Spotlight & Review: The Affair by Beth Kery


The Affair by Beth Kery

Publication Date: September 1, 2015

Genre: Contemporary Romance/ Erotica



imageAvailable for the first time as a complete novel—the serial from the New York Times bestselling author that explores the dynamics of power and sex between two people who set the rules of desire…only to shatter them.

When unconventional hospice nurse Emma Shore secured a new position at The Breakers, the sprawling mansion of enigmatic and dangerously handsome racecar billionaire Michael Montand, she had no idea how soon she’d be drawn into his darker sexual games—or that it would be her own fantasies that would hold her captive.

Michael knew he shouldn’t have engaged such an innocent woman to share in his desires. But strong sexual appetites and selfishness run in his blood.

From Michael’s luxurious lakeside home to the sun-drenched, sensual shores of the French Riviera, Emma submits again and again to his intoxicating power. But she knows there is only one way to protect her heart.

The affair will continue but only on her conditions: only she can end it, and when it’s over, they’ll part and never speak again of the things they dared to do behind locked doors.

 imageSeriously hot romance! I love erotic romances with stong alpha males and Montand is one of the ultimate alphas. He’s a powerful billionaire who is use to getting anything he wants and Emma is a nurse that draws his interest and fascinates him. This story was fast paced and kept me up all night reading. I couldn’t put it down. This was a well written romance filled with mystery, suspense and scorching hot romance. Beth Kery described the characters and delivered their story in such a way that made me feel their emotions and experience their story along with them. I originally read The Affair when it was an eight part serial and I read all eight parts back to back. I think it works better as a full length novel and I’m really happy it’s now available in paperback and eBook as one complete novel.  I really hope Beth Kery will be writing about another character in this book. I think Montand’s cousin deserves his own story. Go grab a copy of The Affair and devour it!

*Review copy provided by Penguin in exchange for an honest review.

 IMG_3308Kindle | Amazon PBK | B&N | Kobo | iBooks | Book Depository


IMG_3307-0 Excerpt from THE AFFAIR by Beth Kery

“Why are you so confident talking about death?” he demanded.
She hesitated, but then shrugged. “I died before,” she said simply.
She gave a small smile when she saw his blank expression segue into one of incredulity.
She didn’t know why she’d told him. Given people’s reactions to such a declaration, she’d learned early on to avoid the topic at all costs. She sighed.
“I was born with a condition called alpha thalassemia. My body had a hard time making hemoglobin, so I was always mildly anemic as a kid. It wasn’t bad enough to cause any severe symptoms except occasional fatigue, but when I was nine, something happened. My iron count plunged and my organs weren’t getting enough oxygen. I had a heart attack.” She noticed his stiff expression. “Don’t look so worried. I hardly remember any of it. Long story short, when I recovered, I had a profound certainty that death was nothing to fear. Also . . .” She repressed a smile because she was sure he wouldn’t believe her. “I was cured.”
“You were cured,” he repeated in flat disbelief, stepping closer.
She laughed, even though she was set off balance by his nearness. The streetlamps in the parking lot reflected in his eyes, making them gleam in his shadowed face as he studied her intently. She just nodded. “I’m very healthy. My cells now synthesize perfectly normal hemoglobin. The doctors ramble on about how maybe the crisis I went through somehow reset my cells, but technically speaking—”
“You’re a medical miracle.”
She shrugged, hearing the thread of disbelief and amusement in his tone. “I knew you wouldn’t believe me. Very few people do, except for the staff at the hospital, my mother, my sister and the physician who researched the case.”
“And you.”
“No. I don’t believe. I know.”
He shook his head slightly, looking puzzled and a little amazed. “I’d almost believe it of you. You’re very . . . odd.”
“I’ve heard that before,” she muttered.
“That’s not what I meant,” he said, and even though he hadn’t been sharp, exactly, her heartbeat began to thrum in her ears.
“You didn’t mean that I’m a freak?” she clarified, trying to keep things light.
“No. I meant that you’re rare. Different. Even a little otherworldly at times,” he said quietly. He reached up and touched the charm where it rested at the base of her throat. Her pulse leapt just inches from his pressing fingers. So much for keeping things light. She stared up at him, her glib comment melting on her tongue.
“I know I was harsh last week in the garage,” he said.
She swallowed thickly. What had occurred in the backseat of that car had become a hovering three-ton elephant for her, and yet he mentioned it so casually. She stared up at his face, spellbound. His fingertips moved, stroking her throat lightly, and then her jaw, holding her stare the whole time. Her flesh lit up beneath his touch, sending a cascade of sensation through her body, making the hair on her nape stand on end. She couldn’t unglue her gaze from the outline of his mouth. It’d gotten closer somehow as she looked up at him, although she’d never seen him lean down. His fingers caressed her temple. When they sunk into her hair, it was with a greedier, more forceful gesture. She couldn’t prevent shuddering at the sensation of his fingertips skimming her scalp.
“I wasn’t preoccupied while I was in France because I was thinking about Cristina,” he said, his mouth slanting into a frown as he stared down at her. “I was distracted from my business because I kept thinking about you.”
“Oh,” she said thickly.
“I’m not telling you that I was wrong the other night. Everything I said was true. I take what I want. I amselfish.”
“Then why did you walk away that night?” Emma challenged quietly.
He fisted her hair. He looked quite fierce. “I’m not walking away now, so don’t imagine that I’m something I’m not. And never be so stupid as to think I’m noble. Do you understand me?”
“I . . . I think so. You want to have an affair with me? Or a one night stand, is that what you want?”
His gaze traveled over her face. She found herself wondering what he saw there.
“As much as I want you, it’s going to take more than just one night,” he stated grimly. “You’ve done something to me. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t sleep. I’m having trouble eating,” he said, his gaze narrowing as her lips parted in wonder.
Michael Montand wanted her so much that he couldn’t rest. It struck her as strange. Surreal.
“I’m aware that I’m not what you deserve,” he continued. “But I don’t do long term relationships, Emma. I’m sorry for that, in your case, more than I ever have been in my life. But I don’t want to lie to you. Plus, I have to travel a lot—lately nearly every week, with a big racing event I’ve sponsored happening very soon. Do you want me enough to take the risk, knowing all those things?”
“Yes, I think I do.”
He studied her closely. “I’m not used to doing this. I know that you’re young and vulnerable though, so I’m trying.”
“I’m not vulnerable. And I’m not that young.”
“I disagree. But it doesn’t matter anymore. If this keeps up . . .” he looked bewildered, even a little wild. “I don’t know what’ll happen. As long as I know you exist somewhere out there somewhere, I’ll want you. The only possible thing that would stop me is if you told me no. Are you sure you want to agree to this?”
She nodded.
“Why?” he demanded, stepping closer to her. “Why are you sure?”
“Because you’re beautiful,” she said, trapped in a spell of honesty, ensnared by his eyes. “And because I can’t stop thinking about you either. And . . .”
“What?” he said, cradling her head in the palm of his hand, the gesture striking her as both tender and possessive. His head lowered toward hers. She felt the pop of electricity in the air, felt it zipping through her blood hundreds of thousands of times faster than they’d flown down the road just now.
“Because it’s something I’ve never had before. The sparks,” she whispered.
He swooped down and captured her mouth, the force and heat of him thrilling her. His other hand rose to her jaw, holding her in place. Her entire focus narrowed to the feeling of him. He parted her lips with his tongue, and her world became his taste. It wasn’t a gentle kiss. It was a conquering one, an utter claiming without caution or apology. Yet the way he held her head and dipped his tongue between her lips made her feel precious somehow, like she was a treat he wanted to savor before he inevitably devoured her. He held her firmly, his clear, fixed intent to take his fill arousing her deeply. Her flesh softened in a way she’d never experienced, went warm and liquid and ready for him in seconds.
He lifted his head a moment later, his nostrils flaring slightly as he stared down at her.
“As long as you understand,” he said, taking her hand in his. “I see no reason to prolong this. I won’t wait a minute longer.
“Why are you so confident talking about death?” he demanded.
She hesitated, but then shrugged. “I died before,” she said simply.
She gave a small smile when she saw his blank expression segue into one of incredulity.
She didn’t know why she’d told him. Given people’s reactions to such a declaration, she’d learned early on to avoid the topic at all costs. She sighed.
“I was born with a condition called alpha thalassemia. My body had a hard time making hemoglobin, so I was always mildly anemic as a kid. It wasn’t bad enough to cause any severe symptoms except occasional fatigue, but when I was nine, something happened. My iron count plunged and my organs weren’t getting enough oxygen. I had a heart attack.”She noticed his stiff expression. “Don’t look so worried. I hardly remember any of it. Long story short, when I recovered, I had a profound certainty that death was nothing to fear. Also . . .” She repressed a smile because she was sure he wouldn’t believe her. “I was cured.”
“You were cured,” he repeated in flat disbelief, stepping closer.
She laughed, even though she was set off balance by his nearness. The streetlamps in the parking lot reflected in his eyes, making them gleam in his shadowed face as he studied her intently. She just nodded. “I’m very healthy. My cells now synthesize perfectly normal hemoglobin. The doctors ramble on about how maybe the crisis I went through somehow reset my cells, but technically speaking—”
“You’re a medical miracle.”
She shrugged, hearing the thread of disbelief and amusement in his tone. “I knew you wouldn’t believe me. Very few people do, except for the staff at the hospital, my mother, my sister, and the physician who researched the case.”
“And you.”
“No. I don’t believe. I know.”
He shook his head slightly, looking puzzled and a little amazed. “I’d almost believe it of you. You’re very . . . odd.”
“I’ve heard that before,” she muttered.
“That’s not what I meant,” he said, and even though he hadn’t been sharp, exactly, her heartbeat began to thrum in her ears.
“You didn’t mean that I’m a freak?” she clarified, trying to keep things light.
“No. I meant that you’re rare. Different. Even a little otherworldly at times,” he said quietly. He reached up and touched the charm where it rested at the base of her throat. Her pulse leapt just inches from his pressing fingers. So much for keeping things light. She stared up at him, her glib comment melting on her tongue.
“I know I was harsh last week in the garage,” he said.
She swallowed thickly. What had occurred in the backseat of that car had become a hovering three-ton elephant for her, and yet he mentioned it so casually. She stared up at his face, spellbound. His fingertips moved, stroking her throat lightly, and then her jaw, holding her stare the whole time. Her flesh lit up beneath his touch, sending a cascade of sensation through her body, making the hair on her nape stand on end. She couldn’t unglue her gaze from the outline of his mouth. It’d gotten closer somehow as she looked up at him, although she’d never seen him lean down. His fingers caressed her temple. When they sunk into her hair, it was with a greedier, more forceful gesture. She couldn’t prevent shuddering at the sensation of his fingertips skimming her scalp.
“I wasn’t preoccupied while I was in France because I was thinking about Cristina,” he said, his mouth slanting into a frown as he stared down at her. “I was distracted from my business because I kept thinking about you.”
“Oh,” she said thickly.
“I’m not telling you that I was wrong the other night. Everything I said was true. I take what I want. I am selfish.”
“Then why did you walk away that night?” Emma challenged quietly.
He fisted her hair. He looked quite fierce. “I’m not walking away now, so don’t imagine that I’m something I’m not. And never be so stupid as to think I’m noble. Do you understand me?”
“I . . . I think so. You want to have an affair with me? Or a one-night stand, is that what you want?”
His gaze traveled over her face. She found herself wondering what he saw there.
“As much as I want you, it’s going to take more than just one night,” he stated grimly. “You’ve done something to me. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t sleep. I’m having trouble eating,”he said, his gaze narrowing as her lips parted in wonder.
Michael Montand wanted her so much that he couldn’t rest. It struck her as strange. Surreal.
“I’m aware that I’m not what you deserve,” he continued. “But I don’t do long-term relationships, Emma. I’m sorry for that, in your case, more than I ever have been in my life. But I don’t want to lie to you. Plus, I have to travel a lot—lately nearly every week, with a big racing event I’ve sponsored happening very soon. Do you want me enough to take the risk, knowing all those things?”
“Yes, I think I do.”
He studied her closely. “I’m not used to doing this. I know that you’re young and vulnerable, though, so I’m trying.”
“I’m not vulnerable. And I’m not that young.”
“I disagree. But it doesn’t matter anymore. If this keeps up . . .” he looked bewildered, even a little wild. “I don’t know what’ll happen. As long as I know you exist out there somewhere, I’ll want you. The only possible thing that would stop me is if you told me no. Are you sure you want to agree to this?”
She nodded.
“Why?” he demanded, stepping closer to her. “Why are you sure?”
“Because you’re beautiful,” she said, trapped in a spell of honesty, ensnared by his eyes. “And because I can’t stop thinking about you, either. And . . .”
“What?” he said, cradling her head in the palm of his hand, the gesture striking her as both tender and possessive. His head lowered toward hers.
“Because it’s something I’ve never had before. The sparks,”she whispered.
He swooped down and captured her mouth, the force and heat of him thrilling her. His other hand rose to her jaw, holding her in place. Her entire focus narrowed to the feeling of him. He parted her lips with his tongue, and her world became his taste. It wasn’t a gentle kiss. It was a conquering one, a claiming without caution or apology. Yet the way he held her head and dipped his tongue between her lips made her feel precious somehow, like she was a treat he wanted to savor before he devoured her. He held her firmly, his clear, fixed intent to take his fill arousing her deeply. Her flesh softened in a way she’d never experienced, went warm and liquid and ready for him in seconds.
He lifted his head a moment later.
“As long as you understand,” he said, taking her hand in his. “I see no reason to prolong this. I won’t wait a minute longer.”

Posted by arrangement with InterMix, a member of Penguin Group (USA) LLC, A Penguin Random House Company. Copyright © Beth Kery, 2014.


imageBeth Kery is the New York Times and USA Today best selling author of over thirty novels, novellas and serials. She writes contemporary romances as well as erotic contemporary romances, her hallmarks being emotional intensity, leap-off-the-page realistic characters and steamy sexual tension.

Social Media Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Spotlight & Review: The Affair by Beth Kery

The Affair by Beth Kery
Publication Date: November 4, 2014
Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Cori
Rated: 5 Stars

In this steamy eight-part serialized novel an innocent nurse, Emma Shores, finds her life turned upended when she meets the man of her forbidden dreams and begins a no-holds-barred liaison. From Chicago to Europe, the lovers’ passion binds them tighter than either could have imagined.

Seriously hot romance! I love erotic romances with stong alpha males and Montand is one of the ultimate alphas. He’s a powerful billionaire use to getting anything he wants and Emma is a nurse that draws his interest and fascinates him. This story was fast paced and kept me up all night reading it. I couldn’t put it down. This was a well written romance filled with mystery, suspense and scorching hot romance. Beth Kery described the characters and delivered their story in such a way that made me feel their emotions and experience their story along with them. The Affair is an eight part serial that I read all at once. I recommend getting them all and reading them back to back as one story. This book is on my favorites romances of 2014 list and I really hope Beth Kery will be writing about another character in this book. I think Montand’s cousin deserves his own story.

*Review copy provided by Berkley/NAL in exchange for an honest review.


Series Buy Links ➢ Amazon | B&N | Kobo

Excerpt of THE AFFAIR by Beth Kery

“Why are you so confident talking about death?” he demanded.
She hesitated, but then shrugged. “I died before,” she said simply.
She gave a small smile when she saw his blank expression segue into one of incredulity.
She didn’t know why she’d told him. Given people’s reactions to such a declaration, she’d learned early on to avoid the topic at all costs. She sighed.
“I was born with a condition called alpha thalassemia. My body had a hard time making hemoglobin, so I was always mildly anemic as a kid. It wasn’t bad enough to cause any severe symptoms except occasional fatigue, but when I was nine, something happened. My iron count plunged and my organs weren’t getting enough oxygen. I had a heart attack.” She noticed his stiff expression. “Don’t look so worried. I hardly remember any of it. Long story short, when I recovered, I had a profound certainty that death was nothing to fear. Also . . .” She repressed a smile because she was sure he wouldn’t believe her. “I was cured.”
“You were cured,” he repeated in flat disbelief, stepping closer.
She laughed, even though she was set off balance by his nearness. The streetlamps in the parking lot reflected in his eyes, making them gleam in his shadowed face as he studied her intently. She just nodded. “I’m very healthy. My cells now synthesize perfectly normal hemoglobin. The doctors ramble on about how maybe the crisis I went through somehow reset my cells, but technically speaking—”
“You’re a medical miracle.”
She shrugged, hearing the thread of disbelief and amusement in his tone. “I knew you wouldn’t believe me. Very few people do, except for the staff at the hospital, my mother, my sister and the physician who researched the case.”
“And you.”
“No. I don’t believe. I know.”
He shook his head slightly, looking puzzled and a little amazed. “I’d almost believe it of you. You’re very . . . odd.”
“I’ve heard that before,” she muttered.
“That’s not what I meant,” he said, and even though he hadn’t been sharp, exactly, her heartbeat began to thrum in her ears.
“You didn’t mean that I’m a freak?” she clarified, trying to keep things light.
“No. I meant that you’re rare. Different. Even a little otherworldly at times,” he said quietly. He reached up and touched the charm where it rested at the base of her throat. Her pulse leapt just inches from his pressing fingers. So much for keeping things light. She stared up at him, her glib comment melting on her tongue.
“I know I was harsh last week in the garage,” he said.
She swallowed thickly. What had occurred in the backseat of that car had become a hovering three-ton elephant for her, and yet he mentioned it so casually. She stared up at his face, spellbound. His fingertips moved, stroking her throat lightly, and then her jaw, holding her stare the whole time. Her flesh lit up beneath his touch, sending a cascade of sensation through her body, making the hair on her nape stand on end. She couldn’t unglue her gaze from the outline of his mouth. It’d gotten closer somehow as she looked up at him, although she’d never seen him lean down. His fingers caressed her temple. When they sunk into her hair, it was with a greedier, more forceful gesture. She couldn’t prevent shuddering at the sensation of his fingertips skimming her scalp.
“I wasn’t preoccupied while I was in France because I was thinking about Cristina,” he said, his mouth slanting into a frown as he stared down at her. “I was distracted from my business because I kept thinking about you.”
“Oh,” she said thickly.
“I’m not telling you that I was wrong the other night. Everything I said was true. I take what I want. I amselfish.”
“Then why did you walk away that night?” Emma challenged quietly.
He fisted her hair. He looked quite fierce. “I’m not walking away now, so don’t imagine that I’m something I’m not. And never be so stupid as to think I’m noble. Do you understand me?”
“I . . . I think so. You want to have an affair with me? Or a one night stand, is that what you want?”
His gaze traveled over her face. She found herself wondering what he saw there.
“As much as I want you, it’s going to take more than just one night,” he stated grimly. “You’ve done something to me. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t sleep. I’m having trouble eating,” he said, his gaze narrowing as her lips parted in wonder.
Michael Montand wanted her so much that he couldn’t rest. It struck her as strange. Surreal.
“I’m aware that I’m not what you deserve,” he continued. “But I don’t do long term relationships, Emma. I’m sorry for that, in your case, more than I ever have been in my life. But I don’t want to lie to you. Plus, I have to travel a lot—lately nearly every week, with a big racing event I’ve sponsored happening very soon. Do you want me enough to take the risk, knowing all those things?”
“Yes, I think I do.”
He studied her closely. “I’m not used to doing this. I know that you’re young and vulnerable though, so I’m trying.”
“I’m not vulnerable. And I’m not that young.”
“I disagree. But it doesn’t matter anymore. If this keeps up . . .” he looked bewildered, even a little wild. “I don’t know what’ll happen. As long as I know you exist somewhere out there somewhere, I’ll want you. The only possible thing that would stop me is if you told me no. Are you sure you want to agree to this?”
She nodded.
“Why?” he demanded, stepping closer to her. “Why are you sure?”
“Because you’re beautiful,” she said, trapped in a spell of honesty, ensnared by his eyes. “And because I can’t stop thinking about you either. And . . .”
“What?” he said, cradling her head in the palm of his hand, the gesture striking her as both tender and possessive. His head lowered toward hers. She felt the pop of electricity in the air, felt it zipping through her blood hundreds of thousands of times faster than they’d flown down the road just now.
“Because it’s something I’ve never had before. The sparks,” she whispered.
He swooped down and captured her mouth, the force and heat of him thrilling her. His other hand rose to her jaw, holding her in place. Her entire focus narrowed to the feeling of him. He parted her lips with his tongue, and her world became his taste. It wasn’t a gentle kiss. It was a conquering one, an utter claiming without caution or apology. Yet the way he held her head and dipped his tongue between her lips made her feel precious somehow, like she was a treat he wanted to savor before he inevitably devoured her. He held her firmly, his clear, fixed intent to take his fill arousing her deeply. Her flesh softened in a way she’d never experienced, went warm and liquid and ready for him in seconds.
He lifted his head a moment later, his nostrils flaring slightly as he stared down at her.
“As long as you understand,” he said, taking her hand in his. “I see no reason to prolong this. I won’t wait a minute longer.
“Why are you so confident talking about death?” he demanded.
She hesitated, but then shrugged. “I died before,” she said simply.
She gave a small smile when she saw his blank expression segue into one of incredulity.
She didn’t know why she’d told him. Given people’s reactions to such a declaration, she’d learned early on to avoid the topic at all costs. She sighed.
“I was born with a condition called alpha thalassemia. My body had a hard time making hemoglobin, so I was always mildly anemic as a kid. It wasn’t bad enough to cause any severe symptoms except occasional fatigue, but when I was nine, something happened. My iron count plunged and my organs weren’t getting enough oxygen. I had a heart attack.”She noticed his stiff expression. “Don’t look so worried. I hardly remember any of it. Long story short, when I recovered, I had a profound certainty that death was nothing to fear. Also . . .” She repressed a smile because she was sure he wouldn’t believe her. “I was cured.”
“You were cured,” he repeated in flat disbelief, stepping closer.
She laughed, even though she was set off balance by his nearness. The streetlamps in the parking lot reflected in his eyes, making them gleam in his shadowed face as he studied her intently. She just nodded. “I’m very healthy. My cells now synthesize perfectly normal hemoglobin. The doctors ramble on about how maybe the crisis I went through somehow reset my cells, but technically speaking—”
“You’re a medical miracle.”
She shrugged, hearing the thread of disbelief and amusement in his tone. “I knew you wouldn’t believe me. Very few people do, except for the staff at the hospital, my mother, my sister, and the physician who researched the case.”
“And you.”
“No. I don’t believe. I know.”
He shook his head slightly, looking puzzled and a little amazed. “I’d almost believe it of you. You’re very . . . odd.”
“I’ve heard that before,” she muttered.
“That’s not what I meant,” he said, and even though he hadn’t been sharp, exactly, her heartbeat began to thrum in her ears.
“You didn’t mean that I’m a freak?” she clarified, trying to keep things light.
“No. I meant that you’re rare. Different. Even a little otherworldly at times,” he said quietly. He reached up and touched the charm where it rested at the base of her throat. Her pulse leapt just inches from his pressing fingers. So much for keeping things light. She stared up at him, her glib comment melting on her tongue.
“I know I was harsh last week in the garage,” he said.
She swallowed thickly. What had occurred in the backseat of that car had become a hovering three-ton elephant for her, and yet he mentioned it so casually. She stared up at his face, spellbound. His fingertips moved, stroking her throat lightly, and then her jaw, holding her stare the whole time. Her flesh lit up beneath his touch, sending a cascade of sensation through her body, making the hair on her nape stand on end. She couldn’t unglue her gaze from the outline of his mouth. It’d gotten closer somehow as she looked up at him, although she’d never seen him lean down. His fingers caressed her temple. When they sunk into her hair, it was with a greedier, more forceful gesture. She couldn’t prevent shuddering at the sensation of his fingertips skimming her scalp.
“I wasn’t preoccupied while I was in France because I was thinking about Cristina,” he said, his mouth slanting into a frown as he stared down at her. “I was distracted from my business because I kept thinking about you.”
“Oh,” she said thickly.
“I’m not telling you that I was wrong the other night. Everything I said was true. I take what I want. I am selfish.”
“Then why did you walk away that night?” Emma challenged quietly.
He fisted her hair. He looked quite fierce. “I’m not walking away now, so don’t imagine that I’m something I’m not. And never be so stupid as to think I’m noble. Do you understand me?”
“I . . . I think so. You want to have an affair with me? Or a one-night stand, is that what you want?”
His gaze traveled over her face. She found herself wondering what he saw there.
“As much as I want you, it’s going to take more than just one night,” he stated grimly. “You’ve done something to me. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t sleep. I’m having trouble eating,”he said, his gaze narrowing as her lips parted in wonder.
Michael Montand wanted her so much that he couldn’t rest. It struck her as strange. Surreal.
“I’m aware that I’m not what you deserve,” he continued. “But I don’t do long-term relationships, Emma. I’m sorry for that, in your case, more than I ever have been in my life. But I don’t want to lie to you. Plus, I have to travel a lot—lately nearly every week, with a big racing event I’ve sponsored happening very soon. Do you want me enough to take the risk, knowing all those things?”
“Yes, I think I do.”
He studied her closely. “I’m not used to doing this. I know that you’re young and vulnerable, though, so I’m trying.”
“I’m not vulnerable. And I’m not that young.”
“I disagree. But it doesn’t matter anymore. If this keeps up . . .” he looked bewildered, even a little wild. “I don’t know what’ll happen. As long as I know you exist out there somewhere, I’ll want you. The only possible thing that would stop me is if you told me no. Are you sure you want to agree to this?”
She nodded.
“Why?” he demanded, stepping closer to her. “Why are you sure?”
“Because you’re beautiful,” she said, trapped in a spell of honesty, ensnared by his eyes. “And because I can’t stop thinking about you, either. And . . .”
“What?” he said, cradling her head in the palm of his hand, the gesture striking her as both tender and possessive. His head lowered toward hers.
“Because it’s something I’ve never had before. The sparks,”she whispered.
He swooped down and captured her mouth, the force and heat of him thrilling her. His other hand rose to her jaw, holding her in place. Her entire focus narrowed to the feeling of him. He parted her lips with his tongue, and her world became his taste. It wasn’t a gentle kiss. It was a conquering one, a claiming without caution or apology. Yet the way he held her head and dipped his tongue between her lips made her feel precious somehow, like she was a treat he wanted to savor before he devoured her. He held her firmly, his clear, fixed intent to take his fill arousing her deeply. Her flesh softened in a way she’d never experienced, went warm and liquid and ready for him in seconds.
He lifted his head a moment later.
“As long as you understand,” he said, taking her hand in his. “I see no reason to prolong this. I won’t wait a minute longer.”

Posted by arrangement with InterMix, a member of Penguin Group (USA) LLC, A Penguin Random House Company. Copyright © Beth Kery, 2014.

Beth Kery lives in Chicago where she juggles the demands of her career, her love of the city and the arts, and a busy family life. Her writing ftoday reflects her passion for all of the above. She is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Because You Are Mine. Find out more about Beth and her books at and





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✦Hollywood on Tap by Avery Flynn #CR ➢ $0.99 Kindle | B&N | Kobo
✦Love at First Roar (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Werebear Romance) (Grayslake Book 4) by Celia Kyle #PNR ➢ $4.99 Kindle | B&N | Kobo

✦Not Until You (A Loving on the Edge Novel) by Roni Loren #ER #CR (Cori 4.5 Stars) ➢ Kindle | Amazon PBK $11.92 | B&N | iTunes | Kobo
✦Caged in Winter by Brighton Walsh #NA #CR (Cori 5 Stars) ➢ Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iBooks
✦I Saw Her Standing There (A Green Mountain Romance, Book 3) by Marie Force #CR (Cori 4 Stars) ➢ Kindle $5.99 | Amazon PBK $6 | B&N (PBK $7.99/ Nook $5.99) | Kobo $7.99
✦Romancing the Billionaire (Billionaire Boys Club Novel Book 5) by Jessica Clare #CR ➢ Kindle $4.27 | Amazon PBK $7.19 | B&N (PBK $7.99/ Nook $4.27 | Kobo $4.99
✦The Affair: Week 8 by Beth Kery #ER #CR (Cori 5 Stars) ➢ $1.99 Kindle | B&N | Kobo
✦Midnight Action: A Killer Instincts Novel by Elle Kennedy #RS #CR ➢ Kindle $5.99 | Amazon PBK $6 | B&N $7.99 | Kobo $7.99
✦Spice (A Sugar and Spice Novel) by Seressia Glass #NA #CR ➢ Kindle $7.99 | Amazon PBK $11.47 | B&N (PBK $11.47/ Nook $9.99) | Kobo $9.99
✦Dirty Rowdy Thing (Wild Seasons) by Christina Lauren #CR ➢ Kindle $7.59 | Amazon PBK $11.40 | B&N (PBK $11.51/ Nook $7.99) | Kobo $7.99
✦Edge of Betrayal: An Edge Novel by Shannon K. Butcher #RS #CR ➢ Kindle $7.99 | Amazon PBK $7.99 | B&N $7.99 | Kobo $7.99
✦What a Woman Gets (A Manley Maids Novel) by Judi Fennell #CR ➢ Kindle $5.99 | Amazon PBK $7.99 | B&N $7.99 | Kobo $7.99
✦When We Met by A. L. Jackson, Molly McAdams, Tiffany King and Christina Lee #CR ➢ Kindle $5.12 | Amazon PBK $10.50 | B&N (PBK $10.50/ Nook $5.99) | Kobo
✦Wild Nights: The Justiss Alliance Series by Tina Wainscott #CR #RS ➢ $2.99 Kindle | B&N | Kobo
✦No Matter What (The Billionaire Bargains) by Erin Nicholas #CR ➢ Kindle $1.99 | B&N $4.99 | Kobo $1.99
✦What to Do with a Bad Boy (The McCauley Brothers) by Marie Harte #CR ➢ Kindle $6.15 | Amazon PBK $7.99 | B&N (PBK $7.99/ Nook $7.49) | Kobo $7.19
✦Elusive Hero: Invitation to Eden (Vampire Queen Series Book 12) by Joey Hill #PNR #ER ➢ $2.99 Kindle | B&N | Kobo
✦Polar Bared: Anti-Hero, BIG Bear Romance (Kodiak Point Book 3) by Eve Langlais #PNR ➢ $3.99 Kindle | B&N | Kobo
✦Her Lone Wolf (X-Ops) by Paige Tyler #PNR ➢ Kindle $6.15 | Amazon PBK $7.99 | B&N (PBK $7.99/ Nook $7.49) | Kobo $7.19
✦Little Boxes by Celia J. Anderson #CR ➢ $4.99 Kindle | Other Stores:

✿Link to Previous Weekly Release Lists:

#CR – Contemporary Romance
#PNR – Paranormal Romance
#RS – Romantic Suspense
#NA – New Adult Romance
#ER – Erotica Romance
#YA – Young Adult Romance
#UF – Urban Fantasy Romance
#FR – Fantasy Romance
#HR – Historical Romance
#SFR – Science Fiction Romance



✦Captivated by You by Sylvia Day (November 18, 2014)
►Read Excerpt ➢
✦ #1: Bared to You –
✦ #2: Reflected in You –
✦ #3: Entwined with You –
✦ #4: Captivated by You –

✦Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: The Darkest Touch (Lords of the Underworld) by Gena Showalter
Publication Date: November 25, 2014
Rated: 5 Stars
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✦Pre-Order Links:
Kindle $6.59
Amazon PBK $6.79
B&N (PBK $7.99/ Nook $7.49)
iBooks $7.99
Amazon Series link:

✦Dragonbane (Dark-Hunter Novels) by Sherrilyn Kenyon (August 4, 2015)
►Reading in Pajamas Blog Post:
✦Pre-Order ➢ Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iBooks



✦BLOG TOUR, Review & Giveaway: Not Until You (A Loving on the Edge Novel) by Roni Loren
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✦REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: I Saw Her Standing There (A Green Mountain Romance, Book 3) by Marie Force
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✦Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: The Darkest Touch (Lords of the Underworld) by Gena Showalter
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✦Pre-Release Giveaway ~ Illusion by J. S. Cooper
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SPOTLIGHT, Review & Giveaway: Since I Saw You: A Because You Are Mine Novel by Beth Kery

Since I Saw You: A Because You Are Mine Novel by Beth Kery
Publication Date: May 6, 2014
Reviewed By: Reading In Pajamas/ Cori
Rated: 4 Stars

In the “exceptionally hot” (USA Today) Because You Are Mine, Beth Kery redefined what’s possible, what’s desirable, and what’s forbidden between a man and a woman. It’s time to go further…

When enigmatic billionaire Ian Noble sets Lin the task of “taming” his brilliant yet half-savage brother Kam Reardon, she eagerly accepts. She’s more than curious about the solitary genius and everything she’s heard about him. During their electric first meeting, her fascination increases a hundredfold. Kam practically oozes raw sex appeal. Lin is interested…very interested. But does her intense attraction and willingness to go places with him she’s never gone before in the bedroom really have to do with Kam? Or is her carefully hidden desire to blame for wanting a man she knows she can never have?

An elusive outsider, Kam avoids intimacy, yet never shies away from satisfying his erotic appetites. But there’s something different about Lin—a reserve he’s anxious to break. She’s a woman he’s eager to take his time with…and possess completely. A sophisticated beauty like her would never want him anywhere but in bed, but he finds himself unable to resist her.

Immediately Lin’s smooth facade is undone by Kam’s overwhelming masculinity and by his irresistible erotic demands—a lesson in subjugation that leaves Lin confused, reeling, and open to things she never thought possible. Now, as the unpredictable nights between them grow darker, Lin and Kam are certain of only one thing: they’re made for each other.

This is the first Beth Kery book I’ve read and I’m hooked! I’ve already bought the first 3 books and they’re waiting on my kindle app for me. Since I Saw You is the fourth book in the Because You Are Mine Series, but each book can be read as a stand alone. I loved Kam! He’s a sexy mix of reclusive genius and hot alpha male. Kam and Lin’s story was explosive. Lin is woman who always plans everything down to the last detail and is always fully in control. Kam’s erotic dominance and demands break down all her walls and inhabitations. I really enjoyed their story and recommend this book for anyone looking for a well written and scorching hot erotica romance.

*Review copy provided by Berkley/NAL in exchange for an honest review.

Kindle $7.99 | Amazon Paperback $9.99 | B&N (Paperback $9.59/ Nook $9.99) | Kobo $9.99

20140507-082547.jpg✿FACEBOOK PAPERBACK GIVEAWAY: Winner receives a paperback copy of Since I Saw You: A Because You Are Mine Novel by Beth Kery. To enter just go to the Facebook post on our page and comment. Winner will be announced today (5/7) by 5PM Central.
Go to this Facebook Post to Comment and Enter:

✿Because You Are Mine Series by Beth Kery✿

SINCE I SAW YOU, available 5/6/14
By Beth Kery

“I thought you were sleeping,” she said softly, her voice thick with relaxation.

“I’m awake.”

She turned her head fully and saw his stare on her. He certainly was. His facial muscles looked relaxed in comparison to how rigid they’d been when he’d been inside her—pounding, pulsing, demanding—but his gaze was sharp and alert. He kept her hand in his grasp and moved it to her waist, his arm draping her.

“You may have fried half my brain cells just now, but I don’t want to sleep. Not yet,” he muttered thickly in his rough, French-accented voice. Her heart throbbed back to life. Had there been a thread of suggestiveness in his tone? He moved the pad of his thumb over her wrist in a gentle quest. “I wanted you so much, I never got a chance to appreciate you. I was too busy combusting.”

She swallowed, feeling the weight of her pearls on her Adam’s apple.

“I certainly felt appreciated,” she assured.

A smile flickered across his lips as he continued to touch her wrist. “Still, it was hardly a savoring experience. More like a gorge-fest.”

She returned his grin, warmed by the laughter in his eyes. The pad of his thumb moved subtly on her wrist.

“Are you feeling my pulse? When you touch me there?” she murmured.

Their faces were only inches apart. She could clearly see the black ring that surrounded his irises and flecks of midnight in the silvery-gray of his eyes. His eyelashes were surprisingly thick for a man, further highlighting his magnetic gaze.


“You’re using your knowledge of biology, the same knowledge you used to make your biofeedback mechanisms, in order to read me?”

“The human body has a language all its own,” he said, still feathering her pulse with his thumb. “It’s usually more honest than the kind that comes out of a person’s mouth.”

“What’s my body telling you right now?” she whispered, unable to stop herself from asking.

His gaze moved slowly down over her chest. She felt his stare on her breasts like a touch. She shifted restlessly an inch or two, increasing her contact with his body. Her shoulder pressed against a dense pectoral muscle. She inhaled deeply, making her breasts rise. Her nipples tightened beneath his weighty stare.

“The leap in your pulse along with the increase in your muscle tension could mean anxiety. Or it could mean you’re heating again.”
He glanced up into her face and caught the burn in her cheeks. His gaze had grown heavy-lidded, somehow both satiated and aroused at once.

Heating again. How aptly put.

“In combination with the rest of the signs,” he said with a quick glance at her erect nipples, “I’d opt for the latter, though. Am I right?”

She licked at her lower lip nervously. “I think it might mean both anxiety and . . . the other thing.”

He released her wrist and cupped her waist, his large, warm hand and long fingers stretching from back to belly.

“What are you anxious about?” he growled softly.

“I don’t think Ian would approve of this, for one.”

His nostrils flared slightly. “He sent you to me, didn’t he? What right has he got to complain if we like each other? What’s it got to do with him?”

Posted by arrangement with Berkley Books, a member of Penguin Group (USA) LLC, A Penguin Random House Company. Copyright © Beth Kery, 2014.

Beth Kery lives in Chicago where she juggles the demands of her career, her love of the city and the arts, and a busy family life. Her writing ftoday reflects her passion for all of the above. She is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Because You Are Mine. Find out more about Beth and her books at and