Spotlight, Review & Giveaway: Exposed by Brighton Walsh


EXPOSED (Captive Series, Book 2) by Brighton Walsh

Publication Date: July 28, 2015

Genre: New Adult/ Romantic Suspense


imageLove can be lost but never forgotten. Beautiful, sophisticated, and engaged to the son of a Senator, Evie Masterson has the perfect life. Except for one thing: it’s all based on a lie. Five years ago, she created a new identity for herself and cut all ties to her criminal past. But she can’t run forever, because something she witnessed years ago comes back to haunt her. And the only person there to help is the man she thought she left behind forever—the one man she’s never been able to forget.

Devastatingly gorgeous and just as ruthless, Riley Everett is the criminal for hire who once stole Evie’s heart. Years have gone by, but he’s never been able to forget her either. Now her life is in jeopardy, and even after all this time, he’d still do anything to protect her, even if that means breaking into her mansion and stealing her away.

As they hide from the world, their long-lost passion reignites. But despite their undeniable chemistry, Evie can’t give up the perfect life she’s been working toward…and Riley has no part in it.


When I once again had the mask in place, I pushed off from the wall and turned to face him. And even though I’d taken the time I’d needed to get myself in character, it hadn’t helped. I might as well have done nothing at all as the shock of seeing him once again after so long with only my memories to keep me company hit me full force, a roundhouse kick to the chest.
I’d been right—he had filled out since eighteen. While still not as bulky as Ghost, Riley had grown, his once lanky body transforming to something lean and muscular. His hair was longer than it’d been when I’d known him, no longer the buzz cut he’d once favored. The sides and back were trimmed close now, but the top was grown out a bit more and shaggy. His eyes, even in the dim light, were still just as piercing as they’d always been, the crystal-clear blue of the ocean reflecting back at me. His jaw was shadowed with a day or two’s worth of stubble—something he’d never done back when he was a kid. It made him look older, harder, harsher —another thing he’d never been in all the time I’d known him. Though he’d tried, though he’d put on a front because he looked up to his brother and wanted to be like him— something I knew he’d never admit to—he hadn’t ever really fit in with the crew. He was too laid back, too easygoing, too happy to truly fit in with a group of people who broke the law for a living.
And yet here he was.
How much had these past five years changed him?
Forcing myself to snap out of my musings on the kind of guy Riley was now—because it shouldn’t matter; it didn’t matter—I asked, “Why are you here?”
He was quiet for a moment, and if he was shocked to see me, he didn’t let on. Had he known I was here this whole time? I wondered if, despite my attempts to keep myself hidden from him, he’d found me anyway somewhere along the line. The thought that he’d known where I was but hadn’t made any effort to see me shouldn’t sting the way it did.
His face was a mask, hardly different from the one I put in place every day. Finally, he said, “Ghost sent me.”
I swallowed against the disappointment I felt, pushing it down, down, down. Burying it deep where it belonged. There wasn’t room here, in the life I lived now, for those kinds of emotions. Especially not when they were for Riley. “Why?”
He stared at me for another moment, then blew out his breath and shook his head, a hollow laugh leaving his lips as he looked toward the floor. “Apparently my ex-girlfriend, who I thought was dead, is alive and well, living in a fucking mansion in Minneapolis.” He looked up at me, his eyes locked on mine. “Engaged to a rising attorney.”
He didn’t let me answer, didn’t even give me time to contemplate the look in his eyes, before he plowed on, “A picture-perfect life to anyone looking in. Not for long, though. You’ve got a bull’s- eye on your back, and people are coming to collect. Soon.”


Exposed is the second book in Brighton Walsh’s Captive series. It was edgy without being too dark. It was an emotional second chance romance that tugged at my heart strings. The romance was hot, the characters were vivid and the plot was unique. I really love Brighton Walsh’s writing style. She’s a great storyteller and really draws the reader into the lives of her characters so you experience their story along with them. I enjoyed the first book, Captive, but Exposed was even better. I fell in love with Riley! He was a secondary character in the first book and he intrigued me enough to want to read his book. He’s a swoon-worthy protective hero and you’ll fall in love with him too. I recommend you read both books in this series but each book can be read as a standalone so you don’t need to read Captive in order to enjoy Exposed. I recommend this series for romance lovers looking for a love story with suspense, danger and heat.

*Review copy provided by SMP Romance in exchange for an honest review. 


Kindle | Amazon PBK | B&N | KoboiBooks

Also check out Book 1: Captive by Brighton Walsh 

REVIEW 4 StarsKindleAmazon PBKB&NKoboiBooks



(Provided by SMP Romance)


Winner will be announced tokay (7/28) by 5PM Central.




Brighton Walsh spent nearly a decade as a professional photographer before deciding to take her storytelling in a different direction and reconnect with her first love: writing. When she’s not pounding away at the keyboard, she’s probably either reading or shopping—maybe even both at once. She lives in the Midwest with her husband and two children, and, yes, she considers forty degrees to be hoodie weather.

Social Media Links: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Pinterest

Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: Tessa Ever After by Brighton Walsh 




(Caged in Winter, Book 2)

by Brighton Walsh

Publication Date: May 5, 2015

Contemporary Romance / New Adult


In this grippingly emotional New Adult novel from the author of Caged in Winter, what you want isn’t always what you need…

Jason’s been living (and loving) the rich playboy lifestyle for five years, but now his parents are pressuring him to get involved in the family business. The last thing he wants is another obligation, but when his best friend moves out of state and asks Jason to look after his sister, he can’t just say no.

Tessa had to grow up way too soon. After dealing with the aftermath of her parents’ deaths, then becoming a teenage mom, she knows the meaning of responsibility. Which is why, at twenty-two, she’s looking for so much more than a party boy. She’s looking for someone who can stand by her and her daughter…forever.

A relationship between them is doomed from the start, but who says they can’t have a little fun? But as Jason gets closer to Tessa—and her daughter—fun starts to turn into something else… Something Jason’s not sure he’s ready for.


Loved isn’t a strong enough word to describe how much I enjoyed this book! I didn’t think Tessa Ever After would be able to top Caged in Winter. Caged in Winter was one of my favorites last year and I adored Cade, but Jason is my new favorite book boyfriend. Sorry Cade. What we had was real while it lasted. I just loved Tessa and Jason’s story so much. I should also add Haley, Tessa’s daughter, to the story equation because she was a huge reason I fell in love with Jason. I loved reading about their interactions together. Tessa Ever After is a beautiful love story! It’s unique, emotional, fun, sexy, and powerful. It’s the kind of book you want to carry around with you after you finish it because you’re not ready to give it up. I loved every minute of it and want to read it again. Tessa Ever After can be read as a standalone, but I recommend reading Caged in Winter first. Go get them both! Devour them and fall in love with the characters.

*Review copy provided by Penguin in exchange for an honest review.


TESSA EVER AFTER by Brighton Walsh
Blog Tour – PG-13 Excerpt


I threw the game. Despite my daughter wanting me to win—for girls everywhere, she said—I couldn’t. I feigned exhaustion, letting my body slump to the ground. Because my blood was boiling, my body on fire as I pressed against Jason’s body during a stupid game of Twister, and I couldn’t take it anymore. If Haley hadn’t been in the room, I would’ve pulled Jason down on top of me and let him strip me down right there on that stupid plastic mat.

In reality, I had a four-year-old to attend to instead of doing everything I wanted to. In the thirty minutes since putting Haley to bed, my urgency has faded, leaving behind only a subtle hum under my skin, but it’s there. This vibration of need when Jason is around that I never bothered to notice before. Or that I willingly ignored, which is probably more the case.

Despite that, despite wanting him, I’m in the bathroom under the guise of freshening up, even though I showered just a couple hours ago. I’m stalling, and I don’t know why. Haley’s asleep, Jason’s in the living room, presumably waiting for me, and I’m hiding in the bathroom.

Several minutes go by before a soft knock sounds at the door, sending me jumping nearly a foot in the air.

“Yeah . . .” I try to say, except my voice comes out all scratchy and breathless, so I clear my throat and try again. “Yeah?”

“Do you want me to just go home, Tess?”

“What?” I whip the door open, eyes wide and frantic, because that is absolutely not what I want. Not even a little bit. Leaning his shoulder against the doorjamb, Jason’s eyes snap to mine as soon as the layer of wood isn’t separating us anymore, and in that split second when our eyes meet, the heat between us cracks and sizzles just like it did while we were playing the game. Just like it’s been doing anytime we’re within twenty feet of each other. Shaking my head, I say, “No. I don’t want you to go home.”

His eyebrows lift up on his forehead, his expression one that clearly says he thinks I’m full of it. “You sure? Because you’ve been hiding in here for ten minutes.”

I open my mouth to argue with him about the hiding bit, but there’s no use. Instead, I simply nod and swallow, not sure I can find the words to tell him exactly what’s going on with me.

Mostly because I don’t even know myself.

It’s not like I’m a virgin, and even though it has been a while, I’ve never gotten like this with any of my previous partners. Never had this overwhelming nervousness, and I don’t know where it’s coming from. No idea why there’s this swarm of bees buzzing around in my stomach. Why I’m all breathless with anticipation and anxiety.

But then Jason steps forward, right into my space, one hand coming up and cupping the back of my neck while the other goes to my hip, his thumb slipping under the material of my shirt to graze the skin above my waistband, and I know exactly why there’s a tornado in my belly.

“Last chance,” he murmurs, his breath washing over my lips, and I don’t think I could tell him to stop even if I wanted to.

But I don’t. I don’t want to, so I shake my head, and finally—finally—he closes the distance between us and puts his lips to mine. The kiss is tentative at first, a question, and even though he gave me an out just a moment ago, I love that he’s not pushing it. When I don’t pull away, don’t do anything but grip the front of his shirt in my fists and pull him closer to me, he takes that as an answer and swipes his tongue across my lips. On a moan, I open to him, desperate to taste him again in a way I didn’t allow myself to think about before now.

Jason’s grip on me tightens, his thumb rubbing in circles against the pulse point at my neck, and I know he can feel my heart flying. It’s nearly pounding right out of my rib cage. His other hand curls around my hip, pulling me closer to him, flush with him, and I can’t stop from gasping into his mouth. He’s against me, all of him, strong and solid and hard, and I didn’t realize how much I wanted this until this very moment.

He’s already good at reading my cues, because no more have I thought it than we’re walking, fumbling down the hallway and into my bedroom. The door isn’t even closed before I start tugging up his shirt, desperate to feel his skin against mine. With a grunt and a curse, he reaches back and yanks his shirt over his head before his lips are back on mine, his tongue sliding against my own, and I can hardly breathe I want this so badly.

In the dozen-plus years of his being in my life, I’ve seen him without a shirt on too many times to count, but I’ve never felt his bare skin. Not like this. He’s sinewy and muscular, the body of a runner, all tall and lanky, the muscles in his abdomen defined but not obscene, his biceps cut but not bulky. I run my hands over every part of him I can reach, sliding from his chest to his stomach, following the trail of hair down then hooking into the waistband of his jeans, and I want those off, too.

“Jesus, Tess,” he groans into my mouth, and the roughness of it washes over me like a warm rain, comforting me in a way I didn’t realize I needed. He wants this. Me. Desperately. It’s reassuring to know I’m not in this on my own.

His lips brush across my cheek, his teeth nipping at my chin, his tongue licking a line up the column of my neck, and I think I might die right here. I might actually die, because my heart feels like the pounding hooves of a thousand horses, and I can’t seem to get my clothes off fast enough.

Kindle $9.99 | Amazon PBK $11.69 | B&N (PBK $11.69/ Nook $9.99) | Kobo $9.99 | iBooks $9.99


Brighton Walsh spent nearly a decade as a professional photographer before deciding to take her storytelling in a different direction and reconnect with writing. She lives in the Midwest with her husband and two children.

Social Media Links: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads



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 Check out book 1: Review 5 Stars: CAGED IN WINTER by Brighton Walsh 

BUY LINKS: Kindle | Amazon PBK | B&N | Kobo

Spotlight, Review & Giveaway: Captive by Brighton Walsh

Captive by Brighton Walsh

Publication Date: March 24, 2015

Genre: New Adult Romance/ Romantic Suspense


Kindle $9.99

Amazon PBK $12.32

B&N (PBK $12.32/ Nook $9.99)

Kobo $9.99

iBooks $9.99




He’s the most dangerous man she’s ever met…and she’s falling in love with him.

Madison Frost is desperate to escape her life. Daughter of a prominent businessman, she has everything a girl could ask for. Except for a family who’s present in her life, and anyone to talk to outside the four walls of the prison she calls home. Madison dreams of one day leaving her life behind. She never thought being kidnapped is how it would happen.

Now she’s being held captive by a man who’s as frightening as he is sinfully gorgeous. Enormous, muscular, and filled with secrets, the man they call Ghost is an enigmatic mercenary, and Madison is trapped with him. She doesn’t know who hired him or why, but the more time she spends at his mercy, the more she realizes he’s not what he seems. Beneath his rough exterior lies an unexpected gentleness and a heart as broken and battered as her own.

But as Madison lets down her walls, Ghost holds tight to his, hiding secrets that could destroy everything.


Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Cori

4 Stars


Captive wasn’t what I was expecting. It’s a captive/ kidnapper romance but it’s not a dark story. Captive is an emotional love story between two people with completely different yet similar backgrounds. I really enjoyed it. It’s a unique and different storyline with interesting characters. The romance was slow building but when the characters came together it was explosive. I recommend this book for readers looking for a love story that’s unique.

*Review copy provided by St. Martin’s Press in exchange for an honest review.



Captive by Brighton Walsh

His gaze made me nervous, his eyes cold and hard, ice-blue and unrelenting, and I wanted nothing more than to close mine and hide. I couldn’t do that, though. Covering my eyes and pre- tending he couldn’t see me would only leave me blind and vulner- able. I needed to learn everything I could about him, because I had to hope that one day I’d be able to use that information to help the police catch him. I had to hope that someday, I’d be free.
Mustering up all the courage I could, I asked, “Have you ever been to prison?”
“That’s what you’d assume, isn’t it?”
Could he blame me, really? Men like him didn’t frequent the streets of Kenilworth or Evanston. Sure, some of the guys on cam- pus had tattoos, some of them even covering both arms, but this man’s entire persona was so drastically different from any of them— from anyone I’d ever met. He could be stripped of the ink com- pletely, wearing khakis and a polo shirt, and I’d still feel terror in his presence. It wasn’t the trimmings on him, it was him, straight down to his bones.
Without waiting for me to utter another word, he said, “I’m too good at what I do to get caught.”
That was what I was worried about.
The silence hung in the air for a few moments. Even when I wasn’t looking at him, I felt the weight  of his stare on me. Finally finding my voice again, I asked, “What’s your name?”
He raised a single eyebrow at my question, but answered  any- way. “People call me Ghost.”
The way he said it sent a shiver of fear racing up my spine, and I swallowed back the dread that’d crept into my throat. “Why?” His eyes gleamed as he regarded me. “Because they don’t know I’m there till it’s too late.”


Brighton Walsh spent nearly a decade as a professional photographer before deciding to take her storytelling in a different direction and reconnect with her first love: writing. When she’s not pounding away at the keyboard, she’s probably either reading or shopping—maybe even both at once. She lives in the Midwest with her husband and two children, and, yes, she considers forty degrees to be hoodie weather.


Social Media Links: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Pinterest 




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Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: CAGED IN WINTER by Brighton Walsh


CAGED IN WINTER by Brighton Walsh
Publication Date: November 4, 2014
Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Cori
Rated: 5 Stars


In this emotional and sexy New Adult debut from Brighton Walsh, the only thing more frightening than commitment is hope…

Aspiring chef Cade Maxwell is immediately, viscerally attracted to Winter Jacobson. But it’s not her mouthwatering curves he’s drawn to—it’s the strange emptiness in her eyes. When Cade saves her from a drunken customer with grabby hands, he’s shocked at her response…

Winter doesn’t need Cade’s help. After a lifetime of getting by on her own, she’s happy to rely on herself. She’s exactly seventy-six days away from graduating college, and if she can hold it together that long, she’ll finally be able to rise above the crappy hand she was dealt.

But now, every time she turns around, Cade is there, ready to push her, smile at her, distract her from her plans. Winter knows she can’t afford to open up—especially to a man she’s terrified to actually want…

I loved this book so much! Caged in Winter is an emotional and sexy new adult romance. Winter and Cade’s story was just beautiful. Winter was use to standing on her own and only relying on herself and Cade shows up to turn everything upside down. He changes everything and makes her feel things she’s never felt before. Cade is my new obsession. I just loved him so much! I mean who doesn’t want a hot alpha guy that makes you cookies? Hot love scenes, great characters and a plot that contains lots of emotions make this book one of my favorites this year. I highly recommend Caged in Winter and can’t wait to see what Brighton Walsh has in store for us next with some of the secondary characters.

*Review copy provided by Berkley/NAL in exchange for an honest review.

Excerpt from CAGED IN WINTER by Brighton Walsh

I bend my knees so we’re eye level and tug on her hand until she meets my gaze. “I don’t know what we could have. It might be nothing. But I’ll be honest . . . I haven’t felt like this in a long time, and that’s enough for me to know I want to see where it goes. Can’t we just see where it goes?”
With a deep sigh, she says, “I’m not right for you, Cade.”
“How about you worry about if I’m right for you. Let me decide the other.”
And then before she can stop me, before she can utter another word of opposition, I slide my hand up her arm, over her shoulder, until it’s wrapped around her neck. With my other hand, I swipe a piece of hair back with my fingers, and then lean in, brushing my lips against hers. After only a moment, I pull back just enough for her to be able to tell me to stop. When nothing comes, I close the distance between us once again, taking her bottom lip in between mine. I brush my tongue against it, coaxing her mouth open, and she breathes this sexy little gasp as I slip inside. She tastes like cookies and wine, and I want to fucking devour her.
She grips my shirt with both hands, clutching me to her, and I stop holding back and press every inch of my body against hers, groaning as my cock presses fully against her. The moment a whimper comes from her, I know she feels it. And I can’t muster up any embarrassment, because I want her to feel it. Even with all her brass balls and fuck-everything attitude, something tells me she needs reassurance, so I give it to her. In every stroke of my tongue against hers, every brush of my thumb along her jaw, I show her how much I want her.
When her chest is heaving, her lips parted and swollen and so fucking hot, I trail kisses down her neck, seeking out every inch of skin that’s uncovered. Her head thumps back against the wall, one of her hands gone from gripping fistfuls of my shirt. Instead, she’s holding my head to her, and I don’t want to stop. I want to kiss and lick every inch of her, slip my hands under the material of her sweater, unbutton her jeans, and not stop until I feel her soft wetness against my fingertips.
But the knowledge that she’ll regret it if I don’t stop forces me to slow down.
I pull back, loosening my grip on her and putting an inch of space between us. I kiss the corner of her mouth, her cheek, and then her ear. Against it, I whisper, “Don’t say no.”
There’s a beat of silence. Two. Three. And then she says the sweetest word I’ve ever heard.


Amazon PBK

Brighton Walsh spent nearly a decade as a professional photographer before deciding to take her storytelling in a different direction and reconnect with writing. She lives in the Midwest with her husband and two children.

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*This list will be pinned to the top of our FB page and updates will be made throughout the week. Buy links for Amazon Global, B&N, Kobo, and Paperbacks. Genre codes included with titles. Key to codes listed at the bottom of the list.

✦Hollywood on Tap by Avery Flynn #CR ➢ $0.99 Kindle | B&N | Kobo
✦Love at First Roar (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Werebear Romance) (Grayslake Book 4) by Celia Kyle #PNR ➢ $4.99 Kindle | B&N | Kobo

✦Not Until You (A Loving on the Edge Novel) by Roni Loren #ER #CR (Cori 4.5 Stars) ➢ Kindle | Amazon PBK $11.92 | B&N | iTunes | Kobo
✦Caged in Winter by Brighton Walsh #NA #CR (Cori 5 Stars) ➢ Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iBooks
✦I Saw Her Standing There (A Green Mountain Romance, Book 3) by Marie Force #CR (Cori 4 Stars) ➢ Kindle $5.99 | Amazon PBK $6 | B&N (PBK $7.99/ Nook $5.99) | Kobo $7.99
✦Romancing the Billionaire (Billionaire Boys Club Novel Book 5) by Jessica Clare #CR ➢ Kindle $4.27 | Amazon PBK $7.19 | B&N (PBK $7.99/ Nook $4.27 | Kobo $4.99
✦The Affair: Week 8 by Beth Kery #ER #CR (Cori 5 Stars) ➢ $1.99 Kindle | B&N | Kobo
✦Midnight Action: A Killer Instincts Novel by Elle Kennedy #RS #CR ➢ Kindle $5.99 | Amazon PBK $6 | B&N $7.99 | Kobo $7.99
✦Spice (A Sugar and Spice Novel) by Seressia Glass #NA #CR ➢ Kindle $7.99 | Amazon PBK $11.47 | B&N (PBK $11.47/ Nook $9.99) | Kobo $9.99
✦Dirty Rowdy Thing (Wild Seasons) by Christina Lauren #CR ➢ Kindle $7.59 | Amazon PBK $11.40 | B&N (PBK $11.51/ Nook $7.99) | Kobo $7.99
✦Edge of Betrayal: An Edge Novel by Shannon K. Butcher #RS #CR ➢ Kindle $7.99 | Amazon PBK $7.99 | B&N $7.99 | Kobo $7.99
✦What a Woman Gets (A Manley Maids Novel) by Judi Fennell #CR ➢ Kindle $5.99 | Amazon PBK $7.99 | B&N $7.99 | Kobo $7.99
✦When We Met by A. L. Jackson, Molly McAdams, Tiffany King and Christina Lee #CR ➢ Kindle $5.12 | Amazon PBK $10.50 | B&N (PBK $10.50/ Nook $5.99) | Kobo
✦Wild Nights: The Justiss Alliance Series by Tina Wainscott #CR #RS ➢ $2.99 Kindle | B&N | Kobo
✦No Matter What (The Billionaire Bargains) by Erin Nicholas #CR ➢ Kindle $1.99 | B&N $4.99 | Kobo $1.99
✦What to Do with a Bad Boy (The McCauley Brothers) by Marie Harte #CR ➢ Kindle $6.15 | Amazon PBK $7.99 | B&N (PBK $7.99/ Nook $7.49) | Kobo $7.19
✦Elusive Hero: Invitation to Eden (Vampire Queen Series Book 12) by Joey Hill #PNR #ER ➢ $2.99 Kindle | B&N | Kobo
✦Polar Bared: Anti-Hero, BIG Bear Romance (Kodiak Point Book 3) by Eve Langlais #PNR ➢ $3.99 Kindle | B&N | Kobo
✦Her Lone Wolf (X-Ops) by Paige Tyler #PNR ➢ Kindle $6.15 | Amazon PBK $7.99 | B&N (PBK $7.99/ Nook $7.49) | Kobo $7.19
✦Little Boxes by Celia J. Anderson #CR ➢ $4.99 Kindle | Other Stores:

✿Link to Previous Weekly Release Lists:

#CR – Contemporary Romance
#PNR – Paranormal Romance
#RS – Romantic Suspense
#NA – New Adult Romance
#ER – Erotica Romance
#YA – Young Adult Romance
#UF – Urban Fantasy Romance
#FR – Fantasy Romance
#HR – Historical Romance
#SFR – Science Fiction Romance



✦Captivated by You by Sylvia Day (November 18, 2014)
►Read Excerpt ➢
✦ #1: Bared to You –
✦ #2: Reflected in You –
✦ #3: Entwined with You –
✦ #4: Captivated by You –

✦Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: The Darkest Touch (Lords of the Underworld) by Gena Showalter
Publication Date: November 25, 2014
Rated: 5 Stars
►Enter Rafflecopter ➢
✦Pre-Order Links:
Kindle $6.59
Amazon PBK $6.79
B&N (PBK $7.99/ Nook $7.49)
iBooks $7.99
Amazon Series link:

✦Dragonbane (Dark-Hunter Novels) by Sherrilyn Kenyon (August 4, 2015)
►Reading in Pajamas Blog Post:
✦Pre-Order ➢ Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iBooks



✦BLOG TOUR, Review & Giveaway: Not Until You (A Loving on the Edge Novel) by Roni Loren
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✦REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: I Saw Her Standing There (A Green Mountain Romance, Book 3) by Marie Force
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✦Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: The Darkest Touch (Lords of the Underworld) by Gena Showalter
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✦Pre-Release Giveaway ~ Illusion by J. S. Cooper
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Pre-Release Blitz: CAGED IN WINTER by Brighton Walsh


I’m in the middle of reading this book right now and it’s so good! I’m so excited to introduce y’all to Cade and Winter! Blog Tour and Review will be posted in November. Check out the excerpt and enter the giveaway below. -Cori


In this emotional and sexy New Adult debut from Brighton Walsh, the only thing more frightening than commitment is hope…

Aspiring chef Cade Maxwell is immediately, viscerally attracted to Winter Jacobson. But it’s not her mouthwatering curves he’s drawn to—it’s the strange emptiness in her eyes. When Cade saves her from a drunken customer with grabby hands, he’s shocked at her response…

Winter doesn’t need Cade’s help. After a lifetime of getting by on her own, she’s happy to rely on herself. She’s exactly seventy-six days away from graduating college, and if she can hold it together that long, she’ll finally be able to rise above the crappy hand she was dealt.

But now, every time she turns around, Cade is there, ready to push her, smile at her, distract her from her plans. Winter knows she can’t afford to open up—especially to a man she’s terrified to actually want…

Excerpt from CAGED IN WINTER by Brighton Walsh


“Okay, now add the flour, but—” It’s too late, a puff of white exploding in Winter’s face before I can get the words out or reach to flip the switch. “You need to turn the mixer to low.”
She spins around, her cheeks covered in random white spots, some of the flour dusting her hair. “You couldn’t say that before, ‘Now add the flour’?” Her voice is low, her eyes narrowed, and I take a step back.
“Well, yeah, I guess I could’ve, but I just sort of figured you’d know enough not to add loose flour to a wildly spinning mixer.”
“Oh, you figured I’d know enough for that, huh? Even after I told you I’ve never made cookies before? Even then?”
She’s advancing on me now, and I shouldn’t be retreating like a scared animal. I have more than a foot on her, a hundred-plus pounds, but she looks pissed. And that glint in her eye tells me she’s up to something. I glance down at her hand, seeing a measuring cup half filled with flour, and I realize what she’s going to do a split-second before she does, but not soon enough to dodge it.
A cloud of white powder hits me straight in the face, and I cough as I inhale some. Wiping away the dust from my eyes, I say, “I can’t believe you did that.”
“Oh, well, I just figured you’d know enough to duck.” She shrugs and offers me a saccharine smile.
“I don’t think you want to start this with me, baby.”
“In case you missed the flour in your face a second ago, I already started it, baby.”
I stare her down, then reach over, grabbing the bowl of melted chocolate—my mom’s secret ingredient in her cookies—and dip my fingers into it. Winter narrows her eyes at me and takes a step back. “Don’t you dare.”
“Where you goin’? I thought you wanted to get messy.”
“No, I wanted you to get messy. I didn’t have a choice with this,” she says as she gestures to where the flour hit her. She darts her eyes down to the bowl of chocolate, then back up to my face. “Don’t, Cade. You’re going to get me dirty, and I have to be at work soon.”
“You maybe should’ve thought about that before you threw a scoop of flour in my face.” I don’t wait for her response before I smear the chocolate down her cheek to her jaw, then all the way down her neck and into the deep V of her shirt, stopping when I feel the swell of her breasts. “Whoops.”
“You did not just do that.”
“Looks like I did.” I shrug, putting the bowl back on the counter before I lick the chocolate from my fingers. She focuses on the act, her lips parted. I lean closer to her, drop my voice, and gesture to the spots of her skin that are covered. “You want me to clean you up, too?”
Glaring, she gives a jerky shake of her head, but a flush works its way up her chest to her neck—one of the tells she’s getting turned on.
I step closer, backing her into the corner until she’s pressed against the cabinets behind her. “Sure about that? It wouldn’t take much. Just a lick or two. Maybe a couple sucks. We’d probably have to take your shirt off, though, and your bra, too. I really got down in there.”
Her head’s tilted back as she stares up at me, her chest rising and falling in quick succession from her labored breathing.
I lean into her space, lick up a path from her neck to her ear. “I think you do. I think you want my tongue all over you, don’t you, baby? I got you all dirty. Seems only fair I clean you up.” Before she can respond, my mouth closes over her shoulder, my tongue tracing along the chocolate I smeared there. By the time I’ve dipped into the neckline of her shirt, my tongue in the valley of her breasts, her nipples are pressed tight against the material, and she’s got a white-knuckled grip on the countertop behind her.
“Want me to stop?”
I wait a second. Two. And when she gives the slightest shake of her head, I take. Gripping her face in my hands, my mouth covers hers, my tongue slipping inside. She groans into the kiss, her hands finally coming up to clutch my forearms.
“Wait.” She wrenches her mouth from mine, turning her head to the side. “Cade, wait. Your sister.”
I focus on licking every stray ounce of chocolate I can find, her hands a counterpoint to her words as she holds me close. “Not home. Gone till four.”
“Shit! Four. I have to be at work at four!”
“We’ve got time. Now stop talking.”
I peel her jeans and panties off, then lift her onto the counter, desperate to feel her around me. With one hand, I fumble with the button of my jeans, the other busy between Winter’s thighs, rubbing soft circles around her clit, getting her ready for me. She’s moaning, her head resting back on the cabinets, and the sight of her there, half naked in my kitchen, is too much. Too fucking much, and I can’t get my goddamn jeans off.
When she notices, her hands are there, opening my jeans and yanking my boxers down just far enough to pull me out. Her hands are around my cock, pumping slowly, and I need inside her now.


Brighton Walsh spent nearly a decade as a professional photographer before deciding to take her storytelling in a different direction and reconnect with writing. She lives in the Midwest with her husband and two children.

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Cover Reveal: CAGED IN WINTER by Brighton Walsh


Caged in Winter by Brighton Walsh
Publication Date: November 4, 2014

​In this emotional and sexy New Adult debut from Brighton Walsh, the only thing more frightening than commitment is hope…

Aspiring chef Cade Maxwell is immediately, viscerally attracted to Winter Jacobson. But it’s not her mouthwatering curves he’s drawn to—it’s the strange emptiness in her eyes. When Cade saves her from a drunken customer with grabby hands, he’s shocked at her response…

Winter doesn’t need Cade’s help. After a lifetime of getting by on her own, she’s happy to rely on herself. She’s exactly seventy-six days away from graduating college, and if she can hold it together that long, she’ll finally be able to rise above the crappy hand she was dealt.

But now, every time she turns around, Cade is there, ready to push her, smile at her, distract her from her plans. Winter knows she can’t afford to open up—especially to a man she’s terrified to actually want.

Kindle $9.99 | Amazon Paperback $12.14

​Brighton Walsh spent nearly a decade as a professional photographer before deciding to take her storytelling in a different direction and reconnect with her first love: writing. When she’s not pounding away at the keyboard, she’s probably either reading or shopping—maybe even both at once. She lives in the Midwest with her husband and two children, and, yes, she considers forty degrees to be hoodie weather. Her home is the setting for frequent dance parties, Lego battles, and more laughter than she thought possible. Visit her online at

