
She could do that. Then she realized one big flaw in their cover story. “If we’re a newly married couple, shouldn’t I be wearing a ring?”
Trevor gave her a sidelong glance. “What makes you think you aren’t?”
She looked down at her hand in confusion and almost fell off her stacked heels as she saw the monstrously large diamond he’d somehow slipped onto her ring finger when she wasn’t looking. Oh crud, it was huge! And as beautiful as any she’d ever seen.
“When did you put this on? More importantly, is this thing real?” she whispered.
Thank goodness she had his arm to keep her steady. She was feeling faint at the idea of wearing a diamond that was probably worth more than her entire apartment.
“I put it on you when we were married on the first of June in Monaco,” he whispered back. “And of course it’s real. I would never put something fake on the love of my life.”
“Trevor, I’m serious,” she said.
He made a face. “Okay. I slipped it on your finger when I was helping you out of the SUV. And yes, it’s real, so don’t lose it. I had to sign my life away to get it out of the DCO safes.”
She gulped. “How much is it worth?”
“Nothing compared to you, sweetheart,” he said in a romantic tone as they stopped in front of the two guards.
The bouncers working this door were a little bit more professional than the ones outside.
“Can I help you?” one of the men asked in a deep, rough voice that made Alina wonder if he chewed gravel for fun.
“Someone told me a man might be able to find a friendly game of poker somewhere near here,” Trevor said casually. “I don’t suppose you two might be able to point my wife and me in the right direction for a game like that?”
The two men regarded him suspiciously.
“I think you’re talking about the Horseshoe Casino,” Gravel said. “It’s nearby, very clean and friendly.” Trevor chuckled. “The Horseshoe is very friendly. But the place doesn’t have the quite the atmosphere we’re looking for. It’s a little too…what’s the word?… sanitized for our liking.”
Gravel studied Trevor for a moment, then glanced at the bar, giving someone there a nod. Ten seconds later, a slim man in an expensive suit appeared at their side.
“My name is Teddy,” he said in a cautious yet friendly tone. “What can I do for you?”
“I’m Trevor Hoffman. This is my wife, Alina. We’re getting ready to head out on a cruise in a few days and decided to do some gambling while we’re in town. Someone told us this place runs a clean game, so I thought I’d spend some money here.”
Teddy surveyed them with a practiced eye, taking in the cut of Trevor’s suit and her expensive gown, not to mention the big honking ring she wore. He must have liked what he saw, because he nodded.
“If I could get some identification and a credit card from you, Mr. Hoffman, I can quickly check your credentials and set you up with a line of credit.”
Alina tensed as Trevor handed over the requested ID and credit card. They could be in trouble. The fake ID and credit card by themselves would have taken quite a bit of time and money to pull off. Coming up with an Internet background to support that would take even longer.
“What are they going to find when they run your name and that credit card number?” she whispered as he slipped his arm around her and casually urged her away from the two men guarding the door.
“Relax.” He flashed her a grin. “They’ll find us with all the relevant financial and societal tidbits one would expect to see when looking at the rich and bored.”
She glanced at Teddy. He typed something into a computer just out of sight behind the bar. A moment later, he lifted his head and frowned in their direction.
“Something’s wrong,” she whispered.
Even the two guards were eyeing them funny now. She was starting to wish she had a weapon. If things went bad, they were in trouble.
“Alina,” Trevor said softly as he tightened his arm around her waist and tugged her closer. “Now’s the time for you to sell the newlywed thing.”
She opened her mouth to ask him exactly how he suggested she do that when he pulled her even closer.
She wished she could have said it was years of CIA training that took over and made her kiss him. But that wouldn’t have been true. Instead, it was a totally different kind of instinct. The kind that made a woman want to kiss a hot guy.


Buy Links

Kindle  | Amazon Paperback

Amazon Series Link



Explore the world of X-Ops! Enter to win a copy of Her True Match by Paige Tyler

a Rafflecopter giveaway


About the author image

Paige is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of sexy romantic suspense and paranormal romance. She graduated from The University of West Florida with a degree in education in 2000, but decided to pursue a full-time career as a writer in 2004. Since then, she’s written over fifty books in several genres, including paranormal, contemporary, western, sci-fi and erotica. She loves writing about strong, sexy, alpha males and the feisty, independent women who fall for them. From verbal foreplay to sexual heat, her stories of romance, adventure, suspense, passion and true love will leave you breathlessly panting for more.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


Review: WOLF HUNT (SWAT, Book 6) by Paige Tyler


WOLF HUNT (SWAT, Book 6) by Paige Tyler

Publication Date: June 6, 2017

Genre: Paranormal Romance

SynopsisIMG_8822New Orleans is hot.
Remy Boudreaux is hotter.
…it’s a perfect storm.

Boudreaux is back in New Orleans with his fellow Dallas SWAT officers for a week of training with the NOLA PD. On the eve of a tropical storm, Remy and his buddies prowl the French Quarter. A tantalizing scent captures Remy’s senses, forcing him to follow until he is face-to-face with Triana Bellamy―his beautiful high school crush.

Ever since Remy’s partner―and first love―was killed on the job, he’s kept women at a distance. As Remy and Triana grow closer, he struggles to keep things casual.

But when a mysterious wolf pendant ropes them both into danger, Remy’s protective instincts kick in. He may have to reveal his true self…and hope that Triana can accept him as he is.


Donna 5 Stars

Fun, fast paced cat-and-mouse story. The SWAT team once again comes to the rescue in all their glory. Remy had some hang-ups, but he got his head on straight. I loved that it was set in New Orleans and delved a toe into the mystical possibilities of the city. It added a fun edge to it all. Triana was fun, and her reaction to learning about werewolves was realistic. I thought she pushed one investigative scene past her personality, but it worked out and I easily forgave her. I loved it, and can’t wait for the next one.

*Review copy provided NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.






Buy LinksKindle | Amazon PBK

Amazon Series Link


About the author image

Paige is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of sexy romantic suspense and paranormal romance. She graduated from The University of West Florida with a degree in education in 2000, but decided to pursue a full-time career as a writer in 2004. Since then, she’s written over fifty books in several genres, including paranormal, contemporary, western, sci-fi and erotica. She loves writing about strong, sexy, alpha males and the feisty, independent women who fall for them. From verbal foreplay to sexual heat, her stories of romance, adventure, suspense, passion and true love will leave you breathlessly panting for more.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads
