COVER REVEAL & GIVEAWAY – Tapout by J.C. Valentine

Cover Reveal


Book Title: Tapout
Author: JC Valentine
Genre: New Adult Romance
Release Date: July 8, 2014
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

History brought them together. Circumstances may them apart.
Alyson Blake’s past left her with scars. Scars that she tried to fix the only way she knew how—by helping others. But actions have consequences, and Alyson is about to find out that being naïve is no excuse.
Fighting is Jamison Weston’s passion. Alyson is his obsession. Despite the past and a few lingering concerns, their relationship is as solid as ever. Until a shocking lie is uncovered and all of his plans begin to unravel. Now, Jami is rushing to pick up the pieces, but as relationships are put to the test, will he be strong enough to keep it together, or will it all just fall apart?
Tonight, as Alyson left the locker room with her gym bag hitched over her shoulder, she came to a sudden stop, the breath sucked from her lungs.
“What is all this?” she breathed, noting the soft amber glow of flickering candles creating a path leading to the boxing ring at the far end of the room where Jami stood waiting. He was dressed in crisp black slacks, a black tie, and a white button up, holding a single red rose at his side. His hair was damp from a recent shower, and the smile he wore was heart-stopping.
Following the given path, she stepped carefully over the crimson rose petals, reaching out to take Jami’s hand so he could pull her into the ring.
“This,” he said, exchanging her gym bag for the rose, “is me attempting to romance you.”
Tapout Teaser 1
Meet the Author
Best selling author J.C. Valentine is the alter-ego of Brandi Salazar, whose enjoyment of tales of romance spurred her to branch out and create her own.
She lives in the Northwest with her husband, their wild children, and far too many pets. As a university student, she studies literature, which goes well with her dream of becoming an editor. Brandi entertains a number of hobbies including reading and photography, but her first love is writing fiction-in all its forms.
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