Excerpt Reveal & Giveaway: WAIT by A. L. Jackson


WAIT (A Bleeding Stars Stand-Alone Novel) by A.L. Jackson

Publication Date: August 23, 2016


ALJackson-WaitBookCover5x8_BW_HIGHFrom NYT & USA Today bestselling author comes a new Bleeding Stars stand-alone novel…

She is his strength and he is her weakness. And this time he won’t let her go.

Edie Evans is gorgeous.



She’s also the definition of off-limits.

But that didn’t stop me from sneaking into her room to comfort her at night.

But guys like me? We destroy everything, so it should have been no surprise when I destroyed us, too.

The night I sent her running, I thought I’d never see her again.

Until I saw her standing like a vision in the crowd.

Austin Stone is dangerous.



He broke my heart and I refused to give him the chance to do it again.

It’s been years since I’ve seen him, and now I can’t do anything but stare at the gorgeous, tattooed man playing onstage. I should run. I know I should. But like a fool, I run straight back to him.

Our desire is overpowering.
Our need unrelenting.

She is my hope.
He is my weakness.

We should have known a passion this intense would burn us right into the ground.



Pre-Order on iBooks and get it a day early!

Be notified as soon as WAIT goes live everywhere August 23, 2016 





I gripped the railing as if it might propel me forward. Instead, my footsteps faltered and slowed. I stood facing away, my back heaving as his consuming presence swarmed over me from behind.

“Please.” This time it was a whisper. A plea.


Slowly I turned.


He’d always been my weakness.

Austin stood at the end of the walkway, just outside the reach of the lights, his body obscured in shadows.

Even larger than I’d imagined when I’d first seen him up on stage.

So foreign.

So familiar.

My heart ached. Because I was looking at the boy who’d been my best friend. The one person who I’d thought would completely understand. One who wouldn’t judge or make it hurt more than it already did.

He’d been my safety.

My haven.

Until he’d dragged me right back into hell.

“Why are you here?” My words cracked. “H-h-how…how did you find me?”

I saw the shake of his head, and he took a single step forward, out of the shadows and into the glow of the single lamp attached high on the exterior wall that lit the way.

It hit him like a spotlight.

The boy was so beautiful.

It was a threatening kind of beauty, a whorl of mystery and pain, sharp lines and corded muscle.

It almost dropped me to my knees.

He fisted his hands at his sides. The question was strained, hard as it pressed from his mouth. “You believe in fate, Edie?”

Old grief I’d bottled for so long burst. It came out as some kind of maniacal cry. Incredulous. Oozing disbelief. “After everything that happened…that’s what you’re going to ask me?”


“Do you have any idea how badly you hurt me?” I cut him off, my own hands fisting as I took a single step forward.  “The damage you caused? Careless words, Austin. So fucking careless, thrown out there without a single thought to the repercussions, without any consideration of how they would affect me. How they would change my life. You promised.” My brow twisted with the accusation. “And now you have the nerve to stand there and ask me if I believe in fate?”

I swallowed hard, shook my head. “You can go to straight to hell, Austin Stone.”

He laughed, but there was zero humor behind it. “Come on, Edie. You can do better than that, can’t you? Considering you know hell is where I’ve been all along, and you and I both know I deserve so much worse. And yeah…those words were reckless, but you know they weren’t heedless. You couldn’t expect me to just stand there. Not with him. Not with what he was saying. Implying. I couldn’t.” The last cracked on the emphasis.

I felt as if every cell in my body was being crushed. Squeezed so tight there was no chance but for everything to implode.

“And because you lost it, I lost it all. You. My home. My future.”

His big hands fisted. “I know. I…I fucked it up, Edie. Warned you, I always fuck it up.”

But what he failed to say was he’d promised he wouldn’t fuck it up with me.

I couldn’t tell if I was relieved or terrified when Jed suddenly rounded the corner. His sister, Blaire, was hot on his heels.

“Edie,” Jed gushed out in relief when he saw me. He came to a stop a few steps behind Austin.

As if he’d just stepped into the bristling intensity and it tripped up his feet.

The stand-off.

The war.

Austin standing there? I knew that’s exactly what this was going to be.

“What the hell is going on here?” Jed demanded. His voice twisted into a threat. He glared at the back of Austin’s head, worried eyes flicking to me, hardening when they snapped back to Austin.

Blaire tugged at his arm. “Jed…I told you to give her a minute. Sometimes you need to let people sort out their own issues.”

Jed just grunted and shrugged off her arm.

Refusing to budge.

Austin swung his head to look behind him. When he did, his face shifted to the side, all those hard, beautiful lines exposed in profile, his expression winding into a bitter sneer. “Nah, man. All’s good here. Just telling an old friend hi. Isn’t that right, Edie?”

Aggression curled between them.

Alive and raging.

Jed was a burly, beefy, hulk of a man, a full beard covering most of his face, his brown hair cut short at the sides and longer on top.

Had I ever imagined him and Austin going toe to toe, I would have put all my money on Jed.

Now I wasn’t so sure.

Jed lifted his chin, as if for the moment he was standing down, turning to me as his tone softened. “You okay, Edie?”

I nodded. “Yeah, I’m okay.”

Lie. Lie. Lie.

I was shaken to my core.

“I just want to go home.” It left me on a desperate breath.

Jed pushed around Austin and stalked my way. “All right, let’s get you out of here.”

As she passed by Austin, Blaire cast a searching glance in his direction, before her attention flickered over to me, a ton of worried questions moving across her expression.

Questions I didn’t know if I had the strength to answer.

With an arm wound around my shoulder, Jed spun me, breaking the spell Austin had me under, and tucked me into his side.

Protecting and shielding.

He began to lead me away, down the planks and toward his car waiting in the parking lot out front.

With each step we took, I could feel the heat of Austin’s stare. That burning intensity I wasn’t sure I could ever escape.

The hurt and hatred.

It was a hatred I couldn’t tell who it was directed at.

If it was aimed at him or me or the rest of the world that had threatened to choke the life out of us.

The world we were supposed to take on together.

Just as we started to round the corner, I paused because I just couldn’t stop myself, turned to look back at the man who stood there staring back at me.

Emotion gripped his expression just as tight as the clench of his fists.

Hard and tortured.

As if I was the one inflicting the pain.

I choked down the sorrow that rose like a cyclone, spinning and spinning, whipping up the old affection that longed for that soft, understanding boy to take me in his arms and sing in my ear.


I searched inside myself for the shelter that secured my heart. The flimsy cover I wore that just barely kept me together. I forced myself to speak the words I knew would drive him away, as much of a lie as they were. “And for the record…no, Austin, I definitely don’t believe in fate.”




Coach Wristlet + A Stone in the Sea & Drowning to Breathe Duet Signed Set

a Rafflecopter giveaway


About the Author

aljacksonphotoA.L. Jackson is the New York Times & USA Today Bestselling author of contemporary romance. She writes emotional, sexy, heart-filled stories about boys who usually like to be a little bit bad.

Her bestselling series include THE REGRET SERIES, CLOSER TO YOU, as well as the newest BLEEDING STARS novels. Watch for the next installments, WAIT and STAY, coming in 2016.

If she’s not writing, you can find her hanging out by the pool with her family, sipping cocktails with her friends, or of course with her nose buried in a book.

Be sure not to miss new releases and sales from A.L. Jackson – Sign up to receive her newsletter http://bit.ly/NewsFromALJackson or text “jackson” to 96000 to receive short but sweet updates on all the important news.

 Connect with A.L. Jackson online: www.aljacksonauthor.com

Snapchat: aljacksonauthor



Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Drowning to Breathe by A. L. Jackson


 Drowning to Breathe

by A. L. Jackson


The danger in pretending is it becoming real…

Sebastian Stone, Sunder front man and guitarist with a rap sheet about ten miles long, escaped to Savannah, Georgia, to get away from the trouble he’d caused.

Not find more of it.

The moment he saw Shea Bentley, he saw beneath all her sweet and innocence to something that went deeper.

Their relationship was built on secrets; their love built on lies.

Sebastian never imagined how deep her secrets went.

When the past and present collide, Sebastian and Shea find themselves fighting for a future neither believed they deserved. Their passion is consuming and their need unending.

Now, holding the truth in his hands, Sebastian is faced with sacrificing everything he’s come to love to protect Shea and his family.

Two pasts intertwined.

Two lives bound.

Will their demons drown them or will Shea and Sebastian finally learn to breathe?




He wanted nothing at all…
Until he found she had everything to give…
Sunder lead singer and guitarist Sebastian Stone has
everything—fans, fame, and fortune. He also has a heart full of bitterness and
a reputation for a short-fused temper. But an outward reputation rarely reveals
the true man inside. Facing assault charges after trying to protect his younger
brother, Sebastian is sent to Savannah, Georgia to lie low until the dust
settles in L.A.
Shea Bentley is beautiful, kind, and hiding from the very
lifestyle Sebastian has always embraced.
When the mysterious, tattooed stranger begins hanging out at the
bar where she works, Shea is quick to recognize he is nothing but trouble, but
she’s helpless to the way her body lights up every time his intense gray eyes
tangle with hers.
They both soon find themselves drowning in a sea of desire and
passion that won’t let them up for air.
Sebastian knows firsthand secrets never die, and he’s not the only
one who’s hiding them.

Loving someone always comes with a price. But will it be Shea’s
past that costs them everything?



 iBooks | Amazon | B&N


a Rafflecopter giveaway


A.L. Jackson is the New York Times bestselling author of contemporary and new adult romance.

She first found a love for writing during her days as a young mother and college student. She filled the journals she carried with short stories and poems used as an emotional outlet for the difficulties and joys she found in day-to-day life.

Years later, she shared a short story she’d been working on with her two closest friends and, with their encouragement, this story became her first full length novel. A.L. now spends her days writing in Southern Arizona where she lives with her husband and three children.

Connect with A.L. Jackson online:www.aljacksonauthor.com

To stay up to date with important news on A.L. Jackson, including new releases, sales, and exclusive specials and excerpts, text “jackson” to 96000 to subscribe!

Cover Reveal: A Stone in the Sea by A.L. Jackson

We are excited to share the cover of this brand new series. Check it out and b sure to enter the rafflecopter. If you’d like to try out one of A.L. Jackson she has a freebie available on Amazon & iBooks you can grab. Info at the bottom of this post. /Cori
by A.L. Jackson
A Stone in the Sea will Release on Feb 23


He wanted nothing at all…
Until he found she had everything to give…
Sunder lead singer and guitarist Sebastian Stone has
everything—fans, fame, and fortune. He also has a heart full of bitterness and
a reputation for a short-fused temper. But an outward reputation rarely reveals
the true man inside. Facing assault charges after trying to protect his younger
brother, Sebastian is sent to Savannah, Georgia to lie low until the dust
settles in L.A.
Shea Bentley is beautiful, kind, and hiding from the very
lifestyle Sebastian has always embraced.
When the mysterious, tattooed stranger begins hanging out at the
bar where she works, Shea is quick to recognize he is nothing but trouble, but
she’s helpless to the way her body lights up every time his intense gray eyes
tangle with hers.
They both soon find themselves drowning in a sea of desire and
passion that won’t let them up for air.

Sebastian knows firsthand secrets never die, and he’s not the only
one who’s hiding them.
Loving someone always comes with a price. But will it be Shea’s
past that costs them everything?
Get a first look at A Stone in the Sea with Chapter 1 & 2 revealed on these blogs:


a Rafflecopter giveaway

A.L. Jackson is the New York Times bestselling author of Take This Regret and Lost to You, as well as other contemporary romance titles, including Come to Me Quietly, Come to Me Softly, Pulled, When We Collide, and If Forever Comes.

She first found a love for writing during her days as a young mother and college student. She filled the journals she carried with short stories and poems used as an emotional outlet for the difficulties and joys she found in day-to-day life.

Years later, she shared a short story she’d been working on with her two closest friends and, with their encouragement, this story became her first full length novel. A.L. now spends her days writing in Southern Arizona where she lives with her husband and three children. Her favorite pastime is spending time with the ones she loves.


To stay up to date with important news on A.L. Jackson, including new releases, sales, and exclusive specials and excerpts, text “jackson” to 96000 to subscribe!


✦FREE ➢ Lost to You (The Regret Series Book 1) by A.L. Jackson
Kindle: http://geni.us/2m1n
iBooks: http://geni.us/3Z6v
Kindle & iBooks Only




*This list will be pinned to the top of our FB page and updates will be made throughout the week. Buy links for Amazon Global, B&N, Kobo, and Paperbacks. Genre codes included with titles. Key to codes listed at the bottom of the list.

✦Hollywood on Tap by Avery Flynn #CR ➢ $0.99 Kindle http://geni.us/3C0k | B&N http://bit.ly/1rNYzz1 | Kobo http://bit.ly/10fmhOy
✦Love at First Roar (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Werebear Romance) (Grayslake Book 4) by Celia Kyle #PNR ➢ $4.99 Kindle http://geni.us/1K4g | B&N http://bookbit.ly/firstroarbn | Kobo http://bit.ly/1tEfCcq

✦Not Until You (A Loving on the Edge Novel) by Roni Loren #ER #CR (Cori 4.5 Stars) ➢ Kindle http://geni.us/I6H | Amazon PBK $11.92 http://amzn.to/1wTGaX5 | B&N http://bit.ly/1rS1aJj | iTunes http://bit.ly/1rxkSZP | Kobo http://bit.ly/1u3a9xN
✦Caged in Winter by Brighton Walsh #NA #CR (Cori 5 Stars) ➢ Amazon http://geni.us/3F8P | B&N http://bit.ly/1vcTXIu | Kobo http://bit.ly/1sRrSGf | iBooks http://geni.us/4DJk
✦I Saw Her Standing There (A Green Mountain Romance, Book 3) by Marie Force #CR (Cori 4 Stars) ➢ Kindle $5.99 http://geni.us/2IzJ | Amazon PBK $6 http://geni.us/1xov | B&N (PBK $7.99/ Nook $5.99) http://bit.ly/1rNjrq9 | Kobo $7.99 http://bit.ly/1qlCM2a
✦Romancing the Billionaire (Billionaire Boys Club Novel Book 5) by Jessica Clare #CR ➢ Kindle $4.27 http://geni.us/3fTH | Amazon PBK $7.19 http://geni.us/1PTZ | B&N (PBK $7.99/ Nook $4.27 http://bit.ly/1ujPdmf | Kobo $4.99 http://bit.ly/1GaIWwq
✦The Affair: Week 8 by Beth Kery #ER #CR (Cori 5 Stars) ➢ $1.99 Kindle http://geni.us/3jCJ | B&N http://bit.ly/1wXgDfy | Kobo http://bit.ly/10KWjDs
✦Midnight Action: A Killer Instincts Novel by Elle Kennedy #RS #CR ➢ Kindle $5.99 http://geni.us/3RoV | Amazon PBK $6 http://geni.us/1Xy9 | B&N $7.99 http://bit.ly/10d8CqZ | Kobo $7.99 http://bit.ly/1wURF1f
✦Spice (A Sugar and Spice Novel) by Seressia Glass #NA #CR ➢ Kindle $7.99 http://geni.us/hWV | Amazon PBK $11.47 http://geni.us/SRY | B&N (PBK $11.47/ Nook $9.99) http://bit.ly/1zqelZQ | Kobo $9.99 http://bit.ly/10f2u1N
✦Dirty Rowdy Thing (Wild Seasons) by Christina Lauren #CR ➢ Kindle $7.59 http://geni.us/3oOw | Amazon PBK $11.40 http://geni.us/2RnC | B&N (PBK $11.51/ Nook $7.99) http://bit.ly/1pg5G9b | Kobo $7.99 http://bit.ly/1udhF8F
✦Edge of Betrayal: An Edge Novel by Shannon K. Butcher #RS #CR ➢ Kindle $7.99 http://geni.us/1ZWr | Amazon PBK $7.99 http://geni.us/1wWD | B&N $7.99 http://bit.ly/1udj5A9 | Kobo $7.99 http://bit.ly/1tvWGwy
✦What a Woman Gets (A Manley Maids Novel) by Judi Fennell #CR ➢ Kindle $5.99 http://geni.us/2WH1 | Amazon PBK $7.99 http://geni.us/cSa | B&N $7.99 http://bit.ly/1wUJ5B7 | Kobo $7.99 http://bit.ly/1wUJiUW
✦When We Met by A. L. Jackson, Molly McAdams, Tiffany King and Christina Lee #CR ➢ Kindle $5.12 http://geni.us/QAm | Amazon PBK $10.50 http://geni.us/3ucC | B&N (PBK $10.50/ Nook $5.99) http://bit.ly/1EbfofZ | Kobo http://bit.ly/1A06kMt
✦Wild Nights: The Justiss Alliance Series by Tina Wainscott #CR #RS ➢ $2.99 Kindle http://geni.us/2e9H | B&N http://bit.ly/1wUZVhG | Kobo http://bit.ly/1zqhtFb
✦No Matter What (The Billionaire Bargains) by Erin Nicholas #CR ➢ Kindle $1.99 http://geni.us/IvK | B&N $4.99 http://bit.ly/1A09vDI | Kobo $1.99 http://bit.ly/1wV1pJ5
✦What to Do with a Bad Boy (The McCauley Brothers) by Marie Harte #CR ➢ Kindle $6.15 http://geni.us/3XuM | Amazon PBK $7.99 http://geni.us/19Ji | B&N (PBK $7.99/ Nook $7.49) http://bit.ly/1ujZvCU | Kobo $7.19 http://bit.ly/1ttj6wL
✦Elusive Hero: Invitation to Eden (Vampire Queen Series Book 12) by Joey Hill #PNR #ER ➢ $2.99 Kindle http://geni.us/41hv | B&N http://bit.ly/1wVaeAs | Kobo http://bit.ly/1wV3FA1
✦Polar Bared: Anti-Hero, BIG Bear Romance (Kodiak Point Book 3) by Eve Langlais #PNR ➢ $3.99 Kindle http://geni.us/3fbe | B&N http://bit.ly/1wXsNVK | Kobo http://bit.ly/1A0eyUX
✦Her Lone Wolf (X-Ops) by Paige Tyler #PNR ➢ Kindle $6.15 http://geni.us/gtQ | Amazon PBK $7.99 http://geni.us/at2 | B&N (PBK $7.99/ Nook $7.49) http://bit.ly/1pg7ZJs | Kobo $7.19 http://bit.ly/1wq94iw
✦Little Boxes by Celia J. Anderson #CR ➢ $4.99 Kindle http://geni.us/1bLd | Other Stores: http://celiajanderson.co.uk/books/little-boxes/

✿Link to Previous Weekly Release Lists: http://bit.ly/1jz5V8S

#CR – Contemporary Romance
#PNR – Paranormal Romance
#RS – Romantic Suspense
#NA – New Adult Romance
#ER – Erotica Romance
#YA – Young Adult Romance
#UF – Urban Fantasy Romance
#FR – Fantasy Romance
#HR – Historical Romance
#SFR – Science Fiction Romance



✦Captivated by You by Sylvia Day (November 18, 2014) http://amzn.to/1p3M3LU
►Read Excerpt ➢ http://www.sylviaday.com/books/captivated-by-you/#excerpt
✦ #1: Bared to You – http://amzn.to/1fLqj6l
✦ #2: Reflected in You – http://amzn.to/1fLqtef
✦ #3: Entwined with You – http://amzn.to/13ULRcr
✦ #4: Captivated by You – http://amzn.to/1p3M3LU

✦Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: The Darkest Touch (Lords of the Underworld) by Gena Showalter http://wp.me/p3d0RZ-1Fm
Publication Date: November 25, 2014
Rated: 5 Stars
►Enter Rafflecopter ➢ http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/275e66a326/
✦Pre-Order Links:
Kindle $6.59 http://geni.us/1OAm
Amazon PBK $6.79 http://geni.us/3M2M
B&N (PBK $7.99/ Nook $7.49) http://bit.ly/1q8Oa0u
iBooks $7.99 http://geni.us/3SDO
Amazon Series link: http://amzn.to/1BeEQRl

✦Dragonbane (Dark-Hunter Novels) by Sherrilyn Kenyon (August 4, 2015)
►Reading in Pajamas Blog Post: http://wp.me/p3d0RZ-1EP
✦Pre-Order ➢ Amazon http://geni.us/35Ae | B&N http://bit.ly/1vsq48A | Kobo http://bit.ly/1r4xIOR | iBooks http://smarturl.it/osgcii



✦BLOG TOUR, Review & Giveaway: Not Until You (A Loving on the Edge Novel) by Roni Loren http://wp.me/p3d0RZ-1Im
►Enter Rafflecopter ➢ http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/208eb8ed969/

✦REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: I Saw Her Standing There (A Green Mountain Romance, Book 3) by Marie Force http://wp.me/p3d0RZ-1I7
►Enter Rafflecopter ➢ http://tinyurl.com/ldydqz8

✦Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: The Darkest Touch (Lords of the Underworld) by Gena Showalter http://wp.me/p3d0RZ-1Fm
►Enter Rafflecopter ➢ http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/275e66a326/

✦Pre-Release Giveaway ~ Illusion by J. S. Cooper
►Enter $100 GC Rafflecopter ➢ http://jscooperauthor.com/2014/10/illusion-prerelease-giveaway-win-a-100-amazon-giftcard/​




RELEASE DAY BLITZ, Review & Giveaway: Come to Me Softly: The Closer to You Series by A. L. Jackson


Happy Release Day to A.L Jackson as we celebrate her new book Come to Me Softly!!

CTMS Release Celebration Facebook Banner



From the New York Times bestselling author of Come to Me Quietly comes

a scorching new adult romance in the Closer to You series.


A second chance at life…

A second chance at love…


Jared Holt never thought he deserved either—until he found both in the arms of Aly Moore. Aly has loved Jared for as long as she can remember, and she’s more than ready for the future they’re making together. But Jared can’t help remembering his own family. And he’ll never forgive himself for what happened to them. How can he allow himself the very happiness he once destroyed?

To live a life worthy of Aly, Jared knows he has to stop running and finally put his past to rest. But when he decides to face his demons head on, he encounters more than he bargained for: a dangerous mix of jealousy, lies, and dishonest intentions. When those intentions threaten Aly, Jared loses all control, giving into the rage that earned him his bad boy reputation years before. And he’ll fight to protect her no matter what it costs…even if he destroys himself in the process.

Come to Me Softly: The Closer to You Series, Book 2 by A. L. Jackson
Release Date: June 24, 2014
Reviewed by: Reading In Pajamas/ Dawn
Rated: 5 Stars

Never have I been so consumed by a book! This is the conclusion of The Closer to You Series. Jared has survived some dark days in his life and Aly was everything bright. They knew each other since they were little kids and Jared was Aly’s brother’s best friend. She loved him even all those years ago and now he has come back into her life after all of the emotional struggles in the first book, Come To Me Quietly. Aly has never doubted Jared was her other half, but Jared never believed he was good enough for Aly. Now he must face his past head on if he wants to even have a chance to give Aly the life he believes she deserves. His past consumed him for so many years, and it might to be the thing that destroys him. Will his past destroy them for good or is it possible that the love of the one person that completes him will be strong enough for both of them? Jared’s love for Aly was the purest thing I have ever read. I loved their story and highly recommend this series for romance lovers. It’s a beautiful love story!

*Review copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Kindle $5.12 http://georiot.co/3V9g | Amazon PBK $9.82 http://georiot.co/WA3 | B&N (PBK $9.82/ Nook $5.99) http://bit.ly/1nWAzLr | Kobo $7.99 http://bit.ly/1imsGzQ

Trailer*Enjoy the trailer created by the wonderful Becca the Bibliophile*

✿FACEBOOK PAPERBACK GIVEAWAY: Winner receives paperback copies of Come to Me Quietly and Come to Me Softly in the The Closer to You Series by A. L. Jackson. Go to Facebook post to enter. Winner will be announced Friday, June 27th by 5PM Central on Facebook.
✦FB Giveaway Post: http://fb.me/1WJEDDeJ3

Be sure to join us for the Come to Me Softly Read Along Party! We’re kicking off the celebration on June 24th with a ton of prizes, then the read along begins. Daily prizes all the way up to grand prize on July 2nd!

Grand Prize: Coach Bag stuff with A.L. Jackson Goodies!

Read Along Party Grand Prize


Join the Facebook Event


Come to Me Softly Release Celebration Giveaway!

Grand Prize: Coach Bag, Kindle Paperwhite, and A.L. Jackson Swag

Second Prize: Come to Me Quietly Custom Charm Necklace

Third Prize: A.L. Jackson Swag Pack

a Rafflecopter giveaway


REVIEW: Come to Me Quietly: The Closer to You Series by A. L. Jackson http://wp.me/p3d0RZ-Tv

come to me quietly

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes

Aleena Moore is content with her life. She has goals and dreams and an easy smile. She also has a secret she holds locked inside.

Jared Holt believes he doesn’t deserve to love or be loved. He destroys everything he touches. Haunted by the mistake that shattered his life, he’s fled from the memory of that pain.

Jared doesn’t know why he’s compelled to return, but finds himself drawn back to the place where it all began. The exact place where it ended. When he runs into his childhood best friend, Aleena’s older brother Christopher, he agrees to share Christopher and Aleena’s apartment while he looks for a place of his own.

Aleena is no longer the little girl Jared remembers from his past and evokes feelings in him he never wanted to feel again. Terrified of destroying her, he fights to keep her away. But her touch is something he can’t resist—the touch that sealed his fate.

Their pasts are intertwined and their futures uncertain. The only truths they know are the secrets they whisper in the night.


AL Jackson New Author Pic
A.L. Jackson is the New York Times bestselling author of Take This Regret and Lost to You, as well as other contemporary romance titles, including Pulled, When We Collide, If Forever Comes, and Come to Me Quietly.

She first found a love for writing during her days as a young mother and college student. She filled the journals she carried with short stories and poems used as an emotional outlet for the difficulties and joys she found in day-to-day life.

Years later, she shared a short story she’d been working on with her two closest friends and, with their encouragement, this story became her first full length novel. A.L. now spends her days writing in Southern Arizona where she lives with her husband and three children.

Look for Come to Me Softly and When We Met: Behind Her Eyes coming soon.

Instagram @aljacksonauthor
Pinterest @aljacksonauthor

WEEKLY RELEASE LIST 01/05-01/11 ✦Romance✦Paranormal Romance✦Romantic Suspense✦Erotica✦New Adult✦


*This list will be pinned to the top of our FB page and updates will be made throughout the week. Buy links for Kindle, Nook, Kobo, and Paperbacks. Amazon Global links are provided. Genre codes included with titles. Key to codes listed at the bottom of the list.

✦The Professional: Part 2 by Kresley Cole #ER #CR (Cori 5 Stars) ➢ $1.99 Kindle http://georiot.co/8Hx | Nook http://bit.ly/1dhog5n | iTunes http://bit.ly/JywwG0

✦After the Storm (A KGI Novel) by Maya Banks #RS #CR (Donna/ Cori 5 Stars) ➢ Kindle $5.99 http://georiot.co/lGQ | Amazon Paperback $4.83 http://georiot.co/1Pqz | B&N $7.99 http://bit.ly/1kg5q1g | Kobo $7.99 http://bit.ly/1cZUban
✦Dark Wolf A Carpathian Novel by Christine Feehan #PNR (Donna 4.5 Stars) ➢ Kindle $10.44 http://georiot.co/1Rin | Amazon Hardback $15.85 http://georiot.co/19bp | B&N (Hardback $15.85/ Nook $10.44) http://bit.ly/1exCsbx | Kobo $12.99 http://bit.ly/1dkBxJa
✦Come to Me Quietly: The Closer to You Series by A. L. Jackson #CR (Dawn 4 Stars) ➢ Kindle $5.12 http://georiot.co/4BHn | Amazon Paperback $10.57 http://georiot.co/1IIu | B&N (Paperback $10.54/ Nook $5.99) http://bit.ly/1fidCwY | Kobo $5.99 http://bit.ly/1ejT76u
✦Hope Flames by Jaci Burton #CR (Dawn 4 Stars) ➢ Kindle $5.99 http://georiot.co/1A0h | Amazon Paperback $5.03 http://georiot.co/2yMP | B&N (Paperback $7.99/ Nook $5.99) http://bit.ly/1lmYr9W | Kobo $7.99 http://bit.ly/JBYpwv
✦Forsaken: The World of Nightwalkers by Jacquelyn Frank #PNR (Donna 4.5 Stars) ➢ Kindle $5.99 http://georiot.co/2Anv | Amazon Paperback $5.78 http://georiot.co/3piS | B&N $7.99 http://bit.ly/19t5hIq | Kobo $7.99 http://bit.ly/19t5n30
✦Wanted: A Most Wanted Novel by J. Kenner #CR #ER (Dawn 4.5 Stars) ➢ Kindle $7.99 http://georiot.co/2UXl | Amazon Paperback $11.86 http://georiot.co/BDW | B&N (Paperback $11.08/ Nook $9.99) http://bit.ly/1bBeOYv | Kobo $9.99 http://bit.ly/1f6j220
✦His Untamed Desire: A Moon Shifter Novella by Katie Reus #PNR ➢ Kindle $2.99 http://georiot.co/22oS | Nook http://bit.ly/1dFwlmJ
✦Ruined by An Ethan Frost Novel; A Loveswept New Adult Romance by Tracy Wolff #CR #NA (Dawn 4.5 Stars) ➢ $2.99 Kindle http://georiot.co/3oco | Nook http://bit.ly/1lp1HBU
✦Cursed By Destiny: A Weird Girls Novel by Cecy Robson #SF (Cori 4 Stars) ➢ Kindle $5.99 http://georiot.co/iRz | Amazon Paperback $7.19 http://georiot.co/HAY | B&N $7.99 http://bit.ly/1eA8ALF | Kobo $7.99 http://bit.ly/1eA8HXp
✦The Last Man on Earth by Tracy Anne Warren #CR (Dawn 4 Stars) ➢ Kindle $5.99 http://georiot.co/3z40 | Amazon Paperback $7.19 http://georiot.co/Vnl | B&N $7.99 http://bit.ly/1eA93gF | Kobo $7.99 http://bit.ly/1d968i4
✦Before Jamaica Lane (Dublin Street) by Samantha Young #CR ➢ Kindle $5.99 http://georiot.co/3KNo | Amazon Paperback $11.34 http://georiot.co/2tX7 | B&N (Paperback $11.11/ Nook $5.99) http://bit.ly/1a9eq7a | Kobo $7.99 http://bit.ly/1lIWC4x
✦The Destiny of Violet & Luke (Callie & Kayden) by Jessica Sorensen #CR ➢ Kindle $2.99 http://georiot.co/2MIR | Nook $2.99 http://bit.ly/19KHxzI | Kobo $2.99 http://bit.ly/1cRSVIX
✦Lord of the Hunt by Shona Husk #PNR #SF Kindle $6.15 http://georiot.co/W7Y | Amazon Paperback $7.19 http://georiot.co/3swg | B&N (Paperback $7.99/ Nook $7.49) http://bit.ly/1f6oKkr | Kobo $6.59 http://bit.ly/JVwc3f
✦Perfect Stranger (Novella) (Serendipity’s Finest) by Carly Phillips #CR ➢ Kindle $2.99 http://georiot.co/8cK | Nook http://bit.ly/1f6pjef
✦Rome: A Marked Men Novel, Book 3 by Jay Crownover #CR #NA ➢ Kindle $4.74 http://georiot.co/2kKK | Amazon Paperback $10.67 http://georiot.co/9ud | B&N (Paperback $10.45/ Nook $4.74) http://bit.ly/JVxHON | Kobo $4.99 http://bit.ly/1bJ2t4h

✦Pushing The Line (Line Series) by Kimberly Kincaid #CR ➢ Kindle $1.99 http://georiot.co/3wjS

#CS – Contemporary Romance
#PNR – Paranormal Romance
#RS – Romantic Suspense
#NA – New Adult Romance
#ER – Erotica Romance
#YA – Young Adult Romance
#UF – Urban Fantasy Romance
#FR – Fantasy Romance
#HR – Historical Romance
#SF – Science Fiction Romance

Review: Come to Me Quietly: The Closer to You Series by A. L. Jackson

Come to Me Quietly: The Closer to You Series by A. L. Jackson
Publication Date: January 7, 2014
Reviewed by: Reading In Pajamas/ Dawn
Rated: 4 Stars



From the acclaimed bestselling author of Lost to You and When We Collide comes a New Adult novel of one woman’s obsession: a man who’s as passionate as he is elusive—and as tempting as he is trouble…

Aleena Moore is haunted by Jared Holt. It’s been six years since she’s seen her brother’s best friend, the self-destructive bad boy she secretly loved in high school. As the years pass, she knows it’s time to move on. Time to decide between a practical nursing degree and her true dream as an artist. Time to get over Jared and give another guy a chance…

Just when she opens her heart to her friend, Gabe, Aly returns home to find Jared sleeping on her couch. The teenage boy she loved has grown into a man she can’t resist. Covered in tattoos and lost in rage, he’s begging to be saved from his demons—the memories of the day he destroyed his family. As the two reconnect, their passion is hot enough to torch Aly’s judgment. But can she risk her future for a man who lives on the edge of destruction?


What a powerful story. I was not sure if I was going to like the writing style because the story switched between Aly’s point of view and Jared’s point of view. I ended up falling in love with the characters and the writing style. I have not read a story in a while that was written so realistically. My heart broke for Jared and Aly as their story was shared. Aly was in love with Jared since she was a little girl chasing him and her brother around. Jared had to deal with some serious heartache, and at times I was not sure if he would overcome his struggles. Jared was her first crush and her first love. To have them reconnect after so many years was truly moving. I look forward to reading more books by this author.

*ARC provided by Berkley/NAL and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Kindle $5.12 | Amazon Paperback $10.57 | B&N (Paperback $10.54/ Nook $5.99) | Kobo $5.99