Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway: MAN OF ACTION (Omega Sector: Critical Response #4) by Janie Crouch


MAN OF ACTION (Omega Sector: Critical Response #4) by Janie Crouch

Publication Date: June 21, 2016

Harlequin Intrigue


imageHe was a man of action—especially when it came to protecting his new undercover partner

At nineteen, Andrea Gordon’s life was forever changed. After proving herself instrumental in a bank hostage crisis, she became one of Omega Sector’s top agents. Four years later, her skill at reading people is unrivaled—until she meets fellow profiler Brandon Han. Paired together to track a serial killer who has been targeting at-risk women, the two become entangled beyond the case. Their mutual attraction deepens as they get closer to the truth. But when Andrea’s own sordid past surfaces, they will both be forced to question everything about the assignment…and each other.



This whole thing was a terrible idea. Going back to Buckeye? Terrible. Going back with the likes of Brandon Han? Even worse. The plane hit some turbulence at thirty-five thousand feet, as if nodding in agreement with Andrea’s conclusion.
Brandon didn’t want to work with her on the case. He’d made that abundantly clear in Steve’s office. She wanted to assume it was her fault, that he knew about her shortcomings and lack of education as an Omega consultant, but forced herself to stop. He’d mentioned liking to work alone. She could understand that, too. Andrea liked working alone, but for different reasons.
Brandon’s irritation had been pretty tangible when she’d sat down next to him at the airport. It had just grown as they waited for their flight, first when she’d mentioned him being complicated, then when they were both looking through the case files.
By the time they got on the plane, about an hour after their scheduled departure time, Brandon was hardly even talking to her. He was mad—she had no idea why—and she was awkward—as usual around someone she was so attracted to. Good times.
Andrea tried to pretend she was reading the files when he handed them to her, but she wasn’t. She knew better than to even try. Her dyslexia made reading simple books difficult, although she had learned some exercises to help with that. But reading handwritten notes and case files often written in different fonts and sizes—that pretty much just led to a headache and frustration.
She’d had an extra hour at her apartment so she’d used the special software on her computer to scan a few pages so they could be converted into audio clips. She’d found that listening worked much better for her than trying to read. Unfortunately she hadn’t had enough time to scan all the files as she normally would.
Listening to the files on audio clips had just made Brandon more irritated. Andrea had no idea what to do about that, so she ignored it. She would listen to the clips she had, then spend this evening—all night if she had to—reading through the files in her room, when she was alone and it was quiet. She refused to go into that meeting with the local police tomorrow unprepared.
She didn’t want to go back there at all. If it wasn’t for Steve asking her to go, Andrea wouldn’t have done it, serial killer or not.
Maybe they wouldn’t run into anyone she knew. Or maybe the people in Buckeye wouldn’t recognize her. She’d gone to great lengths to look nothing like the girl who had worked at Jaguar’s. Her blond hair was shorter, cut in a flattering bob; her makeup was tasteful. She’d learned how to dress and present herself in a professional manner.
She doubted her own aunt and uncle would recognize her. Not that she planned to drop in on them. She hadn’t seen them since the last time her uncle, in a drunken stupor again, had awakened her with a backhand that had sent her sprawling from her bed to the floor when she was seventeen. Another punch had sent her hurling into a glass table. She’d gotten away from him and hidden that night, wrapping her cut arm in a T-shirt.
The next morning she’d told her aunt, who’d looked the other way again during all the commotion, that she was going to school.
Andrea hadn’t gone to school. And she hadn’t gone back home. Ever again.
She hadn’t gone far, just to the other side of the town she’d only ever known as home, but they hadn’t come looking for her. Had probably been relieved that she’d left.
So yeah, no joyous homecoming in Buckeye.


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($20.00 Amazon or B&N eGift Card and Three Copies of MAN OF ACTION (ebook or print))

a Rafflecopter giveaway


About the Author

 Nominated for the 2014 & 2015 Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice Award, and a finalist in multiple other Romance literary awards, Janie Crouch loves to read – almost exclusively romance – and has been doing so since middle school. She cut her teeth on Harlequin (Mills & Boon) Romances when she lived in Wales, UK as a preteen, then moved on to a passion for romantic suspense as an adult.

Janie recently relocated with her husband and four children to Germany (due to her husband’s job as support for the U.S. Military), after living in Virginia for nearly 20 years.  When she’s not listening to the voices in her head (and even when she is), she enjoys traveling, long-distance running, movie-watching, knitting and adventure (obstacle) racing.

She teaches online communication classes for an American college part time, and writes full time. Most of all, she loves to laugh and smile and count her blessings. And her blessings are many.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads

Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway: Special Forces Savior
 (Omega Sector: Critical Response) by Janie Crouch


Special Forces Savior
 (Omega Sector: Critical Response) by Janie Crouch

Publication Date: January 1, 2016


imageHe has to shut down the terrorists or lose everything. Including the woman who’s become a target.

Omega Sector: Critical Response agent Derek Waterman is hunting the architects of a lethal terrorist bombing. After weeks of chasing cold leads, he has finally found the evidence that could expose the perpetrators. But in order to take them down, he needs help from Dr. Molly Humphries, Omega’s lead forensic scientist.

Shy Molly works to retrieve the data–and overcome her debilitating crush on the sexy agent. Derek carefully suppresses his mutual smoldering attraction, sure that his dark past will drive Molly away if she knows. But when Molly is kidnapped, he will stop at nothing to save her. Even if a lethal enemy will do everything to keep him from doing so.

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Pinned down behind his car with someone shooting at him from across the street was not how Omega Sector agent Derek Waterman had planned to spend his afternoon. He wasn’t exactly sure how he had planned to spend his afternoon, but this was definitely not it.

Derek slid closer to the ground as a bullet whizzed past his head and shattered the concrete behind him.

Whoa. Too close.

The saving grace in this situation was at least the entire block was empty of any innocent bystanders. No upstanding citizen had much reason to be in this section of West Philly. The less upstanding citizens had exited when Derek and his team had shown up, obviously law enforcement, and the shooting had started.

“Uh, what exactly was the intel you got on this place again, Derek?” Jon Hatton asked from where he was also pinned down a few feet away. Although highly trained in weapons and combat as all Omega Sector’s Critical Response agents were, Jon was primarily a behavior analyst in the Crisis Management Unit.

“What’s the matter? You having problems remembering how to use your weapon, Jon? Too much analyzing, not enough action in your life?” Liam Goetz, the other team member, smacked his gum and grinned. As a member of Omega’s Hostage Rescue team, no one ever asked Liam if he remembered how to use a weapon. Liam had pretty much been born with one in his hand.

“I’m just asking to see if there is any sort of plan here besides hide behind the car until the bad guys run out of ammo,” Jon responded. “Which, at the rate they’re shooting, should be sometime next week.”

True, the number of shots being fired at them seemed to be dwindling. The people in the building obviously weren’t trying to kill Derek and his team, just keep them pinned. But damned if this entire situation wasn’t starting to piss Derek off.

The empty apartment building across the street gave the enemy the tactical advantage. That advantage wasn’t something Derek, as the lead tactical team specialist of Omega’s SWAT generally gave up.

But the intel they’d received on this location had required an immediate response. Time for tactical analysis hadn’t been available. Thus, the taking cover behind their SUV as the bullets flew by their heads.

Derek had moved in on this location so quickly because it had been the first substantial lead pertaining to a terrorist attack on Chicago two weeks earlier. A bombing that had killed or injured over five hundred people.

None of the leads Omega had followed up on until now—and there had been hundreds of them—had provided any useful intel. Each location had been totally cold.

Another bullet flew by. This location definitely wasn’t cold.

“All right, to hell with this.” Derek looked over at Liam, “Jon and I will lay down cover-fire. You head around to the back of the building.”

Liam was grinning like an idiot. He loved this sort of thing, danger be damned. “Now you’re talking.”

Derek nodded. “Remember, we need them alive, if at all possible.”

“Hey, it’s me!” Liam actually winked at them. “I wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

Derek rolled his eyes and heard Jon groan under his breath as Liam made his way down the line of abandoned cars parked on the street. Still using their SUV for as much cover as possible, Derek and Jon began firing their weapons toward the abandoned building, hoping to draw any return-fire back at them and away from Liam.

But there were no shots at all coming at them from the house.

Derek looked over at Jon. “Again.”

Using the hood to brace his arm, Derek fired three shots at the house while Jon did the same from the rear of the vehicle. Still no return fire. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Liam make it across the street at the side of the building. No shots were fired at him either.

The bad guys weren’t in the building anymore; they must be on the run. Whoever had been shooting at them just a few moments ago was Omega’s best lead in Chicago’s terrorist attack. They were the only lead. And now they were about to get away.

“Move in, but be careful,” Derek said to Jon as they made their way forward, weapons still raised.

Derek was reaching for the knob of the door, Jon covering him from a cross angle when they heard a rapid burst of gunfire from the back of the building where Liam had been heading.

Both men backed out of the doorway and sprinted around the building without a word. Each of them knew that getting inside was secondary to helping Liam if he was under fire. As they rounded the building, Derek was relieved to see Liam unharmed, chasing a suspect farther down the road behind the apartment building. Derek and Jon continued running to catch up with them. Helping capture a known suspect was better than sticking around for what may or may not be in the house.

“Stay with them,” Derek told Jon, then made a sharp turn. He would run down a parallel side street and try to cut off the runner. He forced more speed out of his legs.

As he made a sharp turn around the next group of buildings, Derek saw the perp slowing down with Liam only a few yards behind him, Jon just beyond that.

It was obvious Liam was going to catch the guy at any moment, and the perp knew it, too. He fired his weapon at the Omega agents behind his back in some haphazard fashion without even stopping his run, but the bullets didn’t come anywhere near either of them.

Derek turned again and began running toward them.

“Stop!” he called out to the man, and saw distress wash over his face. The man stopped running altogether, sliding to an awkward stop.

“You’re under arrest,” Derek continued between breaths. “Place the gun on the ground and put your hands on your head.”

The man turned around, frantically looking for another way out, but didn’t put his gun down. All the Omega agents gripped their weapons tighter. Nobody wanted to shoot this suspect, he was too important. But they would if necessary. Especially if he turned his weapon on them rather than where it currently lay in his hand pointing at the ground.

“Put your weapon down,” Derek repeated. He nodded toward the ground with his forehead, as the man turned back in his direction. “Do you understand? All we want to do is ask you some questions.”

That wasn’t entirely true, but Derek just wanted to get the man’s gun out of his hand.

The man nodded and Derek eased his finger off the trigger just the slightest bit. But then, almost as if it was in slow motion, and before any of them could react, the guy brought his gun up to his own temple and fired. He crumpled to the ground, dead instantly.

Derek’s curse was vile. Jon rushed up to the man and crouched down to take his pulse at the wrist, but Derek knew it was too late.

Their best lead—their only lead—had just blown his brains out rather than be taken into custody.


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Winner’s Choice of a $20 Gift Card to Amazon or B&N or ebook copy of SPECIAL FORCES SAVIOR

a Rafflecopter giveaway


About the author

imageJanie Crouch loves to read – almost exclusively romance – and has been doing so since middle school. She cut her teeth on Harlequin (Mills & Boon) Romances when she lived in Wales, UK as a preteen, then moved on to a passion for romantic suspense as an adult. Her favorite authors include: Linda Howard, Nora Roberts, and Elizabeth Lowell.

Janie recently relocated with her husband and four children to Germany (due to her husband’s job as support for the U.S. Military), after living in Virginia for nearly 20 years.  When she’s not listening to the voices in her head (and even when she is), she enjoys traveling, long-distance running, movie-watching, knitting and adventure (obstacle) racing. Janie completed an Ironman Triathlon in 2014.

Most of all, she loves to laugh and smile and count her blessings. And her blessings are many.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads


Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: THE DEFENDER by Adrienne Giordano



THE DEFENDER by Adrienne Giordano
Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Donna
Rated: 4 Stars
Publisher: ​​Harlequin Intrigue
Release Date: ​​June 1, 2014
Genre:​​​Romantic Suspense
Format: ​​Mass Market Paperback & Digital


By all accounts Penny Hennings was the sort of woman FBI special agent Russell Voight went for. Smart, sexy and with just enough sass to keep him honest. Then she went sticking her nose in undercover FBI business. He knew her legal reputation would skyrocket if she won this case. But every move she makes undoes all the work Russell’s put into taking down the city’s biggest crooks. And the criminals they’re after will do anything to avoid the witness stand—including kill. So it’s time to pool their resources and collaborate. Even if working together every day takes them late into the night…and into the line of fire.

This is a smoldering romance full of danger and intrigue. The building of their relationship was fun and blended nicely with all the action. I would have liked a little more heat in the romance area but the fast paced story kept me turning the pages well into the night. A very enjoyable read with a great cast of characters.

*Review copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Kindle $3.82 | Amazon PBK $4.75 | B&N (PBK $4.73/ Nook $4.99) | Kobo $4.99

USA Today bestselling author Adrienne Giordano writes romantic suspense and mystery. She is a Jersey girl at heart, but now lives in the Midwest with her workaholic husband, sports obsessed son and Buddy the Wheaten Terrorist (Terrier). She is a co-founder of Romance University blog and Lady Jane’s Salon-Naperville, a reading series dedicated to romantic fiction.

Connect with Adrienne:
Street Team:

Giveaway Details
As part of the tour-wide giveaway, one lucky person will win a signed print copy of The Prosecutor, a $25.00 Amazon gift card, a bullet charm bracelet and set of bullet earrings. The giveaway will run from May 30, 2014 – June 11, 2014.
Rafflecopter Code:
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Excerpt from THE DEFENDER:

“You don’t have to walk me in,” Penny said to Russ while they waited for the elevator to scoop them up at the garage level of her condo building.
For the nine months Penny had lived in this building, she’d been a believer that the extra monthly fee—convenience tax, as she called it—for a building with a gated garage was worth it. Now, with Colin Heath threatening her, she was sure of it and would never again complain about shoes she could have bought with the convenience tax money. Even if the slow gate drove her mad, she remained thankful for its presence.
“This is a nice perk,” Russ said.
Casual conversation. That’s what this was because she knew that he knew that she knew they were both thinking the universe had royally flipped them off. After the crazy emotional day, one that included the two of them admitting their mutual attraction, the god of love decided this would be the night a judge received a death threat and the extra marshal assigned to Elizabeth Brooks would go to the judge.
Not wanting to leave Elizabeth with only one marshal, Russ and Brent decided Brent would stay behind while Russ drove Penny home. In the morning, Russ would return with Brent’s car.
All around a good plan because Elizabeth would be safe. However, Penny was about to step into the elevator leading to her condo—her very empty condo—with the FBI agent her girly parts wanted a piece of. Elizabeth was safe. Penny was not.
She rocked back and forth while the floors blinked off. The doors finally slid open and Russ held them so she could step on. A gentleman to boot. Could this get any worse?
“This is weird,” she said.
It wasn’t just her overthinking it. That was a relief at least. Still, that throb in her stomach wouldn’t quit. The entire ride home she’d felt the pressure, the expanding ball of nerves growing and growing and growing.
“Hey,” she said. “We’re professionals. We can handle this. What’s a little lust?” She nodded toward the elevator buttons. “Eighth floor, big guy.”
Russ laughed. “You really are insane.”
That would be one way to put it. “It’s true. Ask anyone.”
When the doors slid open again, Russ stuck his arm out to block Penny’s path, then checked the hallway. “All clear. Got your keys?”
“I do.”
“Let’s go.”
She stopped in the hallway outside the elevator and watched the doors close. He needed to be on that elevator. Away from her very empty apartment. Where she wanted to introduce him to an extremely inviting bed.
That throbbing mass in her stomach exploded. Big trouble. “You can go now.”
“Sorry, babe. Have to check the apartment.”
“You’re the one who said we’re professionals. Standard procedure. If Brent were here he’d do it. Last thing I need is not to do it and have you kidnapped. Although, you’re such a pain, they’d probably throw you back.”
He laughed at his own joke and Penny gasped, but really, there was a certain amount of pride she could take in scaring off would-be kidnappers. “Russell, I’ve said it before, flattery will get you everywhere.”
Particularly when it comes to my bed.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
She spun, marched down the curving corridor and lamented the fact that the plush carpeting absorbed her footsteps. Sometimes a girl wanted to hear her own stomping and this carpet was stealing her fun.
What am I doing? Making herself crazy. That’s what. She shook her head to clear the madness, lightened her footsteps and breathed in. Professionals. They could handle it. She’d just let him do his little search while she locked herself in the closet where she couldn’t watch him entering her bedroom. Simple plan.
She focused on her apartment door just ahead. At this hour, most of her neighbors had gone quiet. Mr. Hanley’s television was still on, but that was normal since he was an insomniac. She unlocked the door, pushed it open and waved Russ in. Thank goodness she’d left the place neat.
He glanced around the living room. “You always leave the lights on?”
“Timer. I don’t like coming home to darkness.”
He nodded in that way that said he really didn’t have an opinion on that fact, but didn’t necessarily think it odd.
“You mind if I check the rooms?”
“Have at it. I’ll know if you go through my underwear drawer.”
His only answer was a grunt.
“I guess you could save that for next time, though.”
“I’m ignoring you,” he yelled from the bathroom.
Penny laughed and after the long day, laughing felt like that barrel of gummy bears she needed. She stood in the middle of her living room, pondered the closet door while he checked the two bedrooms. Maybe she wouldn’t actually get in the closet. If she just stared at it, it might be enough to keep her from seeing Russ in her bedroom.
“See anything of interest?” she called.
“Other than the bra you left on your bed?”
Oh, just hell. In a rush that morning, she’d taken the lacey bright pink bra off because—well—she didn’t know why. It just hadn’t felt right so she swapped it out for a plain beige one and obviously had forgotten to put the sex kitten one back in the drawer. Once again, the god of love had flipped her off. How could Penny have known Russell Voight would be escorting her home?
“I didn’t think I’d have company. In my bedroom.”
He stepped into the hallway. “Yeah, well, what’s another round of torture?”
Walking toward her, he stopped at the kitchen, smacked on the light, checked the miniscule pantry that a four-year-old wouldn’t fit in and turned the light off again.
Then he was in front of her, his tie loose and the button on his collar undone and if he looked tired, she couldn’t blame him. Even she, who functioned on very little sleep, needed her bed.
“I’ve got a marshal on his way here. He’ll stay outside your door tonight.”
“Thank you.”
For a second, she’d thought about arguing. Pretending to argue really because as much as she hated to give in to the fear and weakness of being Heath’s prey, the only way she’d sleep was if she knew someone would be there.
Except, this guy Heath, he was a slippery creep and she’d been around slippery creeps long enough to know how they operated.
“Russell, how well do you know these marshals?”
He eyed her. “Why?”
“Heath is insane, but he’s also brilliant. He seems to know my every move.”
“You think there’s a leak somewhere?”
“No. I don’t think that. I’m just…” She raised her hands, let them drop. “I don’t know. I’m tired.”
“Look, it’s a valid question. One I’ve thought of myself. I’m on it. Anyone involved in this case, we’re checking their financial records. If Heath has someone on his payroll, we’ll find them.”
She nodded. “It’s probably nothing.”
“Doesn’t hurt to look. I’m heading to the safe house in the morning. Assuming you want to be there?”
“Yes. I need to go to the office first.”
Russ scratched his stubbled chin. “That works. We want everything to look business-as-usual. I’ll pick you up at your office and then we’ll do some creative driving in case Heath is watching. That work?”
She rocked on her toes again. Here they were, two professionals, having a chat. No problem. Except the snapping energy in the silent apartment made heat fly off Russ in a constant and brutal wave. That wave would suck her under if she wasn’t careful.
She pointed to the door. “You should go.”
“I know.”
“Yet, he stands here. Unmoving.”
“Oh, I’m moved. Believe me.”
And still he didn’t budge. The only sound was the distant hum from the refrigerator and Penny concentrated on it rather than that damned loosened tie just begging to be stripped off. And then, the wave swooped in and, as if timed, they both stepped forward and Penny reached for his tie and tugged him to her. His hand slid around the back of her head and she went up on tiptoes, anticipating that first press of his lips. That first moment of their first kiss.


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